Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 45: Explosion: "Open the window!"



Lin Wen closed his eyes, but felt a weight on his arm in a daze, which made Lin Wen, who had not woken up yet, subconsciously want to move his arm.

With a whimper, Lin Wen felt as if he had touched something in his hand.

It's round... a bit wrinkled, like touching a sphere covered with a layer of armor.

Armor... Armor?

Wait... a sphere? What milk... not right, sphere?

Thinking of something, Lin Wen woke up in an instant, and then quickly opened his eyes.

No... not really touching it.

Then, he looked face to face at Kai'Sa who was resting on his arm.

"wake up?"


Nodding, then, his eyes shifted from Kai'Sa's face to the position of his hand.


After thinking too much, he touched Kai'Sa's shoulder.

Also, in this position of lying sideways in his arms, if you want to touch the ball, the hand position must be awkward, so you can still touch the ball in this L and J position, if you say it is unintentional, That must be all a lie.

That's all intentional!

Some disappointment pouted.

Although on the one hand he was afraid of angering Kai'Sa, Lin Wen was a little disappointed by something he really didn't touch.

"What expression, it's because of me, so you didn't sleep, okay?"

Seeing Lin Wen's face in the morning, Kaisha asked subconsciously.

Saying that, Kai'Sa raised her head, no longer resting on Lin Wen's arm.

Speaking of which... she seems to have really pressed Lin Wen.

Kai'Sa didn't sleep all night. Sleep is not a necessity for Kai'Sa. She can not sleep. Therefore, Kai'Sa quietly watched Lin Wen fall asleep last night.

"No, I slept well."

Lin Wen also raised his head, shook it immediately, and said softly to Kai'Sa.

"Oh, then I'm going to get up now." Kaisha said, about to get up.

"I'm a little hungry."

Kai'Sa was already hungry, and in the morning, it was time for breakfast.

She is used to being able to eat full every day, so she doesn't have to worry about being hungry at all.

On Shurima, the skin would start to tingle every few days, and Kai'Sa was about to start eating, but after arriving in Zaun, the skin's temper became better and better, unless Kai'Sa woke it up, Otherwise, it will stay asleep forever.


Lin Wen suddenly reached out and stopped Kai'Sa.

"Why don't you just lie down for a while? After all, it's still very early."

Kaisha: "?"

Kaisha: (...)

He looked down at Lin Wen with a puzzled expression. She didn't know what Lin Wen meant, but, well, Kai'Sa did not reject Lin Wen's request.

Silently lying down again, Kaisha leaned against Lin Wen.

Lin Wen hurriedly lay down, coughed, and muttered, "Since Zhuo Lang was not at home this morning, let's take care of breakfast..."

Before Lin Wen could finish her words, Kaisha interrupted her and said in confusion, "Didn't you say you want to sleep for a while?"

"No, I just want to chat with you more."

Kaisha was suddenly silent: "..."

Mainly, Lin Wen has become so weird lately.

Not yesterday, not the day before yesterday, but recently, Lin Wendu has become very strange.

I used to haunt him by myself, but now it seems to be the other way around?

Kai'Sa remembered that when she was unfamiliar with Zaan before, she subconsciously regarded Lin Wen as the backbone. Lin Wen would follow Kai'Sa when he walked there. After a long time, Lin Wen pretended to dislike it. He said that Kai'Sa is a little follower. After hearing this, he burst out with joy. After learning the meaning of the follower, Kai'Sa was annoyed for a while.

But now... how did Lin Wen become his own follower?

"Why are you acting like a follower lately?"

After sniffing, Kai'Sa said directly what she thought of, and this is Kai'Sa's character.

"Me? I'm a follower?" Lin Wen pointed to his face and turned to look at Kai'Sa in astonishment, "Is there any?"

"Always talk to each other about some things, and always like to follow each other's side. Don't you say this is a follower?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, follower... My follower and your follower may not mean the same thing.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain, looking at Kai'Sa's expression, Lin Wen suddenly realized: "Are you taking revenge..."

Leaning on his side, Kaisha smiled at Lin Wen, showing a small tiger tooth, "I hate bugs, you said I was a bug before, but now I'm back."

Lin Wen paused for a while, and then laughed.

"In a few days, the two cities are going to build academies, do you want to go and have a look?"

"What does the academy do? Bang Bang seems to be in the academy."

"Yes, don't underestimate Bakuba, she will be the dean at that time, a dean who is less than 18 years old..." Lin Wen was surprised when he said it himself, but thinking that the capable ones will come first, although Bakuba is young , but like Ike, he is a genius, and Ike's talent in weapons is not as good as explosion.

No, it should be said that in the entire Shuangcheng, there is no one who can make weapons that are more explosive than others.

Zaun's current weapons have all gone through the explosive hands of her own research and development.

Hex spears, laser barrel guns, hex knives, and protective hex shields, and now...she's making weapons like bazookas in a world dominated by magic.

"As for the academy, it is a place to impart knowledge, a place for people to learn, doesn't Shurima have it?"

"Our poor stomachs are almost running out of food. How can we have the money to build a college?"

Kaisha rolled her eyes at Lin Wen, "The knowledge of hunting is taught by adults, my father... He taught me the knowledge of shepherding."

Hearing Kaisha talking about this, Lin Wen thought of something, and subconsciously said to Kaisha: "Father... Father, he is actually..."

"Wait, what's your name father?"

Kai'Sa looked at Lin Wen strangely.

Lin Wen paused.

Almost exposed my mind!

Immediately coughing, Lin Wen planned to say something about Kassadin.

Now, should Kassadin still be in the void? Or is it already out? But anyway, Kassadin has been looking for Kai'Sa.

He has the ability to walk in the void, has extremely powerful space magic, and has anti-magic properties due to mutations, but Kassadin, who has such strength, has never stopped one day. He always believes in it. Because Kai'Sa is still alive, for this reason, he shuttles in the underground world every day, walking at the intersection of the two worlds.

It was not easy to say before, and it was not easy to explain.

After saying it, Kaisha asked how Lin Wen knew, what did Lin Wen have to say? How to explain to Kaisha?

Said he had seen Kassadin?

At that time, I really saw Kassadin Benting. If Dingding said he didn't have it, what would Lin Wen do?

Kai'Sa has a good character and she's very bearable, but she hates people cheating on her.

It can be seen from the fact that she never lies.

However, things are different now. In the eyes of those close to him, Lin Wen is an omniscient person, and this ability to know everything, everyone thinks it is the ability bestowed by the goddess Janna to Lin Wen, but Actually... Janna is wronged!

She is a house girl herself, and she lives in Zaan as a blue bird all year round. A guy who doesn't go out very much, how could she know so many things?

"Yes, it's not my father, your father he..."

"call out!"

Just when Lin Wen was halfway through speaking, Kai'Sa's expression became wrong.

Outside, a super loud sound of breaking the air rang out.

There is a window, but the sound insulation effect of the window is zero for the two people with excellent hearing.

Because of this, when Kai'Sa heard this voice, she said habitually: "The explosion is coming, it's time to change shifts."


Kai'Sa was about to sit up, but the next moment was pulled by a panicked Lin Wenyi.

" hurts!"

With a little force, the muscles were sore that Lin Wensi took a deep breath, but successfully pulled Kasha into his arms.

Half hugging Kai'Sa, Lin Wen pressed against her and whispered, "Don't go, if she sees you and me in the same bed, she will make trouble!"


Kai'Sa felt the heat from Lin Wen and answered, but at the same time, she was stunned for a moment.

So close, so close... this, so close!

Subconsciously, Kai'Sa wanted to push Lin Wen away.

It would be strange to be so close to Lin Wen.

"You'll understand later, but listen to me now, stay here honestly, and don't make a sound."

"Do you understand?"

Kai'Sa was still puzzled, but nodded: "Okay, I'll be Lin Wen sat up, looked straight ahead, then put his hand beside him, and pressed him across the quilt. on Kasha.

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The place where the hand touched was Kai'Sa's waist.

Fine...really fine.

At the same time, it was only ten seconds before the explosion had arrived.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The upper body is wearing black cropped short sleeves, revealing a white and beautiful but muscular belly, and a brown over-waist khaki fabric jacket is also put on, and the lower body is simple black cropped trousers, with a step on his feet. What he was wearing were his iconic iron boots, and at this time, Bang Bang was flying outside Lin Wen's window, facing the glass, Bang Bang pouted, stretched out his hands and pulled the window hard.

Why can't it be turned on!

In the early morning, when Wei was still slumbering and drooling, Bakuba-sama, who had worked so hard to come here, immediately frowned.

She obviously said last night that she would walk through the window.

Why does Lin Wen still lock the windows!

Is this exploding me? Is this the explosion-proof device that Lin Wen mentioned?

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Open the window!"

"Lin Wen?"

"Lin Wen!"

"What are you pretending to be sitting there, come over and open the window, I'll take care of you duck."

"Hey, are you sitting and sleeping now?"

Lin Wen calmly looked at the window.

next moment.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Outside the window, the girl with her hair tied into two **** was standing on the hex fly with her legs spread apart, and then she was pulling at the window with both hands.

That action...

Very cute!

Blast: ???????

Explosion: "?"

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