Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 50: Li Weck

On March 18, after a lapse of one month, the Shuangcheng ushered in another lively few days.

The last time it was so lively was on Twin Cities Day.

Now, the port city where the two continents meet - Piltover.

People in Picheng have been discussing one thing recently, and that is how to do it so that they can send their children to Shuangcheng University for further study.

This building that sits in a wealthy area and occupies an amazing area has now completely attracted the attention of all Picheng people.

Not only the noble families in Piltover are paying attention, but even the ordinary families in Piltover are also paying attention to this matter.

Congressman Mel announced on the Hex radio that the Twin Cities University, with Heimerdinger as the principal, Singed as the vice-principal, and super icon Seraphine as the music and dance teacher, has begun enrolling students!

No background, no tuition fees, as long as you have a good craft and are a talented young man who is proficient in a certain aspect, then you can try it out, as long as you pass the exam of Shuangcheng University, then you will Be a student of Shuangcheng University and receive the best education from the two cities!

This is a big blessing for the ordinary family in Piltover!

You must know that although Picheng University was open to geniuses in the past, it had various requirements, such as background, which must be good, and money.

The high tuition fees of Picheng University do not know how many families have been dismissed.

But now, Twin Cities University is free!

Yes, Twin Cities University does not require tuition!

If you get something for free, you will earn it. Picheng people know this best.

After all, there is no one in this world who is better at doing business than the people of Picheng.

Not to mention, this is a school in which Professor Heimerdinger is the principal and Senator Tallis, the founder of Hextech, is the dean.

The name Jace Tallis is known to everyone in Picheng.

He can serve as the dean of Shuangcheng University, which proves the gold content of Shuangcheng University.

Not to mention that compared with Picheng University, Shuangcheng University has more than a dozen minor subjects and several major subjects in teaching.

And the several deans of the university are all old acquaintances of everyone in the upper and lower cities.

They are----

Dean of the Weapons Department of Shuangcheng University - Bang Bang.

Dean of Mechanical Engineering at Shuangcheng University——Zevi.

Dean of Chemistry at Twin Cities University - Victor.

The minor subjects also have great teachers. Music and dance have the well-known idol Seraphine as the teacher, and the mechanical processing and use has the Zaun twin Ike, who is as famous as the explosion. teacher.

There are also transportation, forging industry, etc., all have powerful big men as teachers.

These people teach children from ordinary families?

This kind of thing... Ordinary families in Picheng didn't dare to think about it, but now, it really happened.

In short, Shuangcheng University is only a corner of the show, but it has already made the people of the two cities eager to send their children in.

"Praise the goddess Janna!"

In fact, the Zaun people are not so annoying!

And the people of Zaun thought so too.

"Goddess Janna, Picheng people...isn't that annoying."


March 19th.

March 20th.

Shuangcheng University's recruiting test lasted for several days, and then entered a period of depression.

Both cities have fallen into unease and tension from the lively excitement of a few days ago.

My exam...passed?

Did my child pass the test?

With this thought in mind, both Piltover and Zaun entered the quiet before the storm, waiting for the results to be announced.

Depressed and sad, or joyful?

On March 21, on a commercial street in Piltover, in a shop called Colin Prosthetics.

The owner's name is Colin Levick, a prosthetic master with exquisite craftsmanship.

Colin's prosthetic skills are also well-known on Peart Street, where he is a celebrity.

What he is best at is to use brass parts, combined with complex and ingenious craftsmanship to create exquisite prosthetic limbs. Some people even said that the prosthetic limbs made by Mr. Colin can make the prosthetic limbs perform as well as the real ones with complex craftsmanship. Even better than the original body.

This is of course an exaggeration, but it also confirms Colin's technique, and the storefront is very popular.

Even people who are not physically handicapped will come to the Colin prosthesis store to buy things. This is probably a special hobby?

On a row of shelves, there are arms and thighs for people to watch. The skin tones are different in size. They are arranged according to the model. At first glance, they are a bit intimidating, but after watching for a long time, you will appreciate the beauty.

After entering the store, the first thing that greets you is the bright daylight.

The difference between Mr. Colin and other prosthetic stores is also that he will not use dim lights to deceive customers' eyes like other stores. In Colin, good is good, and bad is not good.

Deceiving customers is a sign of the incompetence of the merchant's craftsmanship.

Colin is a serious and serious man.

At this moment, in the store, a tall and thin middle-aged man was holding a small doll in one hand, and said with a displeased face: "How many times have I told you, don't put your things around!"

He is Colin Levick.

is the owner of this store.

In front of Colin, a girl with very fair complexion, a slightly rounded oval face, a pair of beautiful big eyes, and shoulder-length short hair said dissatisfiedly: "Dad, some people will like these dolls I made. , did you forget that someone bought my doll last time? That was seven silver coins!"

"Ah, seven silver coins, that's a lot."

"But it takes you nearly a week to make a doll, and the profit is not as good as half a day for me." Colin said, putting the doll in hand on a shelf, and said seriously: "I don't have no I gave you a place, isn't this the place to put the doll for you?"

"This place is too out of place, Dad, if it's here, it's hard for customers who like dolls to see it."

"That's your business. In the future, you will have the ability to open a store by yourself. In that case, you will take your dolls."

"It's a doll!" Bulging her face, the girl looked up at Colin angrily.

Colin waved his hand, "Okay, okay, puppet, when you have a store, you can put your puppet there if you like, I won't care."

"Heh!" He stamped his feet vigorously, then looked up at Colin, with a little emotion in the girl's tone, "You are saying that now, but Dad, you never agreed with me to go out."

"Like this time, Shuangcheng University is recruiting freshmen, and you don't take me to the exam."

"What test?" Colin was very disdainful, "Can you make money from what the academy teaches you? The craftsmanship of your dolls is all learned from me. Those teachers can teach you, so do I. I can teach you."

"Daughter, there is nothing good in the outside world. There are too many dangers in this world. Have you forgotten that we escaped the clutches of the Noxians not long ago?"

Colin looked at her and sighed: "You have grown up, you should accept your child's heart, all the adventure stories you like are fake."


Disappointed, she nodded.

Seeing his daughter pouting, Colin felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and immediately said, "Don't be unhappy, next Wednesday will have your favorite Seraphine concert, and I will find a way to buy tickets."


"Really, although the ticket price is very expensive..." Colin's mouth twitched. One ticket bought fifteen silver coins, enough for an ordinary family's meal for half a month. It was only the outermost ticket. !

"But Dad agreed."

"Okay!" The girl jumped up, her hair scattered to both sides, revealing delicate and small earlobes, fair and delicate.

Looking at his happy daughter, Colin also laughed.

"However, how did you know that Shuangcheng College is taking exams these days?"

The happy girl suddenly paused The next second, she lowered her head silently.

It's over!

She had absolutely no idea how to explain it to her father!

But Colin found out for himself.

"Ah, yes, I'm really stupid. It's mentioned on the radio every day, and the guests will definitely discuss it in front of you."

Colin looked down at his daughter and said softly, "I was suspicious. You definitely didn't sneak out to take the exam without permission, right, my Austrian..."

Colin was interrupted by the bell in the store before he could finish speaking.

have a guest?

Colin turned to look, and saw a beautiful ring-wheeled car parked outside the prosthetic shop. Inside the car, a young and handsome boy with brown hair was carrying a letter with a smile on his face, his smile was very sunny , very infectious, he shouted loudly:

"Who is Orianna Levick?"

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