Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 53: Furry (7/9)

"Hahaha, so Orianna, are you saying that you originally planned to study dance and music, but because you failed to pass the exam, you were admitted to the Machining Application by accident?"

"It's embarrassing..."

"How could it be?! This is a good thing, otherwise you won't have a chance to be admitted to the academy."

In an aisle at Twin Cities University, Orianna sat with a group of her peers.

There was excitement on their faces.

So did Orianna.

The words of Professor Heimerdinger were deeply imprinted in the minds of this group of people.

Twin Cities students don't need to reminisce about yesterday because we never regret it!

We will do what we love until the day we die!

"However, the course of machining and application, I read in the manual, is also from the School of Mechanical Engineering."

"There are four major colleges, mechanics, hex, alchemy, and weapons. You must choose one to study, and exams are held every year. Students who fail the exam will be repeated."

"What is retention?"

Orianna also pricked up her ears curiously.

Even though she had the pamphlet issued by the academy in her hand, Orianna hadn't had time to read it.

Repeat? What is retention?

And the cafeteria... This should be the place to eat, right?

The words of the library are easy to understand. Orianna has also borrowed books from the library in Pi City. She likes adventure stories very much.

But what is a stadium?

In short, Orianna has a question mark on its head.

Problem girl - Orianna!

"Aren't we first-year students now? Repetition means that if we fail the year-end exam, we will not be allowed to go to the second year next year, and we will have to go to the first year with the freshmen for another year."

"Then what if I keep repeating..." A girl asked a terrifying question.

Orianna swallowed, resting her hands on her round chin, and looked at the boy with the booklet.

"Do you still have to think about it? It must be repeated."

"In this case, four years later, the first class of students all graduated and went to work, contributing to the construction of the two cities, but they ended up studying in school or something, wow... I feel ashamed to think about this kind of thing."

Talking about this, the topic immediately became cheerful.

Orianna also giggled beside her.

The boys and girls in the shade of the tree talked to each other about their favorite things.

"I really like riding the ring bike, but Zaun doesn't allow speed racing anymore. If you catch it, you will be fined and the ring bike will be confiscated for fifteen days."

"I'm a lamp shader at home, I can draw some screen paintings, and I can also make lamps."

When Orianna arrived, she immediately changed her mode, from the listening mode of leaning forward and giggling to the serious mode of straightening her back and looking tense.

Orianna said: "My dad is a prosthetist, and I've seen him make all kinds of prosthetics since I was a child, so ... I will make exquisite dolls." Orianna added: "If everyone is interested, I can bring it over tomorrow and give it to everyone."

"for free?"

Orianna nodded, "Of course."

"Then I want one!"

"I also want!"

When they heard it was free, a group of people immediately raised their hands.

"I see. It is precisely because you can make precise dolls that Orianna, you can pass the exam for machining applications, right?"

Orianna gave an "eh", then nodded with a gentle smile.

"Should... yes?"

There were more and more people around, and more and more people saw the words under the statue of Principal Heimerdinger.

During this period, the people on Orianna's side would also take the initiative to say the meaning of this sentence.

Because Professor Heimerdinger said it himself, no one will not believe it.

It's nine o'clock in the morning. I heard that the school will start at 9:30 or 10:00. At that time, the deans, teachers, and the principal and vice-principal of each school will come forward.

Today is a day to familiarize the students of Shuangcheng with the academy.

After all, if nothing happens, they'll be in this place for four years in the future.

Spend more time than when you are at home.

"Drip Drip!!!"

"Hey hey, can you hear me?"

Just when I was thinking like this, a voice suddenly sounded in the campus.

This instrument is familiar to everyone, it is a Hex loudspeaker.

Able to amplify and transmit sound.

Also call it - Hex Broadcasting.

"Can you hear it? Hey, Jace, why is there an echo?"

"Boom, please speak up!"

"Oh oh."

The lively voice paused.




"So harsh!"

Orianna covered her ears and frowned.

What was the sharp sound that just came out?

"Bangbang, give me the microphone."

"I don't want it, I just took a shot and tried it. Really, why are you yelling so loudly!"

"I said it was business."

"Hey, hey, students who hear, please pay attention, students who hear, please pay attention.

My name is Bang Bang, and I'm the dean of the Weapons Academy. That's right, all the students of the Weapons Academy have to call me the dean.

Now, please go to the central intersection of the East and West campuses immediately, yes, that's right, in the open space in front of the furry statue.

We're going to hold the opening ceremony there..."


It sounded like something hit the table.

Then, the girl raised her voice screaming: "Oh, Jace, don't grab my microphone!"

"I'm going to make trouble, I'm going to make trouble! If you don't let go, I'll call Lin Wen!"

Orianna: "..."

All students: "..."

On the main road to the campus leading to the square, Victor, who was pushing a wheelchair, and Lin Wen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, immediately fell silent: "..."

Heimerdinger walked in the forefront with his short legs, and turned around to look at Lin Wen in confusion: "Who is the furry that Bang Bang said?"

"Are there still furry statues in our school?"

Lin Wen covered his face: "..."

Blast this guy...

It's time to spank her!

It was said that the opening ceremony was solemn and serious, but now there is such a commotion, ha, how serious is this?

On the way, the students who had reacted were already laughing.

furry figurine...

There is only one statue at Twin Cities University, and that is that of Professor Heimerdinger.

And some students are twitching the corners of their mouths, and their expressions are not very good.

It is not difficult to see that these students may be from the Weapons Academy.

Their dean... doesn't seem to be too serious?

"Cough, good morning, classmates, I'm Jess Tallis, Dean of Hex Academy."

Lin Wen: "..."

Well, it looks like Jace grabbed the microphone.


"It's Senator Tallis!"

"My Senator Tallis is really the dean of our Hex Academy?"

"All students, please rush to the main square as soon as possible, which is in front of the statue of Professor Heimerdinger, where we will hold the opening ceremony of Shuangcheng University."

"Please note that no student is allowed to be absent, and those who violate this will be punished by deduction of credits. The importance of credits, students can read the manual by themselves."

Jace repeated it again, then turned off the microphone.

After seeing that the dean of Hex Academy was really a calm Senator Tallis, the students of the Weapon Academy immediately became resentful.

And not far in front of Lin Wen.

Furry... ah no, Heimerdinger is also dumbfounded.

Blowing his beard, Heimerdinger pointed to his face. Although he was a little old man, he said cutely and lovingly: "Furry is talking about me?"

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