Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 56: You just have to look at me!

"I want this, um, and this."

Orianna and Zorona stood in front of the window where they were making meals, looking at the rows of food, feeling hungry.


There are so many varieties of food!

"Hello, what is this?"

Orianna asked, pointing to the scorched red and leathery things.

Carrying a large spoon, with anti-virus... ah no, the woman in the mask said: "This is mutton."

"Lamb... mutton?!"

Orianna exclaimed, and then immediately asked, "This, how much is this?"

"Twelve copper coins."

A palm-sized wheat bread is three coppers, blueberry bread is ten coppers, an egg is four coppers, and a bottle of milk is four coppers.

In comparison, twelve copper coins can eat a wheat bread, a bottle of milk, and an egg.

But... this is lamb!

Orianna can only eat it once during her Evolution Day.

After all, mutton is very expensive, not to mention this kind of mutton with skin and bones...

Although she is not a gluttonous girl, at this moment, Orianna was still moved, and immediately said: "Please give me this!"


The woman who had slowly started to get acquainted with the business shook her spoon and said calmly to the excited Orianna.

Orianna hurriedly handed over her plate, and then watched as the woman scooped up a large spoonful of meat for herself.

That's a full seven dollars!


Putting the student ID card on the glass again, Orianna also saw the money she spent at noon after the instrument beeped.

Gold: 0

Silver: 0

Copper Coins: 90

On the plate in Orianna's hand, there is mutton, a piece of warm wheat bread, some vegetables, a few small red fruits, and a bottle of sweet juice.

And so many things...

She only spent 27 copper coins!

Putting this out is something Orianna can't even think about.

After finding a place with Zorona with joy, Orianna folded her hands together and felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

Today, she can be by her side for a day without her father, Colin.

She didn't need to worry about doing something that would anger Colin.

Walking freely on campus, Orianna freely enjoys the air and environment of Twin Cities University.

And now...she can even eat lamb with the skin on for lunch!

There is also a bottle of juice that I don't know what the taste is, but the color looks delicious.

"Oh!!!" Zuorona also had lamb on her plate. After eating a piece, Zuorona held her face in her hand with a happy expression on her face.

"I'm so happy!"

Zorona hummed.

Orianna also picked up the mutton, the large piece of mutton with some skin, and after putting it in her mouth, Orianna showed the same expression as Zorona.

"I...I love this place so much."

In the wealthy area, Orianna thinks that such a meal will cost at least dozens of silver coins, but now, she only spends twenty-seven copper coins, and she can enjoy the same as the nobles with less than half a silver coin. treatment.

Happiness comes from within.

Orianna felt lucky again.

Luckily, she sneaked out and took the exam at Twin Cities University, otherwise... she might still be listening to Colin at home now.

I can't go even if my father controls it.

Thinking of this, Orianna hurriedly asked Zorona: "Can we still come to the cafeteria for dinner at night?"

Zuorona was chewing the mutton, and after a while, she had already eaten three pieces, and nodded as she ate, "Okay, I read the campus brochure that the cafeteria is open at seven o'clock in the morning. Between ten thirty in the evening."

"10:30? Will it be open that late?"

Orianna's beautiful big eyes were rounded, and her slightly round face was full of surprise.

"Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one called supper."

Zorona made up her own brain, and then said to Orianna: "This seems to be for the convenience of teachers who do experiments at school at night. There was no such place in Picheng University in the past. Teachers often go hungry when doing experiments. , supper is for those who plan to do experiments in the school at night."

Orianna nodded and asked again, "Understood, but what is supper?"

"It seems to be a vocabulary invented by Shuangcheng University." Zuo Luona didn't know what a midnight snack was, but just by looking at the description in the brochure, she thought it would be very interesting.

Recalling the canteen column in the booklet, Zorona said to Orianna: "The school canteen sells different foods at different times. In the morning, eggs, bread, milk and fruits are sold, and at noon, bread and vegetables are sold. , the evening should be the same as noon, but it seems to be replaced with one or two dishes, and then the supper is some light food."

Orianna: "Well...then I'll have dinner too."

Smiling at Zorona, Orianna said proudly: "I have a lot of pocket money, and I will recharge ten silver coins tomorrow."

Even if you eat like this, you will be at most one silver coin a day.

But Orianna sold a doll, and if she was lucky, she could earn ten silver coins.

Although it would take a week or more for Orianna to make a beautifully self-moving clockwork doll, it would still allow her to be self-sufficient.

Adventure, going out?

It doesn't matter what you eat!

"Evening? Orianna, we're not going to class today. We can go home after the opening ceremony is over. We're officially going to class tomorrow, so don't you plan to go home in the afternoon?"

"I'm not going back." Orianna immediately shook her head and said, "I'm going to stroll around the school more in the afternoon."

"Then I'm with you, and I'm not going to go back so early."

The two little girls looked at each other, their eyes narrowed into crescents at the same time, and they both laughed.

At this moment, there was a sudden uproar in the cafeteria.

Orianna and Zorona hurriedly looked at the place where the sound came from.


I saw a group of people walking in.

"'s Dean Tallis!"

Zorona exclaimed, and then saw Zevi, who had grown his hair long and was wearing a jacket: "Also, there's our dean, Orianna."

Orianna and Zorona are both students of the Mechanical College, which are direct students of Zevi.

But it's not like Zorona looked at Jace and Zavi in ​​the eyes.

The person Orianna was looking at was Mr. Lin Wen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, chatting and laughing with the two women beside him.

Because at the opening ceremony in the morning, Orianna was very excited by what Lin Wen said.

Perhaps more people listened to Professor Heimerdinger's words, thinking that if you stick to everything yesterday, tomorrow will be worse, so you have to say goodbye to yesterday and move forward towards tomorrow.

But Orianna prefers the words of Mr. Lin Wen. It is what she insisted on yesterday that made her who she is today.

Therefore, she kept staring at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen also noticed Orianna's sight.

Lin Wen of course recognized this girl with beautiful blonde hair, a round face, and a pair of beautiful big eyes.

It's Orianna.

But when he was about to say hello, Lin Wen heard the sound of grinding his teeth.

Bending down, Bakuba lowered his head and looked at Lin Wen, the two long braids hung down on Lin Wen's hands, Bakubaku reached out to hold Lin Wen's face.

Dissatisfied, he said:

"You're not allowed to look around at women."

"You can only look at me!"

Lin Wen: "..."

About to shake his face to get rid of.

I have to admit, this action, this kind of looking at each other, made Lin Wen feel a little bit moved just now...

But before Lin Wen could get rid of Bang Bang's hands, Bang Bang let go of his hands.

He stumbled a lot, and then he stood firm and looked at Kai'Sa who had walked in front. He gritted his teeth angrily and said:


"Kasha why did you just bump into me?"

Kaisha turned her head, her pretty face was full of I'm sorry, I didn't see you, I didn't mean to. "

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin Wen: "?"

The explosion was on his left, and Kai'Sa was on his right just now.

And then... the guy on the right bumped into the guy on the left, saying it wasn't intentional?

No... Kai'Sa, you did it on purpose!

And Kaisha, Kaisha, why are you still breathing tea!

This is not right!

Kai'Sa's words made Lin Wen think of Lux for a while.

The eldest lady of the noble family, Lux, sometimes feels teased in her tea.

"Would you feel better if I apologized?"

You are such a Kai'Sa!

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