Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Man Party and Wife Control

At the end of March, Zaun, the Twin Cities, recently, there have been two major events in Zaun.

The first was that a force of magistrates brought by Graves and Drizzt had already boarded a Noxian ship for Bilgewater.

The large ship that had invaded Zaun Harbor but was now a trophy of Zaun, went to Bilgewater with all kinds of Hex weapons.

And the reason why I brought so many weapons is because this time I went to Bilgewater, all Zaun, including Picheng people, knew that Zaun was going to Bilgewater to show his muscles. requested.

It's really interesting to say. Seeing that the Zauns are going to the place in Bilgewater to take over the Isle of Man, I should have thought the behavior of the Zauns was rude Picheng people, on the surface they were humming the Zaun people. , seems very dissatisfied, but secretly, the Picheng people have never stopped praising the Zaan people for this attack.

To this day, high-class Pilgrims discuss it at drinking parties.

This matter has now become the biggest discussion point between the two cities.

As for why the Picheng people are also happy.

That's because it's an honorable thing to do!

Zaun's decision not only showed Zaun's muscles, but also showed Picheng's muscles.

Both Zaan and Picheng people are very clear that the high-level officials of the two cities are now very close, and the relationship between the two cities will only get better and better in the future. Therefore, under this relationship, if Zaan is strong, it is equivalent to Picheng. powerful.

As for the other thing that happened, it was just Zaun's business.

Moreover, there are very few people who know it.

Lin Wen, actually accepted an apprentice!

And unlike Fiona's joke, this time Lin Wen was obviously serious.

First, he solemnly told Vander and Shirko about it, and then he went to tell the Piltover MPs over and over again that he wanted to take a girl of the same age as the explosion as an apprentice, and one with Kai'Sa. Same, the one from Shurima.

Ha... Lin Wen is this guy who has a soft spot for Shurima people, right?

Are Shurima girls really that attractive to him?

"Why did you accept an apprentice so well? Wasn't Goddess Janna asking you to do this?"

Piltover - Jace's home, at this moment, Jace, Lin Wen, and Victor are sitting around a small table.

There are also various snacks for drinking on the small table.

"It's a good thing that Lin Wen has an apprentice, Jace, you haven't seen that girl named Taliyah, otherwise you would be happy for Lin Wen." Victor remembered the Shurima girl named Taliyah, After a pause, he said, "No, you will be happy for Shuangcheng, because she is a very powerful person."

To a certain extent, for Victor, Taliyah's magic brought him far more shock than Lin Wen.

That's really scary...

Unlike wind, which has no physical object, rock magic, this is an entity, so the visual effect is shocking.

Victor went on to say: "She is very powerful and can help us a lot." After speaking, Victor took a sip of wine, but after the hot drink entered his stomach, Victor frowned again and again. .

He's not a drinker, but Viktor will have a few drinks when he's with Jaslinven.

"The magic of manipulating gravel..." Throwing a piece of dried fruit into the mouth, Jace chewed and said vaguely: "That is indeed a very powerful ability, by the way, I remember that you are not planning to fill the sea. Is it? It was originally expected to be done in four years, but now that there is someone who can use this kind of magic, I think it only takes two years now, right?"

"Haha..." Victor's mouth twitched.

two years?

Zaan has overcome many, many problems over the years, and after the environment and life are good, raising children has become a major event for the Zaan people. Hilko issued a policy to encourage the Zaan people to have children, because today's Circumstances, conditions, allow Zaan to have children.

Of course, the treatment is also very good. The original university in Zaan has now been changed to an elementary school. As long as you have an ID card, you can apply for free and learn knowledge and technology.

Therefore, you don't have to worry about the poisonous gas in the past, you don't have to worry about starvation, and making a baby... has become something that is naturally pushed.

Zaun needs it, they want it.

After all, who wants to have children if their own life is a problem? It's hard enough to support yourself, and raising a child is irresponsible for the child's future.

So today's Zaun... Well, let's put it this way, four years ago, Zaun had at most a thousand babies born every year, but four years later, from February to March this year, Zaun More than a thousand babies have already been born.

The population has increased sharply, Zaan people like Seraphine have also returned to Zaan, and many businessmen from other places often live in Zaan, which leads to less and less land available in Zaan today.

Zaun, who is in the ravine, although the environment has improved, it is definitely impossible to compare with Piltover. Now the two cities are closely related, and it is the stage of unanimous efforts to make progress. Of course, it is impossible to think about each other's land. Therefore, reclamation and increasing land have become a major thing for Zaan to consider.

Originally, Zaun planned to use scientific methods to reclaim the sea. With the humanoid generator of Zeli, many things could be solved easily. But yeah, when Taliyah is a humanoid earth-building machine...well, she's much easier to use than Zeli.

After all, Zeli, a small power bank, needs to rest for a long time after generating electricity for a few times. Instead of becoming stronger, Zeli now prefers to be an idol. Now she is planning how to have a concert with Seraphine every day. Therefore, it is impossible to expect her to become stronger.

Comrade Zeli has no intention of being strong, and only wants to be an idol.

Thinking of this, Victor shook his head and snickered.

"What are you laughing at? Could it be faster?" Jace took a sip of wine and glared at Victor, who was snickering.

"When you see her raise her hands, and then roll up dozens of meters, or a thousand tons of gravel, you'll understand what I'm saying." Victor stared back at Jace, the two had already stepped into the middle. The old man was so troubled.

"So exaggerated?" Of course Jace was sensitive to numbers, and he imagined such a scene all at once.

Dozens of meters...a thousand tons of gravel?

It must be as high as several floors, right?

Jace shuddered.

This is a talent! It's a construction talent!

Lin Wen smiled and interjected: "Hey, actually Taliyah can do better, she is still learning how to use her abilities." Lin Wen has been very attentive with the little sparrow these two days, and took her to fly to The no-man's-land in the center of the sea allowed her to use her abilities as she wished, and Taliyah was very obedient and did as Lin Wen said. But Lin Wen could see that Taliyah was still afraid of her own abilities.

After thinking about it, Lin Wen could understand Taliyah.

Taliyah and Lux's situation is different, but there are similarities. Their troubles...that is, their talents are too powerful.

Powerful enough that a careless, out of control ability will hurt others.

"Taliyah is not ready to accept her own abilities yet. When she opens her heart and completely accepts her abilities, dozens of meters? Several kilometers!"

"You're bragging!" Jace said to Lin Wen subconsciously.

"Anyway, you'll know when the time comes." Lin Wen shrugged, not to mention that Jace couldn't imagine such a scene, and Lin Wen couldn't imagine it.

A range of several kilometers... If the little sparrow in the future wants to, she can even overturn Piltover!

Or can directly use the ability to smash the cliff above Zaun, and then directly bury Zaun.

Yes, the little sparrow, who is only 1.6 meters tall and looks thin and weak, is capable of such terrifying things.

Of course, Taliyah would not do such a thing.

Because her heart is... so kind.

Otherwise she would not have been thrown into the sea by Noxian officers.

Seeing that Lin Wen was not joking, Jace swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"She, if she can really do such a thing, then it will be really easy for us to reclaim the sea."

If Lin Wen's apprentice can really gather sand into a tower, then the sand in the bottom of the sea is no less than that on the shore.

Even if conditions permit, with Taliyah's help, will Zaun... ascend? !

Jace began to rejoice at the thought of such a situation.

I drank several sips of wine.

Lin Wen nodded, sipped the wine in his glass and followed with a smile.

Taliyah can do it.

Lin Wen believed in Taliyah.

Because Lin Wen saw it in an official CG.

Taliyah stepped on the sand and gravel skateboard, rolled up the sand and gravel on the ground of Shurima, and forcibly pulled out a barrier that was nearly a thousand meters wide, to block Xerath's shelling.

In the background story, Taliyah also did the same thing, and Nasus also specially thanked Taliyah for this.

Using her rock magic, she saved many Shurimans from Xerath's magical fire.

Who is Xerath?

Among the people who play magic in the world, Lin Wen believes that Xerath can definitely be ranked in the top three. Let's just put it this way, if Ryze didn't have the runes, the spell alone couldn't compare to Xerath. After all, Xerath lived longer than Ryz and knew more than Ryz. What is even more exaggerated is that Xerath is still a pure energy body.

As for combat power... If Ryze used the few complete world runes he had collected, with the powerful power of the world runes, Shurima could be blown up in minutes and the coffin board sealed. However, Rui I will not use that power.

No matter what the situation, Ryze will not use the power of the world rune, because if the power of the world rune is borrowed, then Ryze is no longer Ryze.

No longer the archmage who wandered around the world collecting runes to save the world.

Therefore, under this factor, Xerath is a big monster.

But Taliyah was able to block the attack of such a monster. It can be seen that the little sparrow is also a monster!

little monster!

After a few more drinks, Jace asked Lin Wen another question: "By the way, you really don't plan to take care of Bilgewater?"

"No, Drizzt and Graves will handle this."

On the side, Victor rolled his eyes. The reason why he made such a rude gesture was because Victor couldn't get in the way when it came to such things.

The slightly drunk Victor was silent, eating quietly, listening to the conversation between Lin Wen and Jace.

"Neither of them are ordinary people, so...with the magistrates and the weapons, I wouldn't be surprised when you suddenly tell me that Graves had taken Bilgewater, But it's better not to have that kind of thing happen."

"The place in Bilgewater is very strange, Lin Wen, I used to go to Bilgewater to inspect the local stones in order to find the materials for making hex gemstones, but then I heard them say..." Jace paused, a trace of shyness flashed on his face, but with the strength of the wine, Jace still said: "They said there was a ghost in that place."

"But now that I think about it, I was really young back then, to believe that kind of nonsense." Jace laughed to himself, "We are scientists, so we don't believe in superstition. Haunted? How could this world be Are there ghosts?"

"You mean the story of the ghost of Blood Harbor?" Lin Wen raised his eyebrows and looked at Jace.

"No, why do you know such little stories from other places?" Jace said dissatisfied.

How does he know everything!

"Oh, his name is Pike, Jace. That's not a story. The Ghost of Blood Harbor is real."

Blood Harbor Ghosts?

Pier Buddha!

Humans are sentinels of light.

Jace said immediately, "Nonsense!"

"Nonsense? I'm talking nonsense?" Lin Wen clicked his tongue, looked at Jess and continued, "Since there can be gods, why can't there be ghosts and demons? Not only the ghosts of Blood Harbor are real. Yes, even the toad demon that gamblers fear is real."

"You have already seen Janna with your own eyes, and now you also believe in Janna."

Lin Wen even wanted to say to Jess that doing science in the magical world, Jess, we are actually heretics!

"..." Jace was suddenly silent.

Because he found that Lin Wen was right.

"So you always think I sent Drizzt and Graves to Bilgewater so that Zaun could take over that place in the future, but now to be honest with you, I'm really not interested in that place, Really really not interested." Lin Wen yawned.

"And there's an island across from Bilgewater, and things you don't think exist are all over that island."


"Well, but to be precise, it's more appropriate to call them undead."

Victor finally spoke. He recalled the knowledge he had read in the book, and said, "You're talking about Fuguang Island?"

"Fuguang Island is its former name. Now, it is called Shadow Island."

"In short, Bilgewater is not a good place. The people on the island have to spend a lot of effort every year to fight those undead."

Lin Wen said with a smile.

Huh... It doesn't seem right to say that Bilgewater is dealing with it?

After all, the real contributors are the priests on the Python Islands, Illaoi and her god, and they are the main force against Soul Eater Night.

As for Planck, Sarah, Graves, and Drizzt, it's all a joke.

Oh, but there are foreign aids, such as Lucian, such as Olaf. They did their best.

In a word... Lin Wencai didn't want to be that big fool.

He didn't have the time to worry about Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles. Right now, he focused on Shurima and Demacia.

On the one hand, he is concerned about Demacia's anti-magic actions, and on the other hand, he is concerned about the affairs of Shurima. Lin Wen is waiting for the return of the desert emperor.

Swain has returned to Noxus. Since the story between him and Irelia can happen a year earlier, then... Azir's recovery is earlier, is it not impossible?

After all, Lin Wen has not even been able to find Sivir's shadow now, and Noxus's own country is in a mess. Whether Cassiopeia will hire Sivir again is a question.


There are too many things out of control.

With Lin Wen getting stronger and stronger, his power radiated to Zaun and Picheng, and now, Picheng and Zaun are getting stronger and stronger, this radiation... one day can even reach as far as the Freljord superior.

"Jingle Bell..."

Just as Lin Wen lowered his head and drank wine, thinking about these things, the square box on the table rang.

Looking at the number displayed on Hex's phone screen, Lin Wen's mouth curled involuntarily.

When Jace saw the smile, he immediately knew who was calling.

"Ha, I want you to go home for dinner, right?" The front supporter quickly leaned back to see the number. Jace lay on his back on the chair and looked at Lin Wen with disdain.

"Fuck off!"

Glancing at Jace, Lin Wen reached out and pressed the answer button.

"Hello? It's time to eat, when will you be back?"

Victor raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Oh, no wonder Jace would say such things.

It's Kasha.

"I'm drinking with Jace Victor."

"Then are you coming back today? If you don't come back, Taliyah and I will eat first."

"He won't answer..." Halfway through Jace's words, his jaw closed automatically.

Lin Wen raised his fingers slightly, and a gust of wind hit Jace's chin, which almost made Jace bite his tongue.

"I'll go back right away, you wait for me." Lin Wen said quickly, "We're almost done drinking three, and it's just about to end."


After saying this, Kai'Sa hung up the phone.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Lin Wen stood up, coughed and said, "Okay, the three of us have reserved a monthly meeting for a long time, right?"

"I said brother, it seems that the relationship between you and her has not been determined yet, right? You are not married yet, so you have become a strict wife control?"

Jace looked at Lin Wen with contempt, his eyes full of disdain.

The matter between this guy and Kai'Sa hasn't been completed yet. As a result, he has become a strict wife control. He and Mel are going to marry, but it's not like Lin Wen.

This... dead wife is strictly controlled!

Not sure?

Lin Wen raised an eyebrow.

Anyway, Kai'Sa can't run.

He followed suit.

"It's annoying, I want you to take care of it?"

Disgustingly waved to Jace, Lin Wen quickly ran to the window, then turned around and smiled at Victor and Jace, and jumped from the tall building:

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Tallis."

Jace slapped the table and said angrily, "Go away! Call me a Senator!"

Of course Lin Wen didn't reply to what Jace said. UU reading www.

It turned into a stream of pure white light, and under the darkness of the night, Lin Wen dashed straight towards the underground Zuan.

"Victor, shall we... let's drink?"

"Ha ha."

Victor stood up and shook his head to Jace: "No, since Lin Wen is gone, let's end today like this."

"Hey hey hey! Victor, I haven't had enough!"

Victor got up and shook his legs, and saw a strange blue armor appeared and covered his inconvenient leg. Then, Victor lifted the armored leg. Although the speed was a bit slow, it was no different from ordinary people. difference.

Victor can also walk normally.

Walking to the door and looking back at Jace, who was resting his head on the table and holding a wine bottle in his hand, Victor smiled and said, "You can drink slowly by yourself."

"Damn, I forgot that you are also a strict wife!"

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