Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 81: First encounter between the Twins and Demacia

The airship landed on the ground, and under Skell's order, the students, engineers, and teachers from the Twin Cities quickly got off the airship.

Two battalions, about thirty people, the law enforcement officers quickly surrounded them inside.

But in fact, this group of people all have shields on their bodies to protect themselves, not to mention, in the air, the bloodthirsty raptor and the brave warrior are one to ten, and the flying beasts and griffins have surrounded him.

Intelligent creatures of course know who is the first enemy to deal with.

But...they are wrong!

Seeing this, Skel raised his gun, and was about to issue an order for the law enforcement officers to help the flying army of Demacia, but suddenly there was a great tremor, and the sound of horses' hooves sounded in his ears.

Like thunder!

The people from Shuangcheng looked towards the source of the sound, and saw that on the **** of the plain, a Demacian cavalry force had arrived.

Thick white armor is on the body, and under the crotch of this group of cavalry, their war horses are also covered with beautiful silver armor, and there is a silver mask on the horse's face.

"It's Griffin and Falcon!"

The tall man who took the lead, he seemed to be two meters tall! And the warhorse under his crotch is even bigger, with snow-white mane and silver-white armor, this Demacian man looks extremely martial!

This is a man with the image of a typical Demacian warrior!

Raising the broad sword in his hand, he said loudly, "The whole army strikes!"

Their speed was extremely fast, and they surrounded the Shuangcheng people in no time.

Skye quickly closed the formation while sneaking a glance at them.

To be honest, Skye was a little nervous at this moment.

Although he knew that the other party was here to help him, he was still a little afraid of the Demacian aura.

Griffins and dragon eagles in the sky, huge western war horses on the ground, and tall western soldiers.

All of these have brought an impact to the Picheng people of Skell.

And Skel remembers, the teacher in the culture class during the training of law enforcement officers said something——

The soldiers of Noxus are brave and good at fighting, and the size of the army of the Empire is also huge, but they are all very happy, and there are people who are afraid of life and death.

But the Demacian soldiers were different. The nobles with patriotic beliefs took the lead, in exchange for the soldiers to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield.

That morbid sense of responsibility and honor made the nobles become the biggest victims at the same time as the leaders.

On the battlefield, officers who want to catch or kill Demacia do not need to investigate in advance, they just need to see who is at the forefront.

After all, this is a country where the prince will rush to the forefront when he goes to the battlefield.

Therefore, unity and responsibility have become the image of Demacia to the outside world.

They are disciplined, loyal and fearless.

And now, Skye looked at the beautiful and sacred silver-white armor on the opponent...and looked down at himself and others. The team uniforms of Picheng and Zaun were ordinary blue and white uniforms.

Nothing special.

Because of the shield table, the law enforcement officers of the Shuangcheng do not need armor to protect their bodies at all, because if there is an attack that the shield table can't stop, then the best armor will be broken.

The silver-white warhorse swept past Skell, walked slowly to the front, placed the broad sword on the horse's back, the tall man picked up a big bow, and said aloud: "Protect all the people in the two cities, The rest, prepare bows and arrows and shoot them down!"

Soon, a soldier rushed to Skell and said, "Quick, you all stand back! We will leave it here."

Under those solemn and serious eyes, Skye was stunned for a moment, and the next second, his fist hit his chest, and Skye scolded in a low voice, "Damn!"

"What am I doing now?"

Mr. Tallis said, our group represents the Twin Cities.

Don't let Demacia underestimate us!

The night I was invaded by Noxus, I shot seven Noxian soldiers with my own hands!

Who do you think you are talking to?

Skye raised his head and looked at the Demacian soldier coldly.

Although he knew that this was the other party's kindness, now, Skye could not accept this kindness.

Don't let Demacia underestimate Picheng and Zaun!

Otherwise it will put Mr. Silko and Mr. Meyer in a difficult situation.

This is the first confrontation between the Twin Cities and Demacia!

Yes, Demacia is a powerful mithril weapon.

However, the Twin Cities also have Hex weapons!

Demacia has griffins and dragon eagles.

But the Twin Cities also have airships and hexboards!

Shuangcheng people have powerful weapons made by Shuangcheng themselves!

We are not weak!

Skye stepped forward, raising the hex spear in the puzzled eyes of the Demacian soldier.

After falling from the airship on the ground, the firing conditions also improved.

After landing, the body will no longer sway, the sun will not be as dazzling as before when looking up at the target of the attack, and the clouds will no longer block the target's figure.

Gu DunNow, the law enforcement officers of the Twin Cities can better target!

Not to mention that in the air, Demacia's flying troops have already killed the group of flying beasts.

They restrained the group of flying beasts!

This will allow the law enforcement officers of the Twin Cities to attack better.

As for distance, Hex weapons can even attack enemies from a kilometer away! And this area is only a few hundred meters, what's the point?


In front of the tall Demacian general, Skye raised his hex spear, opened the scope, and Skye squinted to the sky.

On the beautiful blue spear, the Hex gem was also lit by a faint fire.

Skye growled: "Aim for the target!"

A group of Demacians who surrounded them to protect them looked at the group of Shuangcheng people holding long sticks in confusion.

"What is this doing?"

"I know what the weapons in their hands are. I've been to Noxto, and there are people in that country who also use this kind of weapon. It seems to be called a gun?"

"Yes, it's a gun, but what are they doing? How can they be hit at such a long distance?"

And the next moment, they knew what this group of Shuangcheng people were doing.


Under Skye's roar, the law enforcement officers on the ground all pulled the trigger.

The huge beam of magic energy that has accumulated for a long time pierced into the sky in an instant. Under the blue sky, the blue energy beam is also so conspicuous.


The beam pierced the air, and the wind made a tragic cry.


The screams continued one after another. In the sky, after a round of shooting, dozens of fierce eagles fell to the ground, and at the same time, they also shot down two huge griffins.

"Energy storage!"

With a wave of Skye's hand, the magistrates charged up again.

The longer the Hex Lance is charged, the farther it can hit and the more damage it does.

Of course, the more gems are consumed.

But the most indispensable thing in the Twin Cities now is the Hex Gem!

"Oh my God!"

The Demacian soldiers on the side were shocked when they saw this scene. this a gun?

But how could this be a gun!

Shouldn't the gun be something that cannot accurately hit the target at a distance of ten meters, and loses its effect at a distance of thirty meters?

But from the ground to the air, it is estimated to be a few hundred meters away, but they were accurate and easily killed the fierce eagle and the griffin?

As if feeling the shocked gaze of the Demacian, Skye let out a suffocating breath.

Looking at the tall general who was holding the reins and turned to look at him, Skell stepped forward, raised his head and stared into each other's eyes and said solemnly: "We are soldiers of the Twin Cities, we don't need your protection."


There was no change in the expression on the resolute face, but Skye, who had excellent eyesight, still saw a hint of surprise flashing in the eyes of the other party.

Looking at the battle in the sky, the general dismounted from his horse and approached Skell with a longbow. His height was indeed over two meters. Standing there was like a wall, nearly a little taller than Skell. Two heads.

But Skye looked at each other with a straight chest.

The big hand wearing silver gloves stretched out to Skell, the man who was obviously a general said in a deep voice: "Demacian Fearless Vanguard, Fifteenth Company, Docketon."

"Shuangcheng magistrate, captain of the second division, Skell." Skell stretched out his hand and replied.

"All the eagles were killed, but the griffins caught them alive."

"Can you do it?"

Showing his white teeth, Docketon smiled at Skye.

Skye laughed too.


Skye yelled.

More than 30 law enforcement officers quickly replied: "Yes!"

"Aim for the griffin's wings."

"Knock down these monsters with our weapons!"



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