Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 128: 3 Gods Battle!

The little sparrow Taliyah's full-strength shot allowed Bilgewater to survive. This island in the sea was going to become bigger than before, and Taliyah was still doing her best, and she was still helping Bilgewater on the island. Waterman.

Her magic is amazingly powerful.

She is kind and honest.

Her kindness has won the attention of Bilgewater people.

People looked at the little girl who looked like a bean sprout. She was so wet that she was protected by the Zaun like a chicken in soup, but she kept casting magic to save Bilgewater.

Finally, the gunshots rang out.

After a shot was fired from an unknown direction, a Baru was killed by the fire.

The Bilgewaters, who once believed in the Baru culture and worshipped the Baru people, now officially declared war on the Baru people.

From the beginning to the end, it was wishful thinking of the Bilgewater people.

The Baru people never considered the Bilgewaters their own, even, they considered the Bilgewaters behind the retired humans.

is a laity.

And now, they can ignore the life and death of the Bilgewater.

The Bilgewaters are sorry for many people, they are brutal, ruthless, cold-blooded, and they act recklessly on the sea, disturbing people in various countries.

But they are absolutely worthy of Ba Ru people, they... regard Hu Mu as a god, respect Ba Ru culture, and abide by Ba Ru rules, but what is the result in the end?

If so, then fight to the death.

Bilgewater passed the night and fired the first shot of the dawn.

What followed was a long battle between the Twin Cities and the Bilgewaters and Baru.

Illaoi will not die. As long as Nagakaporos is alive, the seeds she planted in Illaoi will be passed on to the true one with infinite vitality. But Illaoi won't die, and that doesn't mean everyone in Baru won't die.

Under the dual combination of the powerful technological weapons of the Shuangcheng and the bravery of the law enforcement officers, the people who came to Bilgewater are almost half dead, and the price the Shuangcheng now pays is seventeen The life of the marshals, and the untold sums of money, Bilgewater also lost quite a few people.

But when they started to avoid the giant beasts, started fighting in the streets, and let go of the cold, to be honest... the Shuangcheng magistrate who was fighting side by side with them at the moment was also stunned.

These people... are simply geniuses in street fighting. If the law enforcement officers didn't have a shield to defend themselves, they would definitely be killed by these Bidao people.

And Bilgewater, who is a pirate, is of course not the best at street fighting, so... how much stronger is the sea battle than the islanders?

And it is not an exaggeration to say that countless money has been consumed, because war is burning money, and a war between two cities consumes money that other countries dare not even think about.

Let's put it this way, in two days, the amount of shimmer and hex energy consumed in this battle is comparable to Noxus' national income for a year and a half, and it can also be compared to Demacia's half-year profit.

And this is only two days.

On the other hand, the seventeen people replaced hundreds of each other, and these hundreds of people still knew some magic and witchcraft, and they also replaced the powerful sacrificial priests on Baru, and also replaced an unknown number of deep sea snakes, cold-blooded Said that this transaction is very profitable, even if a zero is added after seventeen, it is also profitable.

But at this moment, Shirko's face did not show a smug smile, but was extremely cold.

Hilke was as bright as an eagle, staring at the bottom wickedly.

The death of the seventeen people was an accident. Even if the law enforcement officers had the energy potion to drink, they couldn’t bear it after a long battle. When they accidentally forgot to change the shield table, or because of lack of concentration, they were attacked by sea snakes. Involved in the sea, after the energy of the shield table was exhausted. The tail of the giant snake can shatter the body of the magistrate just by grazing the body of the law enforcement officer. If it hits, it will turn into a rain of blood on the spot.

Not even the corpse remains.

And that's not a sacrifice necessary in the scheming, it's a sacrifice that shouldn't have happened. So it certainly doesn't make Hirko happy.

Now the strength of the Shuangcheng is strong enough, and the people of the two cities are riding the Hexian airship together, and the route to Bilgewater is also the royal route. In this case, the soldier who died because of an accident...

Shirco thinks it is necessary for Ike to carry out the 3.0 research and development of the shield table. At least, the shield table can no longer be replaced when it runs out, and it can no longer require professionals to replace the energy, if they can themselves in the battle. If you change the energy...

But not so many buts.

"Zuan, Piltover...for the Twin Cities." Shirko put his hands behind his back, allowing a boulder to pass in front of him.

These giant beasts have intelligence, and they can even find stones from the bottom of the sea and project them into the air.

But hex airships have stronger protective devices, so people on board are safer than people on land and at sea.

A boulder slammed into the face, the blue barrier stopped it in front of Shirko, the debris fell off, and the stone fell into the sea again.

Shirko didn't blink his eyes, his face didn't change, and he said in a low voice like a villain: "I'll show you that your death is worth it."

"This is the day the Twin Cities announced their rise to the world."


The battle went on for a long, long time.

The battle between human beings only lasted for three days. After three days and three nights, Illaoi was completely fainted and could no longer get up. Although her body could continue to recover, her spirit had completely disappeared. It was defeated. After all, whoever was beaten by Jace for two days and two nights like that, of course, his mind and body would collapse.

Illaoi lingered on the borderline of death for several days, and traveled nearly ten thousand times between life and death, and this will has become terrifyingly strong.

At least if Lin Wen came, he didn't think he could bear it.

After all, don't underestimate Jace's strength because of his status as a scientist. To be honest, Jace is a blacksmith. His family is a hammer maker. Jace, who has played with hammers since he was a child, beats Illaoi and so on. It can be said that it is a traditional handicraft work. The blacksmithing skills that have been practiced since childhood are also very effective when used to beat people.

Bilgewater drifted farther and farther, and when Lin Wen's magic power recovered, the Baru people were completely defeated.

Lin Wen's firepower is full, the sea snake can't make two moves in his hands, and the Baru people are even more scattered. If they get together, Lin Wen's large-scale wind magic can give them a net bag.

But they risked their lives to take back Illaoi with many lives, and then they took Illaoi into the sea.

Lin Wen didn't stop her. Lin Wen couldn't kill Illaoi, but left Illaoi. When she woke up, it would still be a problem.

Up to now, Illaoi's favorability is no longer expected, this is already a feud.

A bigger hatred than... Noxus, an irreparable hatred.

Lin Wen looked around.

Put away the Storm Sword, and then stretched a big lazy waist.

The sea of ​​​​watchers was completely dyed red. The once gray sea around Bilgewater was now blood red, and this blood red stretched from the original position of Bilgewater to the vicinity of Ionia. , This long blood-colored trace looks very scary.

"it is finally over?"

Jace leaned against a wall weakly, with both hands on the head of the hammer, his chin on his palms, and looked at Lin Wen weakly and said.

When Lin Wen went to fight, Jace had been hammering Illaoi. For three days and two nights, no matter how abundant Jace's energy was, it was not enough.

Illaoi was taken because it was Jace who watched Illaoi...

Lin Wen first nodded to Jace, but shook his head again, looking at the situation at the scene.

Bilgewater is reborn under Taliyah's rock magic, though it still looks like a battered disaster zone.

At this moment, the two sisters, Wei and Bakuba, were sleeping together, and Bakuba got into Wei's arms and buried his head in Wei's chest, while Wei wrapped his hands around Bakuba, his chin Abutting on the back of the neck that was black after the explosion because of the bomb.

Her blue braids were even black, and her face was also black when viewed from the side, a proper little dirty girl.

The little sparrow was protected by the Bilgewater people, and they surrounded Taliyah tightly so that Taliyah could sleep comfortably.

The Bilgewater people are brutal and fierce, and they are definitely not good people, but who is a good person on Runeterra?

At least, they still know who helped them.

Shirko is cleaning up the mess, and Victor has fallen into a deep sleep. He fell into a deep sleep yesterday. Although he has taken good care of his body, Victor's body is still weaker than ordinary people.

Tristana was lying on the cannon and sleeping with a cannon barrel she stole from nowhere.

has it ended?


The war between mankind is over.

However, the battle in the sky continues.

Lin Wen said worriedly: "But it's not over yet."

If Nagakapolos wins, the follow-up will be a very troublesome thing for the Twin Cities.

But if Janna wins...

"It's not over yet?! Didn't they all get chased away? Look at the corpses in this place. Say it again?"

"I mean, the war between the gods is not over yet."

Lin Wen said to Jace angrily.

Jace closed his mouth and followed Lin Wen to look up at the sky.

Gu Yu

But Lin Wen couldn't perceive the situation in the sky, let alone Jace.


"You have already lost, ancient god." Janna sensed the situation below, sensed the relaxed spirit of the Shuangcheng people, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

In human form, she can use greater protection magic, while in blue bird form, she can deal better damage to Nagakaporos.

But now the reason why he has become a human form is that Janna finds that she seems to be too big...

Previously, I thought that Nagakaporos was strong in attack, but not good in defense. As long as she dragged it down, she would have hope of defeating the opponent, but now, Janna looked at the opponent's compressed body, only a few dozen meters in size.

The ancient **** in this state has extremely strong resilience, and often Janna causes damage to her, but when the dark green light flashes, the injury on her body will be intact.

Now being Janna can't impress her at all, but she can impress Janna. If that's the case... then don't impress each other!

This is also the reason why Lin Wen can't perceive it.

Not only because the place where the gods fought was pulled to a larger place, but also because the battle changed from a life-and-death fight to a protracted one...

"Ridiculous words." Nagakaporos spit out a snake letter, looking at the newly promoted **** in front of her, she felt a little bit of fear in her heart.

Just as Janna can sense the condition of the believer, so can Nagakaporos.

Her followers... the Baru Islands, torn apart.

In this battle, unless the **** in front of him is completely killed, her soul is devoured, and then the man with a special soul is caught, otherwise, Nagakaporos will be defeated.

Ba Ru's current situation, there are no thousands of years, it is impossible to recover.

Janna looked at each other's dense eyes and knew what the other party was thinking.

Waving the staff coldly, she raised her head, showing a rare arrogance, "I won't lose to you."

Can only be... dragged.

If he can gain more power of faith, perhaps Janna can hope to defeat Nagakaporos.

But how long does it take to have the power of faith that can defeat Nagakapolos?

Where did Shuangcheng find tens of thousands of people to sincerely believe in Janna?

The time it takes... is a year? two years? ten years? Or... a hundred years, a thousand years?

Janna didn't know, but she knew that Lin Wen would help her.

So, drag it, drag it down with Nagakapolos.

Until the day when Lin Wen was strong enough to help her.



The dog-headed monster gritted his teeth and grinned, "I didn't expect you to fight her for so long."

"In that case..."


"Then what to do now? Is Goddess Janna dangerous now?" Jace asked.

"You all go back first, I'll wait here." Lin Wen patted Jace on the shoulder and said solemnly, "She is in good condition and safe."

"Go back? Then let you go to risk again?" Jace bent down and punched Lin Wen in the stomach angrily, "Don't think about it, I will accompany you."

"No matter how dangerous it is, I won't let you do it alone." Jess looked at Lin Wen angrily and said.

"Jess..." Lin Wen looked at Jace with some moving.

"Uh, your look is disgusting, don't look at me like that, I already have Mel."

"Speaking as if no one didn't..."

"Hey, of course you have, you still have two." Jace said with a sudden wink.


"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. Since you want to stay, let Shirko take them..."

Halfway through Lin Wen's words, he suddenly choked, then looked up at the distant sky.

"What's the matter? How do you say a..."

As Jace spoke, he looked into Lin Wen's line of sight, and suddenly choked.

In the distant sky, the clouds gathered together, as if they were held together by a big hand.

The clouds gradually gathered into a huge dog face, that face... Lin Wen was familiar with it!

"It's Nasus!" Lin Wen shouted in surprise.


"They call me the death **** of the desert, and I have abandoned what I believe in, I have wandered for thousands of years, but now... the fallen will rise again!"

Nasus looked up at the battle aloft.

Thousands of years of wandering had left him with little power, but now, he has found it back.

Ghan doesn't believe me...but, I'll make you believe me.

Nasus's pair of dog pupils were entwined with black lines, and he pressed the battle axe in his hand against the ship.

Immediately after...


Surrounded by golden light, black sand suddenly appeared on the sea.

These black sands were wrapped in golden light, and they continued to grow with Nasus's growing body.

"I will completely defeat your soul, and I will become a monument on your road to life!"

"The ancient **** Nagakaporos, your time of death has come!"

The desert **** of death roared into the sky.

The clouds were burned by the flames of Nasus, and Janna also felt the breath of Nasus, and quickly turned into a huge blue bird.


Nagakaporos also sensed the breath of another powerful man, and quickly grew bigger to fight back against Janna, but Janna endured the pain and hooked Nagakaporos' body with her claws, pushing her hard. Take it down.

Janna is most familiar with this group of ascenders. They are stronger than each other, and each of them exists as one enemy and one country, but most ascenders face a problem, that is... they can't fly.

So is Nasus.


"Boom boom boom boom!!"

The strong wind acts as a power, and the wind can propel all things in the world!

The people of Bilgewater, the people of the Twin Cities, all saw the appearance of the gods at this moment.

The first thing that appeared was a beautiful blue bird that was a few hundred meters in size. Then, it was tightly wrapped around the blue bird with tentacles. UU reading A large group of black things that could not be seen clearly. But looking at the movement of her tail wrapping the blue bird, you can see that it is a huge monster.

The blue bird flapped its wings and took her down.

Their speed was extremely fast, and after reaching a height of tens of meters, another creature that was much smaller than them, even the size of a toe appeared.

He jumped out and jumped to an altitude of tens of meters.

It was a monster with a dog's head and a human body. His height seemed to be more than ten meters at most, not even... less than that.

However, his aura was not weaker than those of the powerful monsters.

Blue bird, dog god, snake god.


Three-way melee!


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