Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Blast found...

In mid-August 985, if the time is more accurate, it would be 4:00 p.m. on August 15th.

Lin Wen was sitting in his office at the moment, arranging and telling the summary of his trip to Bilge Wortel on the phone, but it was a summary. In fact, Lin Wen didn't have much to do. Ke has more things to do than Lin Wen, and now Hilke is probably thinking about what to do to let the countries of the world know about the battle between the Twin Cities and Bilgewater.

Speaking of Shirko, Lin Wen had a smile on his face, and then shook his head helplessly, that guy... He used to be a man who used violence to control violence, and wanted to use violence in the hearts of Picheng people. Root fear so that Zaun will be respected.

At that time, he was crazy and reckless in doing things, and he could sacrifice everything, including his own life, to achieve his goals, but now Shirko has become a person who will think twice about doing something.

He can now sit with Camille and drink tea. In the old words, he saw that Piltover's Grey Lady would only have two thoughts. One, run, two, the desperate fight after being unable to escape.

As for the option of begging for mercy, it was definitely not within Shirco's consideration.

In the craziest period, he could ask the Zaan people for mercy, but he would never ask the Picheng people for mercy. That was his last dignity at that time.

But now it's different, everything has changed.

Piltover and Zaun are twin sister cities. Although these two cities still have a lot of hatred and misunderstanding between them, no matter how much they have opinions on each other, they still have the blood in their bones. Nor will it change.

At least for now, the interests of the two cities are aligned, and... are still moving in a good direction.

"It can also be said to be subduing, but Bilgewater's role is not very big. Establishing Hex at sea and helping us take care of Hex is the only thing they can help me. Oh, and now there is still contact with Ai Onian."

"I should have gone with you, and then I'll go to Shurima..."

"It's okay, because finding a father is also a very important thing."

"..." The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then the woman said in a low voice, "That's my father..."

Lin Wen's call was of course to Kai'Sa, and now, Lin Wen also told Kai'Sa all the things that happened in Bilgewater a few days ago.

Now, listening to Kai'Sa say this again, Lin Wen immediately added: "Look, you are here again, your father is your father, does it matter who he is?"


"Of course it's important, how could anyone mistakenly recognize his father?"

"Why did I recognize my father indiscriminately?" Lying back, someone continued in a very cheap tone: "I know my father with my eyes."

"Oh, you... forget it." Kai'Sa on the other end of the phone sighed heavily, and then continued: "But I haven't found him yet, Lin Wen, I've already found him here. It's been almost a month."

Kai'Sa said a little discouraged on the phone, and there was even a bit of grievance in her tone.

The reason for such a little emotion...

Kaisha also found it strange.

In the past, she would never complain about the environment. After all, she lived in the underground world when she was young, and there was no worse environment than that.

But now...she's going to complain.

If you stay in Zaun for a long time, you will occasionally miss Shurima, but after staying in Shurima for only a month, just a month, Kai'Sa thinks of life in Zaun again.

She can't eat well here, and she can't sleep well. Although she can't go to rest, but... who wants to lie in the desert and be blown by the wind and sand? Also... Kai'Sa is a little concerned about her skin now.

Shurima's sunshine and sandstorms are severe. If it weren't for the ten years of living in the underground world, then Kai'Sa thought her skin would probably be yellow and rough like most Shurimans.

Thinking about it this way... When I first saw Taliyah, her skin was actually very rough, but now the little sparrow can use good skin care products in Zaun every day, and the skin quality has been greatly improved .

Kai'Sa is of course also in use now.

Because there is no woman who does not love beauty, if she can have the opportunity to be beautiful.

Another is that Kassadin has not been found for a long time. Kassa is actually trying her best not to think about it, but... I still can't help but doubt the authenticity of this matter.

Father... is he really still there?

In the end, it was because it was in front of Lin Wen.

If it was another person, it would be impossible for Kasha to show such a side, and only in front of Lin Wen would she show such a side.

And Lin Wen listened to Kai'Sa's words, thought about it, and said, "Are you impatient now?"

"No... No, yes, there is a little... but only a little. These days, I have followed the information given by Coman and the others. I have looked in many places, and you told me I have also gone to several large markets in the deep desert, but they all said they have never seen such a person."

Well, Lin Wen thinks this should be the reason why Kai'Sa hasn't received her Hex call for a while now, right?

The place in Shurima is really too big. It is very unrealistic to want to build a hex base station on every land in Shurima. Money is not a problem, the problem is whether it has been built. Ways to protect, in the final analysis, it is the population problem of Shuangcheng...

The Hexagon base station is very hateful. After all, anyone who sees such a beautiful big tower with aquamarine crystals and still glows, it is all curious. Therefore, if there is no one around to protect the Hex base station, even if it is in the depths of the desert, it will be stripped away in a few days.

"Ca'Sa, listen to me, you can't think like that."

Lin Wen is organizing the language, but it's not that he wants to preach to Kai'Sa. After all...The story between Kai'Sa and Kassadin has not been officially completed yet, even in Kai'Sa's cognition, Ka'Sa Sardin is already dead. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the current Kasa is unfamiliar with Kassadin.

What's more... Is Kassadin a human now, or a person infected by the void?

Lin Wen can't remember what the original Kassadin story was like, but the revised story Lin Wen remembers very clearly, that is, Kassadin entered Acacia as a human with various weapons and blessings, he is not In the beginning, it was a person infected by the void.

But I can't say for sure. After all, Kassadin holds the Void Stone in his hand, and the equipment that can carry the word "Void" cannot be a good item. If it is said that it has no side effects, Lin Wen will not believe it anyway. of.

"I can't guarantee where he is now, and I can't guarantee that he's still human, but Kai'Sa, I can guarantee you one thing."

"Your father loves you deeply, and loves you deeply to this day."

"You've been looking for him for a month, but he's been looking for you for ten years, and he doesn't even know you're still alive."

Kassadin has been looking for Kaisha, and what he is looking for is his Kaisha's body.

Looking for the enemy of Keisha who killed him.

What a daring and fearless act to go into Icathia alone and face the void.

However, Lin Wen scoffed at this statement. Anyone who knew the story would know that Kassadin faced the void alone because he was brave? Not really...

It was just a father's unending revenge after despair.

Kassadin is now "crazy".

He is not a hero, he is just a husband who has lost his wife and a grieving father who has lost his daughter.

He is just an ordinary person.

"...I know, you've told me before, I remember."

"I'm just, I'm just..." Kaisha hesitated for a long time, and under Lin Wen's questioning, she said softly: "I, I just miss you a little bit, I'm a little homesick."

"Of course I will find him, and I won't go back until I find him."

"Oh~ are you acting like a spoiled brat to me?"

With a bit of anger, it sounded: "Shut up you."

"Okay, don't worry, since our people have found his trace, it means that he must be in Shurima now."

Kassadin has been to many places, according to the story... He has also been to Zaun, but it was Zaun a long time ago, and Zaun is still in chaos, not only Zaun, Kassadin has also been to Zaun What about Ionia?

Going to various places is to collect props that can resist the swallowing of the void.

And this time he appeared in Shurima again, and it seemed that he couldn't bear to come out first, and then he had to collect his own props again.

"Don't worry, he will definitely be found." Kai'Sa was in a mood, and this change made Lin Wen smile involuntarily.

You know, when she first came to Zaun, she was just a guy who was only interested in food.

I'm not curious about what Lin Wen does at all, and I don't care what Lin Wen thinks.

But now, Kai'Sa would actually say something like that.

This conflicts with her external image, a warrior who is cold and talkative, this should be the image of Kai'Sa. But Lin Wen was not surprised, after all, Kai'Sa is a girl in love now.

The call continued for a long, long time.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that the call between Lin Wen and Kai'Sa came to an end.

"When you find your father-in-law, come back with him immediately."

Hearing Lin Wen calling his father-in-law again, the voice on the other end of the phone was calm: "You succeeded, Lin Wen, I don't want to complain about your name for him now."

I really don't know why this guy Lin Wen has such a thick skin...

Even if Kai'Sa really met Kassadin now, the word "father" is absolutely indescribable.

But... this guy Lin Wen has one father and one father-in-law.

Afraid of running away...

Gu Zong

"Okay, that's it, I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat now."

"What do you have for dinner?"

"Five hard wheat breads, and some veggies left over from the midday bake."

"Is that so? What about meat? Don't you like meat the most?"

"I also want to eat meat, but I have already eaten all the meat. Coman said that I will have to wait two days before I can eat meat."

"Uh, it's actually good to eat less meat. Eating some dry food is good for your health." Lin Wen held back his smile and continued, "Like me, I've been eating so well recently, you don't know Kaisha. , Now both Zaan and Picheng are holding a celebration feast, everyone can eat free barbecue, I am eating barbecue now, and I have eaten."

"Lin Wen..."

"I'm here."

"Did anyone ever say you're mean sometimes?"

It seemed that Kai'Sa clenched her fists in her mind, and Lin Wen's smile could not be hidden, "Wei said that about me before, Hilko and Jace have said it."

"I'm going to hang up!"

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded, but immediately said, "That's right, Kai'Sa."

"Huh?" The guy on the other end of the phone snorted.

I haven't seen each other for a month, it's impossible to say what you don't want. Men and women in love can't wait to be together every day. Therefore, even the always reserved Kaisha has expressed that feeling, so how can a guy like Lin Wen be possible? Hidden and tucked? Immediately he said, "I love..."


In Shurima's Nashrame port, in a room, the black-haired woman sat up straight, holding the Hex phone in her hands in anticipation.

Of course Kai'Sa knew what Lin Wen would say next.

I can guess it, but I want to hear it more.

Concentrating, her face flushed a little, Kai'Sa was waiting.


"Bang, bang!"

It was like the sound of a hard object hitting the table or a stool falling to the ground.

Kai'Sa showed a puzzled expression, "Lin Wen?"

Lin Wen's frightened voice sounded on the other end of Hex's phone: "Break...explode?"

"call out!"


In just an instant, Kai'Sa hung up Hex's phone and threw it on the wooden table, then quickly pressed her palm on it.

Then, Kai'Sa looked at the front and blinked her eyes.

"Why would I do this..."

But after doing this, Kai'Sa was puzzled.

that is! It's just that Lin Wen saw the explosion, why should I act like a thief?

I did nothing wrong!


"I did nothing wrong!"

In the room, someone raised the volume.

It's like... an unreasonable person raises his voice and pretends to be calm.

Well, not justified, but be strong!

"That's right!"

"It's Lin Wen's fault!"


At the same time, Lin Wen's office.

The door of the office was opened, and she was holding a wrench. The girl with beautiful blue hair stared blankly ahead with a dull expression on her face.

Explosion: ???????i

Staring blankly at Lin Wen, those blue eyes that used to be beautiful and divine were now dull and dull. She murmured, "Who do you love? Who do you say you love?"

Lin Wen: "..."

Silently put Hex's phone in the space ring, Lin Wen coughed and looked at Bang Bang and was about to speak.

"Bang!" This was the sound of the wrench hitting the ground.

"Who did you just say you love? Kai'Sa? Lin Wen, when did you get together?" The little hand touched the pocket behind him, and when he took it out again, Bakuba had already pulled out a small blue gun.

Everyone in the upper echelons of Zaun knew that Boom had two very powerful weapons, one called the Boom Gun, and the other was this little pistol, which was called the Shock Gun.

There is also a weapon that is still in development, the Super Invincible Hex Rocket Launcher, which has already been named by the explosion, called the fish bone.

"Click!" is the sound of twisting the switch.

The wind moved Lin Wen's cheeks, oh, was murderous.


The sound of super-strength footsteps sounded, and the small pistol was aimed at Lin Wen's head, and he said as he walked: "My favorite Mr. Lin Wen, do you have anything to say about this?"

"Boom, listen to me, I..."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Me and Kai'Sa, me and Kai'Sa..."

Can an explosive blaster do damage to yourself?

Of course it is impossible.

Of course, she knew that this incident exploded. That's why she pointed a gun at Lin Wen. After all, ordinary people are facing this gun, and if they accidentally go wrong...

The brains are going to be electrocuted.

"Are you saying it's not what I thought it was?"

Bang Bang walked up to Lin Wen, stood on tiptoe, stretched his neck, pressed his small nose to Lin Wen's chin, moved the shock gun down, and then met Lin Wen's heart.

"Answer cautiously."

After speaking, Bakuba opened his small mouth, and his white teeth bit Lin Wen's chin hard.

Lin Wen, who didn't feel pain at all, felt that everyone was going numb. UU Reading

So numb.

Lin Wen guessed that such a day would come.

After all, many people knew that he was with Kai'Sa.

But Lin Wen always thought it would be the guy Jace who revealed it.

Never thought of it...

But it was broken by myself...

The blue-haired puppy stared at Lin Wen's eyes tightly, his hands wide open around Lin Wen's waist, and his teeth were biting **** Lin Wen's chin.

Because he was biting Lin Wen's chin.

So when the throat rolled, it was an indistinct voice spit out from the exploding mouth:

"Shuobu ordered the white turtle to play!"

(Don't want to leave if you don't understand!)

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