Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 135: sislia and galen

"How far are we from Xiongdu?"

On the noble carriage with the Sri family crest printed on it, the curtain was pulled open, and a small head with a hood stuck out. Sithria sniffed and asked the soldier on the horse.

"It's coming, it's coming."

"Can I have a chance to meet Marshal Tiana then?" Sithria asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, I don't know." The soldier stared straight ahead without turning his eyes, while Sithria quietly stared at his profile.

After a while, holding the reins, he said helplessly: "But I don't think there should be this chance. After all, Marshal Tiana has a lot of opportunities, and she has no reason to appear in front of you."

Sithlia gave an "oh" and sat back a little discouraged.

Then after a while, she stuck her head out again, the flaxen hood shook, and a tuft of brown hair came out mischievously, and she asked again, "So, is there a chance to see Ms. Fiona?"

"Wu Shuang Jian Ji?"

"Yes, yes!!!" Hethria was excited and said loudly: "It's her, my mother told me her story, saying that she had become a great challenger at a very young age. "

But the soldier who was asked by Hethria stopped talking.

The hand holding the reins was also harder, Sithlia could see it, but Sithlia didn't understand.

Could it be... is she saying the wrong thing?

Why is Uncle Aaron suddenly silent? Seems a little **** off...

As for how Sithria saw it.

That's because Sithria's eyes, her azure blue almond eyes, can see things that ordinary people can't.

Venaf said that it was her innate talent, and even through the thick armor, Sithria could see something through the armor.

The other person's breathing, grip, sight...

On the other side of Sithria, a soldier suddenly said: "Your Excellency Fiona is a well-known challenger of Demacia, and has achieved a hundred consecutive victories in the arena. The Sword Princess is worthy of the name."

"Miss Sithlia, don't worry, Aaron isn't mad at you."


"Aaron once had a duel with Wushuang Jianji. Three moves, just three moves, and Aaron lost to her."

"Speak up!"

"Really? Uncle Aaron, have you duel with Fiona?" Sislia immediately turned to look at Aaron, who thought for a while and nodded slowly.

"The Wushuang Jianji at that time... was only a thirteen-year-old child." Aaron clenched the reins, pursed his lips under the helmet, and said helplessly: "It's shameful, isn't it? An adult lost to a child."

"Aaron, it's no shame, a lot of people lost to that kid at the time.

"I really want to see her..." Sislia's eyes were cautious, and she said with admiration, "Even if it's just a glance from a distance."

Aaron heard Sithlia's words and suddenly said, "No, Miss Sithlia, please don't belittle yourself. I've seen you practice swords these days, and I can feel it when I'm sparring with you."

"What you lack is just a tough physique and experience in dueling with others." Aaron said seriously, "In my opinion, Miss Sithlia, your future may not be inferior to Fiona."

"Hey, hey, Aaron, are you exaggerating?" the soldier on the other side said.

Sithlia also blinked, her eyes filled with fear.

Aaron shook his head helplessly when he saw that the parties were all like this.


If only he could live long.

Aaron believed that he would see the transformation of this child.

"Ah, you can see it!"

"Look, Miss Sithlia, it's the city wall of Xiongdu!"

"Ah, ah, what is that giant statue? Um, is that the Galio that Venaf told me about?" Sithria looked at another time. On the plain, a huge white stone statue led attention.

"Eh?! It's really Galio." Aaron frowned in confusion after seeing it, "Why... Galio is here? When we came to Xiongdu last time, we saw Galio ?"

"No, nothing." Another soldier immediately said seriously.

Galio... why is he here?

And Sithlia was still watching, and then... She had excellent eyesight and suddenly her eyes were rounded, and her blue apricot eyes were round and big, Sithlia said loudly: "Wait, Uncle Aaron , look, is there someone on Galio's body!?"


Aaron looked immediately, but saw "Boom!" The earth trembled, and the colossus, which was not supposed to be able to move, spread its wings to cover the sky.

Under the scorching sun, the Colossus of Justice stretched out its giant hand, clenched its fist and made a very strange gesture.

Aaron can only see Galio's huge outline at the moment, because they are a few dozen miles away from Galio!

If it weren't for the fact that Galio was so huge on the plain, there would be no reason to see this stone statue.

" looks like a girl with blond hair."

Her eyes were a little sore, Sithria narrowed her eyes and rubbed them, but waited until she opened them again.


The colossus has taken to the sky.

And Sithlia saw it.

A pair of long legs were swaying, and the blond woman sat on Galio's shoulders.


"Is there a war?"

"No, no, it's impossible... A war that Galio can dispatch, there's no reason why we shouldn't know."

"Then why does Galio move?"

Sithlia listened to the arguments of the soldiers beside her ears. After being shocked, Sithlia's eyes were bright, like small stars.

But just left Yun Cong... She, she saw the legendary Colossus of Justice!

"Forget it, let's go."

"Hithria, we're already there."

"Welcome to the King City."

"Yes!" Little Skylark nodded excitedly and clenched his wooden sword.


"Hithria, go in, we won't send you any further."

In Xiongdu City, Aaron stood in front of Hethria, took off his helmet, and with a resolute face, he was calmly looking at the girl in front of him.

Accompanying the girl from Yuncong to Demacia, they spent five days together.

In these five days, Aaron gradually fell in love with this lively and lovely little girl.

Her courage is small and small, so small that when there is movement at night, she can jump up holding the sword with a rub, but she is very courageous, so big that she is trembling, but she dares to carry the sword Find the source of the sound.

Ming Mingsheng is a strong man...but he always looks like a bear.

How funny.

The same is true when dueling, in fact, Aaron knows, he knows that Sithria can beat him, but... she actually keeps her hand.

Does Venaf know about this? Aaron was suddenly curious.

"Thank you, thank you."

Sithria held the wooden sword in her arms, lowered her head, and gave a ninety-degree bow.

"Go, go down this road, and you will reach the barracks. If anyone stops you, show him the letter from Baron Sri to you."

"I, I understand." Sithria touched the pocket of the one-piece hood.

"Okay, let's say goodbye, Sithlia." Aaron showed a faint smile.

This is probably the first time he has smiled since he retired due to injury.

Because... he sees a future immeasurable genius.

Sithria will definitely become an excellent soldier, and Aaron has no doubts about this, and she will definitely become a member of the fearless pioneer in the future.

"Ah, Uncle Aaron, you actually laughed!" Hethria said in surprise.

"Go." Aaron immediately put away his smile and said coldly.

After speaking, he pulled the man beside him, and then both of them turned their backs.

"thanks, thanks!"

Sithria waved loudly.

Then... after she calmed down, she immediately noticed the gaze around her.


They're wearing... they look so good!

They wear clean and luxurious clothes, even if they are children, they are beautiful and clean.

Sithria immediately lowered her head and looked at herself.

She was wearing an old ranger hooded sleeveless jacket with not only two patches sewn on it, but a lot of unresolved holes, a dirty cowhide belt around her waist, and her lower body It was a pair of dark, tight-fitting trousers, and the trousers were drawn at the thigh.

Carrying an old traveler's backpack with old-fashioned braids and grey linen wraps on his hands...

In an instant, Sithria suddenly felt a strong sense of shame.

"Yes, sorry!"

After bowing her head and shouting loudly at the people around her, Sithria immediately gathered her backpack, and then quickly walked to the position Aaron said.


In the garrison of Demacia, a man with an epee and a group of men in silver armor and blue shawls walked down the avenue.

The soldiers stationed around or in training spontaneously gave way and looked at the group with respect.

"The day after tomorrow, we will set off. The mission of this trip is very simple. It is to protect the prince and... be optimistic about the prince. His Majesty's order, without the approval of Senator Lin Wen, the prince is not allowed to leave Shuangcheng University."

Among the men, the only man who did not wear a helmet, the five officials were upright, and the man who was full of integrity said loudly.

In his hand, he held a giant sword. The body of the sword was wide and long, and the hilt was made of special golden ore, like a winged wing. A blue gem was inlaid in the center of the wing.

"We understand, Captain Garen."

Galen nodded, and when he turned his head, he noticed a timid figure beside him.

Frowning, Galen looked at the tattered man and quickly followed.

He was clearly wearing thick Mithril armor and was tall, but Garen silently approached her side.

Reaching out a big hand and pressing it on the other's shoulder, Galen said in a low voice, "Stop."


The other party quickly turned around, revealing her head hidden under the hood. She only reached Galen's chest. Frightened and panicked, she threw her long braids on her face. "Woooo..."

With a whimper, Sithria covered her face and raised her head to look at the man in front of her.

He was like a hill blocking Sithlia's face and blocking the sun.

"Did you go to the wrong place? Going forward, is it a quasi-civilian entry."

"Wait, I, my name is Sithlia, I have a letter from Lord Baron Sri, I am not a spy, I have not gone the wrong way."

Sithria hurriedly dropped her generous wooden sword, pulled the bag she was carrying behind her back to her, and began to turn her head down in the bag.

Galen looked at the girl in bewilderment, but put away his vigilance.

It doesn't look like she's lying, so... she's going to join the army? Another person recommended by a noble in a remote area?

"Here, sir."

Sithria handed a letter in both hands.

"Can I read it?" Galen took the letter, but looked at Hethria and said, "Whoever sent you the letter, did you tell you who the letter was for?"

"No..." Sithria shook her head, "Baron Sri asked me to hand over the letter when I was stopped."

"I understand."

Galen nodded, opened the letter, and looked down.

Sithria stood nervously in front of Galen.

She looked at the tall man in front of her, at the silver-white armor on his body that reflected brightly in the sunlight, and at his handsome blue cape... Hethria was very envious.

And she, dressed in rags, looks like a poor little beggar.


"Yes, sir!" Sithria stood up straight.

Gai put his hand in front of him, coughed and said, "First meeting, Sithria, I am the vanguard swordsman of the first shield guard of the fearless vanguard, Garen Crownguard."


Galen was stunned for a moment, and looked at the girl in front of him in confusion, taking five or six steps back.

Then, Sithlia stepped on her shoes again and walked in front of Galen.

"You, you are a soldier of the Dreadnought Pioneer?" Sithria's eyes lit up.

No, fearless pioneer!

Venaf told her countless times, the most powerful army in Demacia!

Soldiers who can enter the fearless vanguard are heroes!

"Yes, Sithlia, you will be an exchange student..." Before Garen could finish his words, Sithria said loudly again:

"What's your relationship with Field Marshal Tiana Crownguard?"

"..." Galen looked at Sithlia in confusion.

Sithlia met Galen's eyes, calmed down slowly, swallowed saliva, she shrank her head cowardly, and whispered: "Yes, I'm sorry, I got carried away..."

In front of him are the soldiers of the fearless vanguard, and he is also the chief swordsman of the first shield guard!

Still an aristocrat!

She...she's rude.

"No, it doesn't matter."

But Galen shook his head, after all, next, she will walk with Galen to the Twin Cities.

"Tiana is my aunt."


"Also, Sithlia, I'm also one of the two cities on this trip."

Galen stretched out his big hand, facing the impetuous girl, and said in a loud voice, "Please advise."

Sithlia looked at Galen's hand, and the next moment she wiped her little hand behind her, and reached out to hold Galen.

"Where, how can there be..."


At the same time, in a smelter in Demacia.

Orianna held the Hexian phone in her hand and said in surprise, "No no no, Senator Lin Wen, I, don't I still have time?"

"No, Orianna, you must come back."

"Can I ask why?" Orianna looked at Zorona, who was also confused.

Yes... Mr Lam Man!

Senator Lin Wen personally called Orianna Hex's phone!

"The people and students of Demacia will soon come to the Twin Cities, and there will definitely be conflicts between the two sides."

"Orianna, as the ninth member of Congress, I order you to serve as the first student council president of Twin Cities University."

"You will have the right to control students."

Orianna heard Senator Lin Wen's laughter on the other end of the phone: "So, Lord President, you have to come back."

Orianna blankly held the phone: "..."

She doesn't know about this!


After hanging up the phone Orian looked at Zorona.

"What did Congressman Lin Wen say?" Zorona asked excitedly.

Mr. Lin Wen, that is Mr. Lin Wen!

The greatest congressman in the Twin Cities!

Although, as a Piltover, Zorona should worship either Jace or Camille.

However, no Picheng people would refuse to worship Lin Wen.

"He... I want us to go back as soon as possible, and, and he wants me to be the student council president."

Zorona: "?"

"Also, you are the vice president..."

Zorona: "???"

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