Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 139: Father...


myself... falling.

Kassadin felt that his body was constantly falling, like a rock sinking into the sea, falling little by little...

And in this process of falling, blisters appeared in front of Kassadin's eyes, and in these blisters, Kassadin saw a lot of things.

He saw... being abandoned by his parents as a child and became an abandoned baby himself.

The filthy abandoned baby was sheltered by a caravan and sent to a small village in the Dasai Desert, but that was all.

No one in this small village is willing to adopt this lowly abandoned baby, because they can't even feed themselves, of course they can't support this abandoned baby, but fortunately, many people in this village are very kind, If there was an extra mouthful of food, or unwanted food, they would feed this lowly outcast, this barren Shurima...on a cruel gag.

And he is also very good. Even if he eats food that people don't want and is not nutritious, he still survives tenaciously, and he grows up day by day while eating a hundred family meals... growing up day by day.

Time seemed to pass little by little, but Kassadin didn't know what environment he was in.

He tried to struggle to get up, but apart from falling weightless, the only thing Kassadin could feel right now was... seeing the children rolling in the sand and growing up.

He saw himself picking up what others didn't want to eat...

I saw myself who tried to steal for the first time, but gave up in the end.

He saw himself cowardly and helpless when he was robbed of food in his youth.

He saw himself employed by caravans to protect their vital cargo, and as bait for predators.

Kassadin's body fell, but there was a hint of emotion in his cloudy eyes.

How did he survive this time? Even if an adult were to do this, it would be a dead end, but Kassadin always caught that chance of life. Because of this, Kassadin turned from bait to guide, as if he was born to eat this bowl of rice.

Kassadin looked at him quietly, looking at himself.

He grew bigger, he was no longer a skinny monkey, he became a strong man, a golden sign in the alleys and markets of Berggün. Many out-of-town travel merchants know that Kassadin is the best local guide to pass through the dangerous Dasai Desert. Slowly, some people began to entrust Kassadin to take them to find treasures, and Kassadin accepted them one by one.

The man with a mouthful of sand was holding a half-broken cup, which was obviously tattered and tattered, but this cup allowed Kassadin to get three gold coins as a reward, and his employer also made a lot of money for it.

"That's it..."

"That's the treasure I dug up for the first time."

The nostalgia in Kassadin's eyes, who watched all this, became even stronger.


A woman walked to Kassadin's side when she was a young man, and Kassadin, who watched this scene, moved her throat and made a choked voice:

"Rick***** Rema."

"The treasure of my life..."

In the southernmost part of Shurima, in Zerima, Kassadin, who helped countless employers find their treasure, found his own treasure here - a woman, and here, Kassadin fell in love with Zere A woman from a desert tribe.

They knew and fell in love with each other, spent a happy period, and then gave birth to the crystallization of love.

Seeing himself interacting with his infant daughter, Kassadin on the side couldn't bear it any longer.

The weightlessness has now disappeared a lot, Kassadin struggled, trying to climb forward, he... he had almost forgotten what his Keisha looked like.

It's been more than ten years since that incident, time... way too long.

He wanted to see his Keisha.

Then, Kassadin succeeded.

He was closer to his Keisha.

Kassadin stood beside the other self, looking down at the infant girl with the other self.

" baby girl is so ugly."

When he was young, he held the baby in his arms, stretched out a finger, and was carefully touching the baby's face.

Yeah...this little, skinny, wrinkled, monkey-like baby is so ugly.

But Kassadin had a happy smile on his face.


But suddenly, the skin child burst into tears.

Another person appeared in front of her. It was the wife. She immediately took the baby from her youth and began to coax in a low voice.

Kassadin looked at her, looked at her and Keisha, and looked at himself who was at a loss. Then, he also walked over, and the two adults began to do everything possible to coax the baby.

Slowly, Keisha grew up.

Kassadin didn't struggle any more, letting the weightlessness lead him to sink.

But he could see more and more.

The one-year-old Keisha can't speak yet, but can only scream, but Kassadin thinks that the baby girl is so smart. As soon as she is hungry, she will crawl to her wife, and then cry beside her. In front of her, she never looked for food, as if she knew that this useless man couldn't give her food.

The two-year-old Keisha can already trot. Every time Kassadin, who goes out to work, completes a task, he will send a letter as soon as he gets paid, and then rush back to Little Rock Village. At this time, his wife will bring her daughter. Appeared at the entrance of the village, waiting for Kassadin's return. Kassadin looked at a gauze, and the weather-beaten man ran in front of Keisha and squatted down. The result was that the frightened little Keisha burst into tears, and ran behind her mother and hugged her legs to hide. But when he took off the gauze on one end, little Keisha would stay for a while, waving away her tears, and when she recognized Kassadin, she would be so excited that she ran to Kassadin staggeringly.

Three-year-old Keisha is very naughty. She is the most naughty child in Xiaoyan Village. Kassadin will bring her countless toys, but each toy Keisha can't play for long. Kassadin thinks that little Keisha is a generous child, because she will give toys to other children, but his wife thinks this is a very bad behavior. It is very dangerous for a husband to make money, save it if you can! Kassadin looked at him from a distance who was punished by his wife and then stood up with the crying little Keisha. At that time, he had a laugh on his face, and one hand was still on the head of the crying child after being taught. superior. Seeing this scene, Kassadin's face suddenly showed a sad expression.

The five-year-old Keisha has become sensible. She knows that her father's work is very dangerous, and she no longer always clamors for Kassadin to go back earlier, but asks Kassadin to pay more attention to safety outside. And this it my twenty-nine-year-old self? Kassadin looked at himself who heard his daughter's words for the first time, then hid where her daughter couldn't see, hugging his wife and crying. His treasure is worried for his safety.

Seven-year-old Keisha has learned to write and read. Now she is curious about what the world outside the small rock village is like. The southern desert living environment is cruel, but Keisha is well protected by her parents. Every time Kassadin went back, she would still run to Kassadin, who had grown into a big child, and then the dirty girl would reach out sweetly for Kassadin to hug her, and then she would hug Kassadin. Ding's neck, asking his father for interesting stories.

At the age of eight, Kassadin gave a dagger to Keisha, watching his daughter cover her mouth in surprise, holding the dagger in both hands and starting to run around the dining table, when Kassadin reached middle age, he covered his stomach, hahaha. He laughed, but on one side was his unhappy wife. Of course women in Shurima need to know how to use weapons, but Keisha is only eight years old, and it is too much to give such a dangerous weapon at the age of eight! But looking at Keisha's happy appearance and her husband who was teaching Keisha how to use weapons, she shook her head, and finally covered her mouth and snickered, she didn't say anything.

At the age of nine, Kassadin received another good deal. This year, he was going to Piltover to deliver the ancient relics of a nobleman to a nobleman in Piltover.

"No, no, no!"

"Don't go, don't go!"

Kassadin looked at himself standing in front of his wife, bending down and laughing at himself who made a promise with Keisha, and roared angrily from the side.

"No, no, please, Cas-Say-A-Di, don't go!"

The body struggled violently, Kassadin waved the blade of the underworld, and slashed towards the scene in front of him frantically.

But he couldn't do anything.

The blade of the underworld crossed, but the picture still existed, and that one also left the small rock village with a salute on his back.

Kassadin couldn't stop him, he couldn't stop himself from leaving.

"I beg you... I beg you, don't leave them, don't leave them."

The screen turns again.

Gu send

Kassadin suddenly sat on the ground in despair, and the blade of the underworld in his right hand broke away from his wrist.

He watched himself as he lost Keisha, digging the ruins like crazy.

The quicksand and gravel pierced his hand, but he ignored it and dug up the ruins with blood flowing. He kept screaming the names of his wife and daughter, but he couldn't get any response. A few days later, Gutar and his friends caught up with Kassadin. Kassadin held his head and was in front of Gutar. He and Gutar watched together. In a trance, a man with empty eyes shedding blood and tears under the scorching sun.

His tears have dried up...

"Why... why does it remind me?"


"Why make me go through it again!"

Gutar and the others dragged Kassadin to a nearby city, intending to take Kassadin out of here, but Kassadin... was unwilling to leave.

His heart is dead, and with his wife and daughter, he died in Little Rock Village.

Kassadin closed his eyes, but the images were still emerging.

Like a nightmare, a curse.

Why am I remembering this?

I have no intention of forgetting them, but all I can think about right now is revenge.

Why make me go through it again?

Am I doing something wrong?


Why am I here?

Suddenly, Kassadin slowly raised his head.

I entered Icathia, I fought the Void, and... I survived. I met Goutal and some old friends, and I plan to say goodbye to them completely and face the void alone...

So what am I doing now?

Yes... Kassadin raised his head and looked in front of him.

Those bubbles have disappeared.

"I met a void creature, and I fought it."

"No, that's not a void creature." Kassadin stood up slowly.

The body no longer sinks, he seems to remember.

Everything, everything, Kassadin remembered.

He met...a woman in Nashrame.

A woman who looks very similar to her wife and has black hair like herself.

Kassadin picked up the detached gauntlet and put it on. He started to use the void walk and shuttled upwards.

A little, a little, a little.

Until Kassadin's hand touched the limit.


The blade of the underworld broke through the boundary, the whole world shattered like glass, and Kassadin stretched out his left hand.




In the dark desert, next to a burning fire, a strong man suddenly sat up, raised his left hand and shouted.

It's hot, it's a fire.


Kassadin looked anxiously at the figure beside the bonfire, it was a woman who was stuffing the roasted scorpion into her mouth.

She is very beautiful, with beautiful black hair, attractive red lips and dark scorpion flesh in stark contrast, her cheeks are bulging, she is chewing and looking at herself, her hands are still scratching On two wooden sticks, there are small roasted sand lizards on them.

Looking at herself with dull eyes, after swallowing the food in her mouth with difficulty, she wiped her mouth immediately, her eyes dodged a little, looked at Kassadin's winning streak and said: "You, I... I treat you as a void monster, I'm sorry. , I'm sorry...I'm..."

"You are Keisha, you are my Keisha? Right?"

Kassadin had already rolled and crawled in front of her.

His injuries are completely healed, but his body is a little weak and sore, which is the phenomenon of hunger.

But Kassadin didn't feel hungry at the moment, his soul was shaking, the woman in front of him...

Reaching out his hands and pressing them tightly on Kai'sa's arms, Kassadin asked loudly, trembling, "You're Kai'sa... right? Do you remember this name?"


"Caisha...what a nostalgic name."

Memories flashed in Kai'Sa's eyes, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She forgot a lot of things. During the years in the underground world and the years of being assimilated by this skin, Kai'Sa even forgot what Kassadin looked like.

But... this name, she still remembers it firmly.

"Yes, I'm Keisha."

Kai'Sa lowered her head and looked at the man who was kneeling in front of her and looked up at eyes beamed with joy. He opened his mouth to say something, but when he tilted his head, he suddenly fainted in Kai'Sa feet.

After Kassadin was confirmed, that tendon completely slackened.

He is not proficient in mastering the power of the void, and is not as good as Kai'Sa. The reason why he wakes up now is because Kassadin forcibly suppressed the Void's instinct.

But after it was confirmed, Kassadin's suppressed spirit was disconnected.

And Kaisha lowered her head and looked at the man who buried his head in her lap, her eyes flashing at a loss.

Father... that's such a catchy word.

Kai'Sa stretched out her hand and carefully touched Kassadin's head.

In my mind, some memories came back.

She remembered something she had left behind.


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