Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 3 Chapter 5: I still like how unruly they look...

I temporarily requisitioned Bang Bang's office, but luckily... Bang Bang has an experiment to do today, so I'm not here.

Otherwise, when she sees interesting and novel things, she will definitely come up to join in the fun.

"Jervin, I know you have a lot to ask me, come on, now you can start asking."

Lin Wen, Jace, Sejuani, Jarvan IV, all four were crowded in the crowded office.

The reason why it is said to be crowded in the explosive office is because the explosive office is too messy...

A pile of weapons is placed here, a pile of ammunition is placed there, oil barrels and barrels of hex gems are scattered everywhere, and there are all kinds of dolls and cute cups in the office. What.

All in all, this environment gave Sejuani and Jarvan IV a very bad feeling.

Is this... really the teacher's room?

"Uncle..." Jarvan IV just hesitated for a moment, then took a breath and said.

But as soon as he spoke, Lin Wen immediately interrupted him and said, "Wait, you should call me Lin Wen."

"Okay, Lin Wen."

Of course, King Jarvan IV was not used to calling someone his age uncle. But because it was what the father emphasized, he had to listen, but now... but the other party himself asked to be called that.

Jarvan IV breathed a sigh of relief

"I want to know if we can really learn advanced knowledge about Hex here?" Jarvan IV looked at Lin Wen and asked seriously.

Will the Twin Cities teach other countries such miraculous tricks? Jarvan IV couldn't believe it.

He even specifically asked Jarvan III, but what the father said was - this was the request of the other party, not the transaction mentioned by Jarvan III. In other words, it was the Twin Cities who took the initiative to teach the Hex technology to other countries.

Although we have formed an alliance, but... if this is true, then Demacia is the one who takes advantage. As for forging mithril and supplying mithril, Jarvan IV did not feel that the value of mithril could be compared with that of Hextech.

Hextech should be to the Twin Cities what the Forbidden Stone was to Demacia and the rune to Noxus.

It is a national treasure, but now, the Twin Cities are willing to open up Hex to the outside world?

"Don't worry, I know your worries." Lin Wen stretched out his hand, pointed to Jess, and said with a smile, "This matter is not just my own thoughts."

"Lin Wen is right, not only he and I think so, but even the professor, Vander, Meyer and others agreed. So you can rest assured, as long as you are willing to learn, then we are willing to pay you. "Jace crossed his legs, drinking tea.

At the beginning, of course, they disagreed. Only the professor, Victor, and Lin Wen were willing to do so.

But later, Jace was persuaded by Lin Wen.

In Lin Wen's words... this is called assimilation.

As for green out of blue and better than blue? Haha, give the Demacians fifty years, and they may not be able to catch up with the current Twin Cities.

Except for the two cities on Rune Continent, the rest of the countries are all backward and feudal. Feudalism in Demacia, **** in Noxus, matriarchal clans in the Freljord, slavery in Shurima, Ionia with divided beliefs...

Now on this planet, only the Twin Cities have achieved technological modernization.

Now, one year in two cities is equal to one year in other cities!

Lin Wen looked at Sejuani again and added: "The same is true for you, as long as you are willing to learn, we are willing to pay."

Say so... But the people in Freljord's place can't be said to have the lowest level of technology... There is no development in this area at all. Can they really learn? It is said that people play magic and sorcery...

But seeing Sejuani nodding forcefully, Lin Wen was quite proud.

"Thank you." Pig girl sat up straight and nodded.

"Why?" Jarvan IV looked at Lin Wen and Jace in confusion.

"The reason..." Lin Wen paused and said with a smile: "

"Jervin, you'll understand later."

Jace pouted beside him, blowing hot tea.

He, he knows why.


"Come on, please come with me."

Zorona followed closely beside Orianna, watching Xiao Ao walking behind her back, facing the noble children of Demacia, waving as if they were playing with children.

"Where we are now is the main entrance garden of Shuangcheng University."

Arriving next to a huge stone statue, Jessica and Ellie led two teams of boys and girls respectively, and they were all looking at the statue in fascination.

"Is this a person?" Jessica asked strangely.

"He? He's our principal." Orianna looked at Heimerdinger's statue and said seriously, "He is the father of Piltover, the pioneer of science, so please pay attention to your attitude."

"Then when did he die?" a woman asked curiously.

"Death? No, how could the headmaster die." Orianna couldn't help laughing, and explained: "The headmaster is a yordle, the legendary longevity. He has been in Picheng for hundreds of years."


A group of Demacians looked at each other, incomprehensible.

"You guys, you make the yordle headmaster?"

"Those who are capable come first." Orianna continued to lead the team.

After waiting for the cafeteria...

Because their student card has not been made, so there is no way to recharge, so Orianna reluctantly swiped money from her student card.

Anyway... just ask for it from Senator Lin Wen or Senator Jess.

After a while, Orianna and Zorona began to eat.

"My God, this mutton is delicious too!"

"Why is this meat so tender?"

"Is it technology? This is Hex mutton?"

Jessica and Ellie sat opposite each other. After taking a bite, they were surprised and started to eat one after another.

"I won't buy the juice for you. You can buy it yourself in the future. I don't have that much money."

Orianna said while eating.

After chewing dry food for almost two days on the airship, I now eat hot and fragrant stew and delicious vegetables.

Woohoo, Twin Cities is the best!

Sithlia's face was almost buried in the plate.

She has never eaten something so delicious!

sweet, salty, savory...

But this is normal.

With the improvement of living standards, people's needs are also increasing, and food and entertainment are constantly being developed.

The temperature of cooking food, seasonings, and utensils are constantly being updated.

Therefore, if the world wants to comment on food, the people of Shuangcheng can be proud to do their part.

The food in the Twin Cities is the best in the world!

"Are we going to eat these things every day? Or only today?"

Ellie raised her hand and asked a question, she couldn't believe it, the food tasted... better than anything in the family.

Of course she can eat mutton often, but... it's definitely not that kind of mutton.

Just plain lamb with salt.

And what about the pot of mutton in front of you? Although it only looked like six or seven dollars, the taste directly hit Ellie's heart.

Sweet, soft and glutinous, with a slight aroma of wine, and a spice taste that can't be named.

All in all, delicious!

"Of course, uh." Orianna was about to nod, but she shook her head again.

Seeing this, Ellie's eyes darkened.

Sure's only today.

"The dishes in the cafeteria are often changed. Stewed mutton is not available every day, so I can eat it two or three times a week at most? But not only stewed mutton is delicious here, but also fried chicken legs, braised pork ribs, grilled sea fish, and occasionally There is sea animal meat to eat. The price is not expensive."

Sitting on the long table, the Demacian nobles were stunned.

These things... they sound delicious.

And Orianna added: "And I have just asked, because of the alliance between the Twin Cities and Demacia, the exchange rate of the gold coins of our Twin Cities and yours of Demacia is 1:1, while yours For this meal, only seventeen copper coins are needed."

"What?" Jesca stood up straight, holding a fork in both hands, "You said that this kind of food only needs seventeen copper coins?"

"Well, when the student card is down, I will teach you how to recharge."

Orianna nodded.

Then, her clothes were pulled, and she turned her head to see Sithlia pitifully holding a clean plate, looking up at Orianna with her eyelids raised: "Oriana, I...I still want to eat, can I give you money in advance?"

"Well... come with me, I'll take you to some."

Orianna smiled and pulled Sithlia to stand up.

Sithlia followed Orianna with her plate.

Because...the cafeteria of Shuangcheng University will always be filled with people!

When Orianna took Sithlia to cook vegetables. Jesska looked at Ellie, and first used a spoon to pour the soup in a small bowl on an iron plate. After drinking it, Jesska squinted and said to Ellie, "Do you think what she said is credible?"


Ellie looked around, and there were many students wearing the same clothes as them, but with different shapes and colors, eating.

After thinking about it, Ellie said, "Maybe... it's true."

"Look, the expressions of the people eating around are normal, that is to say, they are used to eating this kind of food."

"This isn't something the Twin Cities prepared to entertain us... Jessica, this is what the Twin Cities eat every day."

Jesca looked at the few fruits on the plate, and took it up with his hands to measure it. He said in a deep voice, "A lunch like this, in Demacia, the remote Viscount's house can't eat it every day. We in Demacia can't eat it every day. ... very short of food."

Ellie didn't speak, and ate the mutton quietly.

Chew slowly, showing aristocratic etiquette.

Beside her, Mary, the third daughter of the Downs family, also eats elegantly, but looking at the speed, she can see that she likes this food very much.

"Father is right, the wealth of the Twin Cities is beyond our imagination."

"Lord Duke said the same thing?" Ellie raised her eyebrows when she heard Jessica's words, a little surprised.

"What? Marshal Tiana also thinks so?" Jesska asked rhetorically.

"Well, the former Piltover had financial resources that were not inferior to Demacia's, and now, the Twin Cities Federation, Hex Phone and Base Stations have made the Twin Cities the richest city-state in the entire continent."

Jessica opened her mouth and wanted to say something, only to see Ellie's eyes looking behind him.

Jesska turned around and saw the bumpkin following Orianna, carrying a large plate of food.

"Wow, thank you, thank you, President Orianna."

Being called the president, although she still can't understand what the president does, Orianna still touched her nose and said triumphantly: "You're welcome, Sithlia."

On Sithlia's big iron plate, there was a huge pile of lamb, and three pieces of fluffy wheat bread, a high pile of roasted vegetables, and a bottle of brightly colored... water?

"After dinner, I'll take you to see the various colleges. As for the division, it's up to you to choose your own subjects... I don't know. Well, after the colleges, go to the dormitory."

Orianna exclaimed.


"President Orianna, what kind of discipline is this? Why is it under the sea?"

From the previous interaction between Orianna and Hethria, Jesska saw that Orianna should like others to call her President.

Jesska walked towards Orianna. They were now sitting on the elevator and walking towards the ground, going deeper and deeper. It was not until a huge transparent glass appeared all around that Jesska realized that they were already in the bottom of the sea. .

When a huge shark suddenly appeared under the light source in the dark sea and swam by Mary's side, the girl with the bubble head was frightened and burped, and then got into Ellie's arms. inside.

"It seems to be related to fishing? Shuangcheng University has many disciplines, and I don't know some of them."

"What did you learn, President Orianna?" Ellie interjected and asked.

"Manufacturing and application." Orianna replied, "I and Zorona studied the same major."


Sithria stood in the distance, chewing a fruit, completely uninterested.


Weapons Academy -

"This toy is placed here, is this also a weapon?"

"Wow!! This style, at first glance, is made by Dean of Explosion. This is a weapon that is still in the research and development stage. You must not touch it. There is no shield on your body. If it explodes, you will die! "Orianna hurriedly stopped Jeska from reaching for a lovely butterfly.

Withdrawing her hand, Jesska swallowed.

"Boom...who is it?"

Zuorona said later: "Head of the Weapons Department, she and us... Well, maybe a little bit younger than us, but she must be respected, her status is higher than that of a teacher."


After listening to Ellie, she thought of what Orianna had said before.

"Anyone who is capable comes first...?"


"Okay, this is your dormitory, we're looking at the boys' dormitory now."

"Why not a single room? Is this for us to live together?"

"You are more than 30 boys, how could you be allowed to live in a single room? The floor area is too large." Orianna walked into a room. A table, on which is the place to sleep.

Of course, Jessica will not be dissatisfied. After all, the environment in the military camp is not known to be much better.

Just a little bit cramped.

After all, six people live together.

"Wow, there's even a Hex air conditioner and a Hex water heater!"

After checking the facilities in the room, Orianna said enviously.

"Hex Air Conditioner Hex Water Heater?" Ellie repeated.

Orianna gave an explanation right away.

Zorona took the stool, Orianna put the paper on it and stepped on it, then tiptoed on the Hex air conditioner.

When a cold air blew out, everyone in Demacia was dumbfounded.

"This, what is this?"

"Hex air conditioners can blow out air-conditioning. As long as the windows and doors are closed, the air-conditioning will continue. It's an artifact to escape the heat in summer!"

"Wow, Zorona, I want to live on campus too, why can't we live on campus? This is a Hex air conditioner, a free trial of a Hex air conditioner for one year!"

"Fool, we have a home." Zorona said angrily.

"What about the hex water heater?" Ellie asked excitedly.

Hex Air Conditioner can produce cold air...

That hex water heater, hot water, hot water!

As smart as Ellie, she guessed the role of the Hex water heater.

"Come with me."

When you get to the bathroom, there is plenty of space in the bathroom.

And when Orianna turned on the Hex water heater and the hot water sprayed out, Ellie's eyes lit up.

Several girls were also extremely surprised.

"The Hex water heater is for bathing. This side is hot water, and the other side is cold water. You can adjust the temperature to your liking."

Orianna pointed to another place and added: "You use it for free, and it is estimated that you will be given a lot of hex gems at that time. The air conditioner is replaced inside, which is a bit troublesome, but the water heater is very simple, it is here. "

Pointing to the shiny sapphire in the glass cover, Orianna continued: "When it's dark, you can change it, and you can use it directly."


"It's also amazing."

Jessica and a few boys looked at each other, and suddenly... felt that she didn't want to go back.

When they first came, they were arguing in private that they wanted to go back to Demacia. The twin cities are close to Shurima, and the summer and autumn are extremely hot. In the north, the Demacians, who are used to the cold, are of course unable to adapt to the heat, so they I feel like I'm going to suffer here.

But now...well, what's going on here?

Why don't you want to go back all of a sudden?

"Let's go, now go and see the girls' dormitory."

Orianna said.

After walking to another building, the expressions of the men immediately became unnatural.

"Why do we have a room for six, but they have a room for three?" Jessica was the leader of this group of noble teenagers, so she was pushed out and asked.

"Because you have so many boys."

Orianna said naturally.


"Wow, there is a bathtub!"

"Ellie, Ellie, we can take a hot bath!"

"Well, such a soft quilt, still fragrant."

Boy: "..."

"President Orianna, why is there no bathtub in the male dormitory?!" Jesska stood up again.

"It's also because there are so many of you," Orianna replied. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Because there are many people, it will be relatively dense."


After taking them through the campus, Orianna has completed the task of Senator Lin Wen.

And looking at the disdainful faces when they came, and even more unhappy when they changed into clothes in Picheng, Orianna was proud of the boys and girls who were discussing excitedly now.

Zorona and I, and the first exchange students, weren't like this when you were in Demacia.

Our twin cities are amazing!

Orianna is so proud right now!

"Okay, let's get acquainted with the environment next. Zorona and I have something to do."


Jessica and Ellie both nodded at the same time.

Orianna nodded with a smile.

And what about Zorona?

She looked at the Demacian who suddenly softened, at the talkative Demacian.

Especially those girls, after learning that life will be good, and... Orianna's president seems to be a very powerful position, they all went to talk to Orianna.

Zorona thought it was fun.

so funny...

However, I, Zorona, still like the rebellious appearance of you when you come...

If it is like this now, there will be more shocking things after that, so what will you do when the time comes?

"Let's go, what are you doing?"

Looking at Zorona standing with a smirk, Orianna grabbed her arm.


"I'm trying to figure out how to get them back."

"Recover what?" Orianna asked.

Zorona replied:

"I still like how rebellious they look..."

"You're sick, let's go!"


5500 words.

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