"By the way, why are you the only one at home, Wei? I'm back, why didn't she come out."

"Wei went out with Vander, and they left me at home alone."

Before this remark exploded, I told Hirko once, but now I say it again to Lin Wen, but in the explosive tone, there is no small complaint when I said to Hirko before.

Lin Wen is back, very happy!

Lin Wen walked to Shirko with Bang Bang in his arms.

"How did you come?"

Shirko looked at Lin Wen with the baby and smiled, but it wasn't a sneer. He didn't answer Lin Wen's words. Instead, he was working as a bartender and took out a cup from the cabinet. He shook it gently at Lin Wen. He asked Lin Wen, "Do you want something to drink?"

"Uh, juice?"

Lin Wen really doesn't like drinking much.

But Shirko spread his hands slightly and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, today's juice has been sold out."

Lin Wen: "..."

Looking down, he saw the empty juice bottle on the bar. It was a large container, which could hold three liters, but it was empty now.

Next to the juice bottle, there was an empty bottle. Lin Wen's sense of smell was very sensitive. He could smell the juice in the cup, not to mention... There was also a bitten and rotten straw in the cup. Woolen cloth.

Turning his head to look at Bang Bang, he saw that the little girl who was still looking at his face turned her head away immediately.

She stopped looking at Lin Wen.

Especially not to look at Lin Wen.

But... Lin Wen raised his eyebrows and said, "How much juice did you drink today..."

"One cup...two..."


Bakuba didn't look at Lin Wen, tilted his small head, "Uh... two cups?"

"To be honest, otherwise I'll be unhappy."

Hearing Lin Wen say this, Bakuba immediately turned her head in frustration and looked into Lin Wen's eyes. She raised her hand and stretched out three fingers.

"You... if Vander found out, he would be angry."

"I didn't want to drink it myself! It was Sevika who asked me to drink it, and then...then he also asked me to drink two glasses."

Bakuba quickly pointed to Shirko, trying to throw the pot on Shirko.

After all... Lin Wen might just say a few words to her when he found out, but after Fender knew, he would teach her a lesson!

Of course, hitting her is impossible, but Vander will definitely make her stand up, or make her kneel on the cot for half an hour or something.

This is the rule of the Vander family.

She didn't want Lin Wen to come back, and then she was fined and locked up.

That's not good!

Lin Wen looked at Shirko, and showed an embarrassed expression of my child's ignorance.

Is it so cute? so cute.

Is Wei cute? Also cute.

But in Lin Wen's opinion, Bakuba and Wei are... too rebellious, and sometimes they are really bad.

Bang Bang and Wei are definitely not good kids.

After all, someone who can go to Jace's house and steal Jace's things is certainly not a good boy.

Even if Wei uses robbing the rich to help the poor and finds an excuse to take revenge on the Picheng people, stealing something is stealing something.

But Lin Wen can also understand that Zaun's living environment is different from that of Picheng.

But in the future, Lin Wenxiang, this will definitely change slowly.

"I'm glad you can trust me. I thought you would unconditionally believe what she said."

Hilco took the look Lin Wen handed over, reached out and handed him a glass of wine, Hilco continued, "After all, I can see that you like her very much."

Lin Wen sat Bakuba on the bar, facing Bakuba like that, then took the wine glass handed by Hirko, took a sip, he raised his head and said to Hirko, "Hirko, I found that you always like to misinterpret other people's meanings, like now, you obviously think too much, I don't trust you, I just understand her very well."

Lin Wen also stretched out her hand and nodded her head, which made her bow her head in embarrassment.

She didn't expect Lin Wen to come back at this time. After all... She thought that Lin Wen would not be back until tomorrow.

She didn't expect that Lin Wen would find out about this...

Originally, if it was Vander, Bakuba could boldly lie to Vander, because Fander doesn't care, Zaun's children don't steal, don't cheat, don't lie, can they still be called Zaun's cub?

But facing Lin Wen, Lin Wen said that he doesn't like her lying.

So... all right.

Since the pot has not been pushed over (facts), the explosion can only be recognized.

"I admit, I took the initiative to ask them..."

Bakuba said with embarrassment.

Lin Wen patted her head and shook her head, "Tell Fender about this."

"No! Lin Wen, I know I'm wrong!"

"No, you can only drink one glass of juice a day at most. This is what you promised Vander."

"Don't pout." He stretched out his hand and grabbed the pout that was pouted. Lin Wen said with a smile, "I brought you and Wei some good things back. Would you like to take a look at it in advance?"

"Shima is so good!"

Lin Wen grabbed his mouth, and his small head swayed with Lin Wen's hand, and the words he said were vague.

Silko watched this scene silently.

He is more human than he imagined.

Turns out, he's not a monster.

Silko narrowed his eyes. If he had known this aspect of Lin Wen before... then he could think of a good way to deal with Lin Wen. Lin Wen's weakness is obvious, and this little girl called Bang Bang is one of them.

However, Silko is obviously not needed now.

He and Lin Wen were already on the same road.

"Can you not ignore me?"

Silko said helplessly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I've been waiting for Vander for almost an afternoon."

"You came so early?" Lin Wen looked at Shirko in surprise, and then at Bang Bang, holding her small mouth with one hand, and pressing the other hand on Bang Bang's little head, Lin Wen's hand was depressed Her little head, like she was playing with a ball, nudged it here and there, and pushed it there.

Bang Bang is speechless, but Bang Bang can accept it.

After all, Lin Wen did this kind of thing a lot.

Wei Du is already used to Lin Wen's actions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let alone her?

But the necessary eye attack is indispensable.

So, Bakuba looked at Lin Wen resentfully.

Explosion: Watch!


"You stayed with her all afternoon?"

"Are you worried?"

"That's not true. Although you look like a scheming, sinister and despicable villain, the kind of guy who stabs people in the back, but... with you, you are quite reassuring. ."

Shirko: "..."

"I'll take it as if you're complimenting me."

"Of course I'm complimenting you. Then Sirco, what did you do with Bang Bang in the afternoon? Although I just finished speaking, I feel relieved to you, but... you also know your faults, you seem to be You like to brainwash people. Every time you see me, you try to brainwash me.”

"Is there? You think too much, you always think too much..."

Lin Wen looked at Shirko with contempt, and said speechlessly, "Look, you guy is about to start again."

Shirko: "..."

Thinking about it this way, was he really trying to brainwash Bang Bang this morning?

Well, it has become Hirko's professional habit to draw cakes and recruit people for many years...

"You came down this time, not only to accompany her and her sister, I think you should have a lot to ask me and Fender."

Silko drank another glass of wine. He was already slightly drunk, but now he feels dazed.

Vander's wine has a high alcohol content, so it's not a wine he has kept in his collection.

"Wait for Wei to come back, let's talk together."

Lin Wen took out two things, two beautiful long boxes.

"I came down with a small gift."

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