Noxus 984 - In mid-July, in Piltover under the scorching sun, the whole city seems to be covered with a golden veil. In this city of evolution, tourists are the first to be surprised. , of course, the pile of buildings that are high above the sky, with all kinds of strange equipment that can be installed in the air.

And the most eye-catching, of course, is the new parliament building.

It was the tallest building in Piltover and the center of power in Piltover today.

Next to the building, outside a slightly shorter building, a blue light like an arc shield flashed suddenly, and then, the space was distorted. After the dazzling blue light, a sudden appearance appeared in the air. A huge airship.

"Damn, those **** Freljords!"

"Damn, they are so greedy! It's nothing more than a poro. Except for the rich people want to keep it as a pet, it's valuable? If it wasn't for Professor Heimerdinger who set off the trend of raising poros. , who would want to raise those little snowballs!"

"If you want meat without meat, you can't eat it, and you can't be a mount. You have no combat power to survive in that place. It can only be used as a cute plaything. It's so expensive!"

"Doing business with people like this really deserves them to eat frozen soil in the icy world!"

The airship slowly stood beside the tall building, and then, a blue light bridge extended from the building, forming a metallic blue staircase, which connected to the exit of the airship. Then, a businessman dressed up as The Picheng people scolded angrily and walked down.

He was holding a strange long blue box in his hand, and he kept scolding at the other end of the box by his ear.

"I told you to pay attention. I went to Freljord, and you have to deal with the family's affairs. Now you tell me that you have been waiting for my news?"

"Oh my God, there's no signal over the Freljord at all! I can't make calls there, write letters? Do you think it's still the past? It takes months to write letters back and forth, and you're talking to me. What's the joke? Let me go somewhere open? You... do you think that's Piedmont? I can't make a phone call even if I'm in the air, what are you thinking?"

"You, you are a hopeless fool!"

His voice obviously disturbed the people next to him. Several men and women with boxes as long as his passed by, and they all cast a contemptuous look at him.

And soon, a law enforcement officer also came up, wearing advanced equipment, he said to the businessman with a smile:

"Sir, please pay attention to your volume. Please don't make noise around the flying gate. Also, please try not to call Hex when you get off the airship. It is not good for your safety. Someone has made a mistake. , lost his life."

The businessman nodded immediately and lowered his volume, but he didn't lower his hand.

Seeing that he didn't hang up Hex, the magistrate shrugged and went back to stand guard.


At the same time, at the Parliament House in Piltover.

A new meeting was held, and this time, there were a total of seven members.

It's not that the members of the Philos family have appeared, but Piltover has changed from the past, Piltover, and now there is a new member - Senator Tallis.

Senator Jess Tallis.

"The economy of the city has soared at the end of these years, and the poor workers in the bottom city haven't even come to the upper city now. Without them, there are a lot of jobs left at the wharf, and no one in Picheng will do that unless the wages are a lot of gold, but How is this possible?"

"Indeed, people from Decheng used to be hired for three years for one gold coin, but now, the same hiring time costs dozens of times more money."

"Now, the people of Decheng are slowly getting out of our control, and the biggest reason is because of Lin Wen!"

"Because of his hex phone!"

On the round table, behind the fat Congressman is the sky. From time to time, airships will be ejected from the flying gate, and then they will fly to all parts of the world.

This has become a big feature of Piltover.

And Piltover also made a profit because of this, earning nearly a hundred times the income compared to a few years ago.

The tariff of Feimen alone broke through the sky.

And these are all brought by the newly-appointed Senator, Senator Tallis.

With more convenient transportation and faster transportation, Piltover, which was originally the World Trade Center, has truly become the heart of the world.

Because of these reasons, Hextech has now become an indispensable part of Piltover. Therefore, in order to bundle benefits, Jess has also been elected as a new MP.

He was a member of parliament not long after Feimen was born the year before.

"Mr. Talis, I have asked you many times about Lin Wen's whereabouts, but you always give me an answer I don't know."

The fat councilor looked at Jace unpleasantly, and then said, "We are both councillors and should work hard for Piltover's future, but now you are always looking towards the Zaun, what are you doing?"

Jace sat in a corner, and the two seats next to him were Senators Gilamann and Senator Mel, who were well-connected.

He stood up, put his hands on the table and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I really don't know Lin Wen's whereabouts. He hasn't contacted me for a long time."

"You, Victor, and him, the Hex you three created together, and he used your Hex technology to create the Hex Phone..."

"Do you need me to say more about your relationship?"

The fat Congressman squinted at Jace, and then said, "I can understand that you are doing it for a good friend, but Congressman Tallis, Piltover is above everything else!"

Jace looked at him helplessly, and said aloud, "Lin Wen left Pi City a few years ago, and he's not in Zaun now. Victor can help me testify about this."

"Why did he give the Hex phone to the Zauns instead of us? What's his purpose?" the mechanical councilor exclaimed.

Jace looked at him, "Because he's a Zaun, and from the fact that he hasn't received funding from any family, he always remembers that he's a Zaun."

"But he was educated by Picheng!"

Jess retorted: "You are wrong, Congressman, Lin Wen is a handyman in the school, he is not a student, he has not received the help of Picheng University, on the contrary, Lin Wen has helped us a lot. The professor can help me testify on this point. The only one who said that he taught Lin Wen is Zewei, but she has disappeared with Lin Wen now."

Heimerdinger immediately raised his hand: "Yes, I can vouch for Jace that Lin Wen was not educated by the academy."

The congressman who said this was silent.

However, Ms. Gilamain stood up again, "But the Hexphone can't be attributed to a Zaun, Jace, the income of this invention is no less than the Hexfeimen, if he is a Picheng, then There's nothing wrong with him getting that income alone, Piltover won't stop anyone from pursuing their dreams, but he's a Zaun."

"You can also see what he is planning with the money brought by this technology. Over the past few years, people in Shangcheng have never been able to enter Zaan!"

"This is not the reason for you to exploit Lin Wen!"

"Can you make sure he won't endanger Picheng? Senator You can't." The congresswoman with countless gold rings around her neck said aloud, "You have vouched for us before, You said Zaun wouldn't threaten Piltover, but now that the Zauns are self-governing, they refuse to accept our management, and they don't even need our funding!"

"Your good friend, Lin Wen, gave the Zaun the craft of making hex gems! They now have their own hex gems, isn't it your fault?"

Jace paused, and then said very seriously: "Hexcraft does not belong to me, it belongs to all Mrs. Piltover, this technology is transparent and open, and Victor and I have no intention of monopolizing it. This craft, he and I created the hex so that people can live a better life, so I don't mind others learning the craft of hex, but it's you..."

"Jace!" Senator Gilamann sternly stopped Jace from continuing. She looked at Jace and shook her head: "It would be rude to continue."

"Jess, that's enough." Mel also reached out and grabbed Jace's arm. With emotion in his eyes, he shook his head slightly, motioning for Jace to sit down.

Jace took a deep breath and sat down.

With a look of dissatisfaction, he looked at everyone present.

Jace said again:

"Anyway, everyone, I really don't know where Lin Wen is now."

"If you want to find Lin Wen, then please find him yourself."

"I'm Senator Tallis now, not Jace Tallis."

"So please, respect me!"

"Because that is to respect yourselves!"

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