The old man was very happy.

"It's okay, don't worry too much, I'm fine."

Su Jiuer's bloody lips bumped against hers, and her cold hands stroked Luo Fanchen's handsome cheeks, soothing him softly.

"How can it be okay?" Luo Fanchen gritted his teeth.

"Tsk tsk, you little brat, you've really grown up, you know how to feel sorry for your aunt, it seems that all these years of loving you have not been in vain." Su Jiuer laughed like a silver bell, her chest trembling.

Luo Fanchen shook his head and said seriously:

"I know you think I am weak, and telling me will only cause me more trouble, but as long as you tell me who hurt you, even if I am not his opponent today, I will settle accounts with him in the future and make him pay with blood."

Su Jiuer was stunned. The little man was usually very gentle to her, and this was the first time he was so serious.

Looking at the deep black eyes that revealed stubbornness and determination, a warm current surged in Su Jiuer's heart, and her delicate face showed a breathtaking and beautiful smile.

"Our little man is becoming more and more manly, and my little heart is starting to beat wildly."

Luo Fanchen, who has always been greedy for beauty, was unmoved at this moment, and his expression was still serious. He nodded and said, "It was the four priests and the Holy Son, I remember it."

"Let's go, don't waste your time, go back to the house to heal your wounds."

"How do you know it's them?" Su Jiuer was stunned and opened her mouth in surprise.

Luo Fanchen replied, "It's confirmed now."

Su Jiuer glared, "Okay, you've grown wings, are you trying to trick me?"

Luo Fanchen said nothing, his eyes were downcast, and his fists were clenched.


Su Jiuer stretched out her jade finger and poked Luo Fanchen's waist.

"You make me look stupid and embarrassed."

"Don't worry, it's just a fatal injury, not worth mentioning."

Luo Fanchen said, "Aunt, don't deliberately act cute to tease me, you, a demon emperor, are not the kind of person who acts cute."

"Is it awkward?" Su Jiuer asked in a low voice.

Luo Fanchen answered honestly, "A little bit."

"Oh, okay." Su Jiuer was like a deflated ball, and the air around her fell into silence. The two walked into the house tacitly.

Su Jiuer sat on the bed and couldn't help asking:

"I'm actually afraid of your impulsiveness. I'm afraid that after you know the truth, you will ignore all obstacles and rush out to die without thinking."

Luo Fanchen said silently: "Brainless idiot, you will only make your loved ones sad and your enemies happy. Do I look like an idiot who wants to kill yourself?"

"I will work hard to cultivate, and I must avenge this."

What a cultivation level Su Jiuer has.

At a glance, it can be seen that Luo Fanchen is only calm on the surface, but the trembling fist under his sleeves already shows how angry he is.

He cares about me, very much.

"The four priests are already over a hundred years old. They are the elders of the temple who have retired. They enjoy countless resources. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the peak combat power of the entire human race."

"If the overlord of the entire soul beast clan, the Qilin Emperor, took action, it would be easy to kill the four priests. However, my aunt is only a demon emperor of the fox clan. She has limited resources and has practiced for a much shorter time than him. Naturally, her strength is not as good as his."

"And the Saint Son has infinite potential. In the future, he has at least a 90% chance of inheriting the throne of the temple. Are you sure you want to fight with him? Enemy?"

Luo Fanchen looked up and met Su Jiuer's eyes, and said calmly:

"I don't understand any great principles, I only recognize one dead principle."

"You can bully me, as long as you don't go too far, but whoever dares to bully my woman, even if it's the king of heaven, I will kill his whole family and wipe out his entire family."

"If one year doesn't work, practice for three years, if three years doesn't work, practice for thirty years, if you can't beat them, poison them, if poisoning doesn't work, then plot."

Su Jiuer's heart suddenly palpitated, and her beautiful eyes flashed with complex emotions.

The man didn't have an impassioned speech, let alone a hysterical oath, but she could feel an unshakable will rushing towards her, hitting her nerves like a wave and plucked her heartstrings.

At this moment, she gradually felt the kind of emotion that a woman has for a man, not family affection.

"Okay, don't be angry, don't be angry!! In fact, I haven't been wronged this time." Su Jiuer felt distressed.

As if she was afraid that Luo Fanchen would not believe it, Su Jiuer pointed a finger at his forehead, and a thrilling battle flashed through Luo Fanchen's mind.

The head of the fourth priest was cracked and bleeding, and his left arm was smashed and bloody.

The Holy Son in his arms was even more charred, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive! ! !

In the end, Su Jiuer escaped into space amid the angry howling of the fourth priest.


Luo Fanchen's eyes regained clarity, and then his heart trembled. His little wife was too cruel. He thought Su Jiuer was the one who suffered.

Seeing Luo

Fanchen looked at her in surprise, Su Jiuer raised her chin proudly, revealing the majesty of the demon emperor.

"You can provoke me, but you can't bully my little man."

"I, Su Jiuer, can't stand this grievance."

Luo Fanchen grabbed the pair of cold and soft hands and said, "A gentleman's revenge is never too late. Don't take risks for me next time. It's too dangerous."

"Oh, you've grown up and dared to hold my aunt's hand." Su Jiuer scolded, but did not pull out, and asked, "Then have you heard the other sentence behind it?"


"I'm a little girl who takes revenge all day long." Su Jiuer narrowed her beautiful eyes: "That old dog has no good intentions, but it's a pity that I couldn't kill him."

Then Su Jiuer told Luo Fanchen about the conversation between the four priests and Huang Yan in the carriage.

"People are treacherous. These superiors regard the subordinates as grass and ants. They really deserve to be killed." Luo Fanchen sneered.

Su Jiuer shook her head and said thankfully:

"That old dog's strength is unfathomable. Fortunately, I attacked by surprise this time, and the other party did not expect that I would use the life-threatening secret technique right at the beginning. In addition, the old dog had to protect his son, so he suffered a great loss at my hands."

"But if I didn't escape in the end, the effect of the life-threatening secret technique would end, and he would enter a weak period, and I would be the one left behind."

"How are you injured?" Luo Fanchen asked with concern.

"No damage to the foundation, but you need to rest for a while." Su Jiuer said: "Now that you have the female pope as your teacher, you have someone to protect you, and the female pope and the four priests are obviously not from the same faction, so I can leave with peace of mind."

"What? You want to leave!" Luo Fanchen asked.

Su Jiuer sighed: "I am a soul beast after all. The human world is not my destination after all. It is more helpful to practice in the wild environment like Qingqiu."

"All these years are because I want you to grow up healthily in human society. Now you can be independent."

"And I have a premonition that my 500,000-year beast tribulation is coming. The tribulation is dangerous and I need to practice in seclusion."

"Tribulation?" Luo Fanchen was puzzled.

Su Jiuer said: "Now that you have awakened your martial soul, it's time to tell you about soul masters."

Luo Fanchen concentrated and listened carefully.

Su Jiuer said faintly:

"Humans on the Soul Martial Continent temper their bodies before the age of sixteen to build the foundation of their physical strength. When they are sixteen, they can awaken their martial souls."

"When the martial soul is awakened for the first time, everyone's soul power is level one, called a soul warrior."

"Now you are a level one soul warrior."

"When the soul power is cultivated to level ten, you need to obtain soul rings to break through to the next level, level eleven, soul master."

"What is a soul ring?" Luo Fanchen asked in confusion.

Su Jiuer replied: "After the soul beast dies, it can condense a soul ring in a short period of time. Special soul beasts will also produce soul bones. Soul masters can pull the soul ring into themselves to complete the breakthrough. You will understand the role of soul bones later."

"There are many details in this, I won't say much, your teacher will definitely teach you tomorrow. You are a civilian now, and it is not common sense to know too much, which is easy to expose my existence."

Although Luo Fanchen was curious, he could only nod his head. Su Jiuer continued:

"Level eleven is a soul master, also known as a first-level strongman, and the first level is ten Level."

"The first to ninth level strongmen are Soul Master, Great Soul Master, Soul Master, Soul Sect, Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Saint, Title, and Transcendent."

"The Saint Son and Saint Daughter are all fourth-level Soul Sects, but judging from the aura, the Saint Daughter should have just obtained the fourth soul ring and completed the breakthrough."

"And the four worshippers and the female pope are ninth-level Transcendent strongmen who can break the void."

"But the strength gap between ninth-level Transcendent strongmen is also huge. After all, level ninety-one and level ninety-five are not the same concept."

"Then what level are you?" Luo Fanchen asked.

"Me?" Su Jiuer said: "Probably equivalent to a human level ninety-five."

Seemingly seeing Luo Fanchen's confusion, Su Jiuer explained:

"The cultivation of soul beasts depends on years, not levels."

"Ah?" Luo Fanchen was surprised.

"Soul beasts are roughly divided into 100-year, 1,000-year, 10,000-year, and 100,000-year soul beasts."

"A 100,000-year soul beast is equivalent to a human level 91 strongman. When it reaches 100,000 years, it will face a major decision in its life."

"What choice?" Luo Fanchen knew that the knowledge he heard now was definitely not something that mortals could understand, and he was particularly interested.

"It needs to consider whether to continue practicing as a soul beast, or take the opportunity to completely transform into a human body and practice from scratch."

Su Jiuer's tone became solemn: "If you practice as a soul beast, you need to experience a heavenly tribulation every 100,000 years, and you will die nine times."

"If you survive it, you will live, but if you don't, you will die and be annihilated."

"And this is the path I choose."

Luo Fanchen was shocked and wondered why the soul beast clan's path of practice was so difficult, and they had to face...

Against the Heavenly Tribulation.

"By the way, Auntie, you just said that you will soon face the Heavenly Tribulation of 500,000 years. You must have lived for 500,000 years, right?"

"Are you polite?" Su Jiuer glared.

"I suspect you are offending me, saying that I am an old witch." Su Jiuer couldn't help but stretched out her hand to twist the soft flesh on Luo Fanchen's waist.


"Vicious goblin, you murdered your own husband, didn't you?!"

"Bah!" Su Jiuer said angrily, "Let me tell you, the age of soul beasts is equivalent to the level division of you humans, not the years of survival."

"If we talk about the years of survival, high-level soul beasts only appear once every tens of thousands of years. Wouldn't they have been killed to death by successive generations of soul masters of your human race in order to break through?"

"I practiced under the protection of my mother, and lived in seclusion in a corner. I don't know exactly how many years I have practiced."

"The time of practice should not be even one-third of that of the old goblin's four worshippers, otherwise he would have died today."

"Anyway, I'm very young!!"

Su Jiuer emphasized word by word, staring at the blue pupil fiercely.

The iceberg queen showed this look, which was so cute that Luo Fanchen couldn't help but want to rub it twice, but he held back.

Follow your heart.

Cherish your life.

"I've told you the general idea. You'll have to wait for your Pope teacher to teach you many details."

"Why do you keep mentioning the Pope?" Luo Fanchen teased, "Aunt, you're not jealous of the Pope's beauty, are you?"

"Jealous?" Su Jiuer's eyes flashed, and she snorted, "Jealous of whom?"

Luo Fanchen inexplicably felt a murderous aura.

"Come on, little man, answer me, is it Aunt or the Pope who is beautiful?" Su Jiuer asked with a faint smile.

Two faces suddenly appeared in Luo Fanchen's mind.

One is a beauty who brings disaster, seductive and charming, and can trigger the most primitive desire at a glance, and can't stop; the other is a stunning beauty, cold and unparalleled, exuding infinite majesty, which makes people daunted but can't help sinking into it.

Wait! Wake up, you are thinking about shit, and you really chose it.

This is not a multiple-choice question!

Luo Fanchen is a person who has a high score. He follows the guidance of his heart and said without hesitation:

"Why do I need to ask?"

"Of course, my aunt is the most beautiful. No matter how beautiful the female pope and the saint are, even if they are added together, how can they be one ten-thousandth of my aunt."

"Yeah." Su Jiuer nodded with satisfaction.

Luo Fanchen secretly complained in his heart, women, huh, animals who say one thing and mean another, and you still say you are not jealous?

Su Jiuer raised the corners of her lips, "Forget it this time, I will ask you again in front of your pope teacher next time."

Luo Fanchen's heart skipped a beat.

The most vicious woman's heart is, if you want me to die, just say it directly, why make it so complicated!


Su Jiuer saw Luo Fanchen being defeated, and smiled coquettishly. At this time, she did not change her appearance, exuding an amazing and seductive charm.

Luo Fanchen's throat was dry, and he wanted to kiss her.

Beautiful, too beautiful.

He tried to move his face closer, thinking that he would be pushed away mercilessly again this time, but Su Jiuer didn't say a word, and her blue eyes looked at him quietly.

Luo Fanchen approached carefully again, and the two were so close that they could hear each other's breathing.

The faint fragrance lingered at the tip of the nose, making people feel distracted.

Su Jiuer closed her eyes, and her curled eyelashes trembled slightly, showing the owner's inner restlessness.

The hint was already obvious.

This was the first time in 16 years that Su Jiuer allowed him to have such close contact.

People have hinted like this, but they don't even kiss, so do they still have emotional intelligence, are they still human?

But Luo Fanchen's experience as a sea king in his previous life made him make a cruel decision.

Su Jiuer was nervous. In other aspects, she was a demon emperor, but she was still a blank sheet of paper when it came to men and women.

This was her first kiss, how could she not be nervous.

What is the little man doing! ! The girl is so obvious, she can't be so unromantic.

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