Twisted Realm

Chapter 304: explore

Early the next morning, Polwa got up from the soft big bed and felt the quilt that was as light as cotton and the two twisting bodies hidden under the quilt. He remembered the splendid scene in the villa last night. , Bolwa took a deep breath.

Anyway, it's just to deal with a small cult organization that has no threat. It is equivalent to a vacation task. I'm afraid it can be solved in a day.

Even if you don’t need it, the guys under your command will definitely need it. If you stand up and be this bad guy, it will definitely affect the harmony and stability in the team, and it will be unfavorable for future tasks...

After persuading himself, Bolwa lifted the quilt, stood up in two exclamations, and found that there was nothing on him. Hey, there's a paragraph missing! If you like it, please collect it: () Zhai Shuyuan has the fastest update speed.

Tsk, ordinary people, who haven't seen the world, really make a fuss.

Bolwa thought with disdain in his heart, but there was a smile of enjoyment on his face. Come on, another paragraph is missing! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

As long as you master the power, sometimes you can really do whatever you want.

To be a superior person, this is the purpose of Porwa's practice.

He put his clothes on, ignoring the two people behind him, opened the door, and walked downstairs slowly.

The luxurious long table downstairs is full of rich and exquisite breakfast, and a beautiful girl in uniform is serving several people at the table attentively. Days, I can't read it, and I have missed a paragraph! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

"Sir, you are awake."

Rebana, the city governor of Shahe City, was like a housekeeper at this time, wearing a decent suit with a warm smile on his face, after seeing Polwa, he bowed deeply to him, and walked to his house. Lead the way for him.

Bolwa took a deep look at Rebana: "Not bad."

Naturally, he would not think that the other party was a good person.

In fact, he knew very well that the smiling, servile guy in front of him was not a simple character.

Although Shahe City is remote and undeveloped, it is far from the provincial capital, but because of this, the selection of officials here is very tricky. The family behind Rebana has a strong influence in the ordinary world of Shahe City. Almost like a soil emperor, they are widely involved in both black and white. In front of ordinary people, Rebana is an unattainable existence. His words can determine the life and death of many people. Today, the life that has been contaminated by his hands , never less than two digits.

It is only in front of them that he will show this appearance.

The extraordinary is extraordinary, and the ordinary is ordinary after all.

This is good, it's just an admiration for the other party's attitude, as long as he can maintain this attitude for a long time, don't have unrealistic ambitions and desires like some people, or have ridiculous human rights or self-esteem like those boring ordinary people , willing to be a dog in the extraordinary world, that is a good person.

"You have won the award. It is my honor to be appreciated by you. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you in the future."

Hearing Polwa's words, Reba narrowed his eyes into a gap, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. It seems that his efforts were not in vain this time. As long as they can catch the express train of the three major forces, their family will definitely Able to soar.

You must know that this is currently the most powerful force in the entire Lunan Province. It is said that the strongest among them can destroy several cities like Shahe City alone!

He would never dare to fight against such a force.

Since you can't fight against them, join them, which is undoubtedly the most correct choice.

And, maybe, I can get some extraordinary cultivation methods from one of the three major forces...

If he can really do this, it will undoubtedly be a class leap for his family!

"There will be a chance."

Bolwa nodded slightly. With his influence among the three major forces, it was an easy matter to decide a small governor of Shahe City with little practical value.

He crossed Rebana and sat at the dining table under the smiling guidance of a beautiful girl in uniform.

"Captain, you were really struggling last night. I could hear the sound from three rooms apart. How did you do it? You can't fall apart on the other side?"

"Hey, I heard it too. I was right next to him. I felt the ground and the wall shaking. How could I only do it lightly? For fear of accidentally tearing these fragile dolls into pieces."

"It's nothing to tear it to pieces. It's dirty, sticky and smelly and spreads on the bed. It's a bit of a disappointment."

"How is it? Captain, do you have any secrets? Tell us about it? You are experts in this aspect of the balance of all things. There are endless ways to do it, and you can't compare with those of us."

As soon as Bolwa sat down, he was greeted with laughter from everyone, and the atmosphere was very relaxed and happy.

Also, for them, this is just a casual task, as long as it is done in a casual state of mind.

"It's just a very basic and simple stabilization ritual that will allow you to get the effect you want. If you don't know, I can teach you for free later."

Polwa sat at the table with his face unchanged, and began to enjoy the format dishes and desserts sent by the girls around him.

"This is a good thing, and this mission is generally not a loss."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, even the female team members laughed along, showing that they were not taboo.

In fact, she was the only team member who slept peacefully last night, not because of other things, but because the men in the ordinary world were too weak, so she couldn't have any interest. If there was a suitable object, she would not Do not exclude the practice of Bolwa et al.

Isn't it only natural that the strong enjoy the weak?

"Okay, this time we are here with a task in hand. It's okay to relax a little, but we have to complete the corresponding task with all our strength."

Everyone laughed for a while, and after eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Rebana, Polwa's face became serious again.

He has excellent mission literacy, and even if the enemy is not worth mentioning strategically, he cannot be sloppy tactically.

"Rebana, how are you preparing for the relevant information that I asked you to prepare yesterday."

Bolwa looked at Rebana who was standing like a housekeeper and said.

"I did my best to collect it, and it's ready."

Rebana hurriedly stood up and said.

"Tell us about it."

Bolva nodded.

"In Shahe City, the current chaos mainly comes from several aspects. For the ordinary world, the chaos mainly comes from the Human Rights Alliance. They wantonly incite the people, organize demonstrations, strikes and marches, which have caused great damage to the order of the ordinary world. , they even organized a training team to train members of the Alliance by some top fighters or top pros. Following the above, for stability, we did not use guns. At the same time, according to our detailed investigation, Shahe City There shouldn't be any extraordinary power behind the Alliance..."

Rebana said quickly.

"Okay, since there is no extraordinary power involved in this matter of the Alliance, it will be handled by your ordinary world. We will not intervene. A group of self-righteous things, if they really make trouble to a certain extent, we will not object to you taking some unconventional measures. means."

"However, you must be secretive! Secret until? Even if you can't guarantee secretness, you can find reasonable excuses and reasons. Of course, if you really can't find opportunities, you can create your own opportunities. You are in this position. After so many years, you should know."

"In short, our attitude is that it doesn't matter how many people die, the important thing is that this matter does not cause confusion."

Polva tapped the table lightly, interrupting Rebana's words.

"Yes, I understand this matter."

Rebana hurriedly nodded, feeling a little chill in her heart. These guys really didn't put the lives of ordinary people in their eyes. It doesn't matter how many people died. The most important thing is the final result. As long as the result is good, it is estimated that they will join him It doesn't matter if you go in.

This made him feel a little chilled.

Is this the superhero?

"The second threat is something we can't handle. The superhumans who have fled from all over the place, some of them are hidden among ordinary people, and some have formed a circle in secret, and new superhumans enter Shahe City every day. , it is difficult to control, because these people used some evil methods before, causing chaos in the ordinary world..."

"However, this problem has now been solved. Since the real self will appear, they have been secretly sending people to inspect the entire Shahe City. Most of the supernatural beings will either be repelled by them, or they will disappear directly. We do not know where to go, and it is precisely because they have maintained the order of Shahe City that it has developed rapidly. Although we have made a clear prohibition order, now the people do not listen to us at all. Obtain the protection of the Eye of Self through prayer."

Rebana hurriedly picked out important information and said.

"How did this real self develop? What kind of power does it have? These are not clearly written in our information."

Hearing Rebana's words, a member of the stability maintenance team said.

"Actually, we don't know how the real self will develop. They seem to appear overnight. The only thing that is a little strange is that the real self will use a large gang force in the northern district as the stronghold and center to expand outward. This gang force still has a little connection with our family, but now this connection has been completely broken."

Rebana said uncertainly.

"The gang forces?"

Bolwa touched his chin when he heard the words.

"Yes, the name of this gang force is called the Tri-color Society. It is an organization that has emerged in the past six months. It is said that since they converted to the eyes of the true self, many members of the Tri-color Society have broken through their original realms, especially some believers. It is said that some people have been favored by the eye of the true self because of their devout prayers, and their physical fitness has doubled overnight, from an ordinary person with no strength to one who can physically suppress the top professional level. This kind of miracle has inspired the enthusiasm of more people..."

"My lords, to be honest, this tri-color club is really a bit evil. Because of the gap in strength, we can't pinpoint their strength..."

Rebana said hesitantly.

"It's all self-directed and self-acted. I have experience with this, and I once destroyed a small cult organization. It seems to be called...Flying Mian Cult? In short, their pope is blown away. Kiss on the face, you will be beautiful on the second day, strong on the third day, and you will be able to punch the wall on the fourth day. I punched him in the face... bang! Like a white sack of watermelon."

A team member said disdainfully.

"The ability to clear the wild superhumans in Shahe City is not bad. Although the levels of these wild superhumans are uneven, it at least shows that the opponent is very likely to have the strength of the top single ring, and maybe even more than one, and, This kind of cult organization often masters some evil ritual by surprise, and it can also be dangerous if you are not careful."

Bolva said lightly.

"The top single ring, even if it is a double-digit number, can't compare to a double ring, let alone the case where the complete inheritance is not obtained, so, since this true self will come from the three-color society, then we will catch the thief first. Wang, take action tonight and take the other party's pot."

The only woman in the team said indifferently.

"Yes, try it out a little, and then solve it early, we can take a few more days off."

Another member yawned.

"No, the so-called lion fights the rabbit with all our strength. We can't be so reckless. Let's do some testing. Do I really want to maintain the peace of the supernatural world of Shahe City? Then we will pretend to be wild superhumans who just arrived and make trouble everywhere. , lead the snake out of the hole, grab a few real tongues and ask the specific situation before it's too late."

Although he didn't think there would be any major problems, the always cautious Bolwa decided to make some preparations first.

"Okay, since the captain has said so, let's do it, grab a few tongues and let them smash the idol of the true eye. If there is a real evil spirit, what will it do?"

The crowd shrugged, somewhat noncommittal.



On the other side, in the tricolor club.

boom! !

As soon as Meng Xuan waved his hand, the strong fluctuations that spread out from Luna's body were instantly enveloped by his mental power, and did not escape outside the club at all.

"Wake up."

Meng Xuan said lightly.

Luna, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes.

And the first thing she did after opening her eyes was slamming towards Meng Xuan.

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