Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: , The golden young dragon!

As the smoke of the psychic art gradually dissipated, the shadow in the smoke also appeared in front of everyone. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The body is more than five meters high, with golden scales all over, a pair of wings stretched out at least ten meters, a pair of dragon claws with sharp claws, and a golden flame is lit on the long tail. On the cute faucet with big watery eyes.

Who else would there be a golden young dragon?

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, he was a little vague when he was summoned. The young golden dragon who was looking around suddenly showed a joyous expression that anyone could see on his cute face.

Immediately, it plunged into the smoke violently, lowered its head, and flew in the direction of Zhang Xiang, hitting Zhang Xiang's body.

"Oh...Slightly." Zhang Xiang opened his hands and hugged the dragon head that had hit him.

However, even if the golden young dragon carefully controlled the strength, with the opponent's body that was more than five meters tall, the strength it exerts would not be too small.

Not to mention, the golden young dragon is still in excitement.

When Zhang Xiang's hands hugged the dragon head of the young golden dragon, his body suddenly withstood a huge force, and his feet made two scratches on the ground that were more than two meters long. .

"Woo" a series of surprises with grievances came out of the golden young dragon who stayed in Zhang Xiang's arms.

Its face was full of surprises, and it refused to leave by Zhang Xiang, and its eyes were full of nostalgia.

It is no wonder that since the birth of the Golden Dragon, he has been regarded as the most important person for convenience.

However, Zhang Xiang had only been with him for less than a month, and he had already left.

How can this not make the golden young dragon feel sad?

Therefore, after seeing Zhang Xiang unexpectedly again, it is no wonder that it will show such a nostalgic look.

On the other side, watching the golden young dragon who feels so attached to him.

In Zhang Xiang's heart, although he was clearly calling the "three-headed purgatory dog", he was rather puzzled by the summoning of the golden young dragon.

However, looking at the young golden dragon who is so attached to him so much, Zhang Xiang still couldn't help showing a warm current in his heart.

However, now is not the time to relive the past.

"Okay, boy, boy, haven't you seen me for a while? Haven't you seen me now? Are you still so wronged?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and touched the head of the young golden dragon. Said gently to her.

Under Zhang Xiang's comfort, the golden young dragon also gradually recovered his calmness and left Zhang Xiang's arms.

However, its big watery golden eyes are still staring at Zhang Xiang's body, as if preventing Zhang Xiang from escaping. ,

"By the way, it's something for me to summon you out. Can you take me to catch up with that person?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed to the Konoha Ninja Village, which was flying towards an unknown place Go figure.

However, because the distance is too far.

Now even Zhang Xiang's kaleidoscope writing round eyes can't capture the complete figure of the other party, but can roughly capture the trace of a black dot.

However, this is quite difficult for Zhang Xiang.

But for the golden young dragon, it is very simple.

After all, the golden young dragon is not a real dragon family with various mighty powers in the myth.

But, after all, it hatched from the dragon egg left by the dark dragon that was fused with various race genes.

Almost all the abilities possessed by the biochemical pitch black dragon in Academy City.

Therefore, what is difficult for the human eye to capture is not difficult for it at all.

"Woo" the golden young dragon nodded in excitement.

For it, being able to help its own "dad" is a very happy thing.

So, at the next moment.

The golden young dragon bent down his body, arched Zhang Xiang with his head and sat on its back.

Then, it suddenly spread its wings.

Suddenly, a pair of golden wings that were more than ten meters long suddenly appeared in this forest.

Between its violent flapping of its wings, its body, which was close to ten tons, flew easily.

Then, in another fan, its golden figure quickly flew out, and under the shining of the sun, it turned into a golden figure, swiftly tracking towards the distant heavenly path.

And Zhang Xiang, sitting on the golden young dragon, almost did not make a fool of himself under the sudden acceleration of the opponent.

The strong wind pressure squeezed his body, almost did not fall from the golden young dragon.

But how could Zhang Xiang, a person who is very adept at controlling his body, lose to the mere wind pressure?

So, in the next moment.

After adjusting his body slightly, he successfully became familiar with the oncoming wind pressure.

It was like a biting cold wind and wind pressure like a small wind blade, and it felt like a tingling sensation on the face.

From this, we can see how fast the golden young dragon is.

Behind him, the figure of Hokage Rock is ‘retreating’ quickly, and the Konoha Ninja Village below is also gradually shrinking.

‘This speed is already comparable to that of a jet plane, right? If it is faster, it will break the speed of sound. Zhang Xiang, who was sitting on the golden young dragon, couldn't help being surprised at the speed of the golden young dragon.

Because he had never seen the speed of the golden young dragon when he tried his best to fly.

Obviously, the golden young dragon still has a lot to spare.

In other words, it is not difficult for the opponent to break into the field of sound speed.

Feeling that this is already a much stronger golden young dragon, it has no origin, but Zhang Xiang has a sense of relief that a child has grown up.

Of course, there is also a sense of guilt and loss that has not been able to grow with the golden young dragon.

It's just that these thoughts just flashed past in Zhang Xiang's heart.

His eyes are always locked to the figure in front of him-Heaven!


And where Zhang Xiang couldn’t see it, on the surrounding wall of Konoha, watching the destroyed small half Konoha, one with long white hair and the word “oil” on his forehead, age The man who was about fifty years old clenched his hands.

"Damn it, is it still a step too late?!" Ji Lai also squeezed his hands, an expression of chagrin in his eyes.

However, when he saw the Heavenly Dao flying fast through the sky, especially when he saw the familiar red cloud and black robe costume on his body.

A complicated look flashed in his eyes, but in the end he quickly caught up...

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