Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1090: , The paper maze!


A violent explosion sound resounded through the forest and stunned countless birds.

And just in the midst of such a violent explosion sound, the big sky tree, which was originally only more than 80 meters high, suddenly disintegrated, turned into an overwhelming paper, and jumped from the trunk of the sky tree. Several figures that came out were wrapped inside.


Paper and Zhang Xiang's eyes were full of paper, and countless papers were flying fast in the air, wrapping him up, down, left, and right without any gaps.

And Zhang Xiang has never resisted.

However, apart from Huo Dun's ninjutsu and magic, which can still play a little role, other ninjutsu can't even destroy these papers on a large scale.

Zhang Xiang once performed an A-level ninjutsu and burned at least hundreds of thousands of sheets of paper.

However, the scale of this kind of paper seems to be endless, no matter how much the outside is burned or the paper.

As for the stronger ninjutsu, Zhang Xiang has not considered it.

However, feeling the three energies in his body that barely restore balance, Zhang Xiang can only express his powerlessness.

Fortunately, the young golden dragon was not disturbed by those papers while the huge tree suddenly turned into countless papers, and stayed beside Zhang Xiang.

‘Looking at this speed, are we continuously descending, are we going back to the ground to fight? Zhang Xiang's body is tight, watching the changes around him.

And Zhang Xiang's guess is not wrong.

Xiao Nan wanted to use this one when they were wrapped in countless papers, and took the opportunity to solve them. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, she who is not from the Maelstrom clan, does not have a Superman dozens of times, or even a hundred times of Chakra, but she is unable to confine Zhang Xiang and the others while launching a threatening attack against them.

It is even possible to let the enemy escape when launching an attack.

Moreover, at least tens of millions of sheets of paper have been kept floating in the air, and the required chakra is not a small amount.

Therefore, she chose this way.

And while Zhang Xiang was on guard, he finally felt his feet step onto the ground.

Although, the ground was already covered in white by a large amount of paper.

But relying on his primary soil control ability, he can still feel that the ground is only a few centimeters away from his feet.

And the moment he landed on the ground, the countless papers flying beside Zhang Xiang suddenly formed a block of walls.

Moreover, there are still walls with ceilings.

"Maze? Do you want to use the maze to divide the enemy's combat effectiveness?" Zhang Xiang's eyes showed a hint of brilliance.

"It's just that, relying on this ability, do you want to trap me? It's ridiculous!" Zhang Xiang's eyes showed a look of disdain, and his right hand was stretched into the void again, and the'Too Blade of the Sky' Kusanaru sword pulled out from the space bag.

Then, he walked step by step in the direction he felt.

"Besides, am I so weak in your eyes? I just want to trap me!" A hint of anger flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Because, in his perception that radiated again.

Both Naruto and Jiraiya had corresponding enemies, and Jiraiya faced Nagato who had completely separated from the wooden cart and stood on the ground.

And Naruto fought with Xiao Nan.

Seeing such a scene, how can this make him not angry?

So, at the next moment.

A cold light flashed, and the paper wall blocking Zhang Xiang's face was suddenly chopped into a large amount of debris.

However, I don't know if he perceives the situation on this side. Xiao Nan, who was fighting with Naruto hundreds of meters away, was suffering from Naruto's mouth cannons, but frowned slightly.

Then, on the broken wall, countless papers began to squirm, trying to block the entire passage again.


"Are you kidding, do you want to trap me like this?" The scarlet light in Zhang Xiang's eyes flickered, and the dark pentagram began to spin.

For him now, although a large amount of Chakra's output may cause balance fluctuations.

However, this is not a technique to consume too many chakras in the body.

So, in the next moment.

"Tear me apart and burn everything!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, and the countless fiery red energy gathered towards his right hand and turned into a huge beast claw outside his body.

Then, he swung out abruptly, tearing apart the paper wall that was about to be repaired.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's movements, the young golden dragon was obviously excited, and used his true strength.

After uttering a shocking "dragon cry", he expelled a lot of golden flames again.

Suddenly, as soon as the next paper wall touched, it turned into countless flying ash.

The fierce golden flame, as if no one could stop it, broke through dozens of paper walls one after another, until the golden flame's attack diameter reached, it was considered to stop.

Even above the ground, a dark, crystallized road was exposed below it.

Moreover, the raging golden fire was still spreading along the broken paper wall.

If it weren't for Xiao Nan, even if he used ninjutsu, he pulled away the paper stained with golden flames.

Then, before long, the entire paper wall maze will be burned out.

And it was with this trick that Zhang Xiang and others came not far from Xiaonan and Naruto fighting.

As another cold light flashed, the paper wall that had been specially treated to withstand fire and water and had a strength comparable to steel collapsed on the ground.

It revealed the place in the tunnel, which was showing the spiral pill to tear Xiao Nan's paper avatar to Naruto.

At this time, Naruto looked a little embarrassed, with many fine wounds on his body.

Even the amount of Chakra he was most proud of was exhausted.

As for Xianshu Chakra, it was already exhausted.

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