Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: , Xiao's Mystery!

"Don't everyone want to know how strong this Akatsuki organization is?" Zhang Xiang slowly walked out from behind Tsunade. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Suddenly, the entire conference room fell into silence.

The sight of the fourth generation of Raikage crossed Zhang Xiang's body, especially focusing on Zhang Xiang's root costume, before falling on Tsunade's body, and finally on Danzo's body.

Regarding who is in charge of the roots, although it is difficult for the various Shinobu villages to explore Konoha.

However, for such a unit that was established in the latter part of World War II and has continued to the present, apart from Gaara, the newly appointed Shayin, and Shui Ying may not know, how could the other two people not know?

And watching Zhang Xiang come out, even though Tsunade frowned, he turned his head and glanced at Danzo.

However, in the end she acquiesced to Zhang Xiang's behavior.

Because, as far as the current situation is concerned, Danzo will never do anything that is so critical to Konoha.

"Boy at the root, we don't know, do you know it?" The fourth generation Raikage slammed the table. Although he didn't use Chakra to increase the amplitude, he already cracked the table with his hand strength. A thin slit comes.

If it comes again, I am afraid the whole round table will be hammered in half.

"Yes, everyone in the room, except for the words of the three generations of Tuying adults, I am afraid that I understand better. No, because of special investigations, perhaps our information is better than Tuying. There are a lot more adults." Zhang Xiang's mouth curled up slightly.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Three generations of Tu Ying's eyes opened slightly angrily, and her body floated, looking in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"What do you say, I believe that the three generations of Tuying also know it. After all, the oldest one of the three generations of Tuying is on the scene, and many things in the three wars are through the hands of the three generations of Tuying. Believe, Xiao this one Organization, the information of the three generations of Tuying adults will not be less, right?" Zhang Xiang looked in the direction of the three generations of Tuying, sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh, I don't know. You, from Naruto Village, know the things about our Shayin better than us." Three generations of Tuying's body exudes a chakra wave, and the whole body floats into the air. In the middle, it was like trying to teach Zhang Xiang a lesson.

However, at this time.


The round table in front of Wuying suddenly split into several pieces, fading toward the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

And before the round table shattered, the other four shadows seemed to have expected it, and the four quickly retreated to the rear.

"Three generations of Dokage, stop for me. Don’t think that your Ninja Village hired Akatsuki during the Three World Wars. I will not investigate. Okay, that guy at the root, please give me Akatsuki quickly. Tell me about the information. If I find you are playing me, be careful that your mind will be hammered into pieces like this round table!" The fourth generation Raikage's resolute eyes stared at Zhang Xiang. It was like trying to break Zhang Xiang's psychological line of defense with his eyes.

However, this kind of power is nothing but a drizzle for Zhang Xiang.

"Fourth generation Raikage, pay attention to your tone, he is a member of our Konoha Ninja Village, how to deal with him, it is not your turn to take care of him!" Tsunade raised his brows and said to the fourth generation Raikage in a deep voice. .

And listening to Tsunade's words, the fourth generation Raikage just snorted and stared at Zhang Xiang.

"Okay, then I will tell the members of the Xiao organization. Speaking of which, the members of the Xiao organization, if I say it, probably most of us here will feel very familiar." Zhang Xiang's mouth A smile appeared, and the eyes exposed outside the mask scanned the shadows present.

"Boy at the roots, don't get anything out of it, let's not eat this set, let's talk a little bit faster. Who is the member of Akatsuki's organization!" Shui Ying said for the first time, her delicate red lips Slightly tilted, the left eye that exposed the hair in front of him, looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang, with an interesting look in his eyes.

Of course, Zhang Xiang won't really feel that the other party is interested in him.

What the other party is interested in is the reaction of other movies!

"Okay, then I won't waste everyone's time. As far as I know, there are ten members of Akatsuki. They are from Unin Village, who killed the former demigod Hanzo and almost destroyed Konoha's Penn. The village of Iwaninjutsu in the country of soil has Deidara, which is extremely destructive to the village. Konan, known as the god’s envoy, in the village of Iwaninjutsu, the country of fire Konoha, once destroyed Konoha overnight. Uchiha Itachi, the first big clan of Uchiha clan, could not find out his identity. He has a body similar to Mudun and has super stealth ability. The country of fire, Konoha Village, one of the three ninjas, Osaki Maru, the country of water The village, the dried persimmon ghost shark who tried to launch a rebellion to kill the water shadow, the waterfall country Takinin village, the only ninja who can survive the assassination of the first Naruto — Kakuto, Izumi country Yunin village, has an immortal body Hidana, Sand Ninja Village, Country of Wind, once killed the fifth-generation Fuekage’s scorpion. This is everything I have learned. In addition, I remind everyone that the above are all Kage-level rebels, and still The preliminary information found. I believe that the other party should still have a back-up. At least, when our Ninja Village was pursuing Penn, an unknown shadow-level powerhouse appeared, grabbing us to capture Penn back. Before, kill him." Zhang Xiang said in a flat voice what he had learned.

After all, it is not like the original book, with strong evidence of Konoha's destruction to prove Akatsuki's strength, making the five shadows present here feel that they must be united.

In order to get things back on the right track, he would choose to do this.

After all, even if he can kill the Uchiha belt soil behind the scenes, and Uchiha Madara, it is very difficult for him to kill Hundred Thousand Shiraz.

Because, even if one hundred thousand pigs are placed in front of you for you to kill, you are afraid that you can't kill such a large number if you are so soft.

And listening to this Xiang's words, the entire conference room suddenly fell into silence.

Because, no one thought that the strength of Akatsuki's organization was so powerful, so powerful that it had ten shadow masters.

However, at this time.

The old and cunning Yan Yin said the most crucial point, making everyone wake up suddenly from the beginning of thinking about how to unite.

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