Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 107: , Oni sauce

"Well, if you want to say I'm sorry, it should be me. Just after I came here, I have already indicated my identity to you. Otherwise, I won't be misunderstood by you." Zhang Xiang scratched his hair, some Apologize embarrassingly.

"Zhang Xiang Oni sauce, you don't need to be like this either." Huahuo Xiao Lori raised her, using her big talking eyes, smiling at Zhang Xiang, "After all, you are an Anbu. Leak out your identity. , It's a violation of discipline. I can understand all of these." Huahuo Lori said to Zhang Xiang with her tender voice.

However, Zhang Xiang was in a trance at this moment...

To be more precise, it is falling into a daydream, with the words of Xiaohuo Lori echoing in my ears.

"Ouni sauce, I was called Ouni sauce by little Lori... God, is this true?..." Zhang Xiang looked like Brother Pig under the monkey face mask, barely keeping his saliva, muttering Muttered to himself.

Fortunately, because many viewers are venting their dissatisfaction on the scene, the whole venue is extremely noisy.

Little Lolita Huahuo didn't hear Zhang Xiang's self-talk.

"Euny sauce, what are you talking about?" Little Lori Huahuo tilted her head and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Oh, and that cute look...God, whether it's real or fake, let me be immersed in it all the time." Zhang Xiang's heart floated, and the feeling of happiness was like a tide. , Rushed to my heart.

And around...

"so cute…"

"I really want to hug home..."

This is the words in the ‘heart’ of the uncles and aunts who are still secretly watching inside.

However, their ‘inner’ words seem to be a bit big...

Well, even Zhang Xiang heard it.

They were all taken seriously by Xiao Huahuo Lori's face just now, and now the natural contrast was overwhelmed by Meng. They also uttered words like this in their hearts and mouths.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang's appearance of Brother Pig didn't last long, and he recovered.

‘It’s very risky, if Lori Huahuo sees me just now, my image will be ruined. Zhang Xiang secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Immediately, he turned his head secretly, and wiped off the faint silver wire from the corner of his mouth under the monkey face mask.

Then he turned around.

"Oh, nothing said." Zhang Xiang mixed in vaguely.

Then, he quickly remembered his purpose of coming here.

Yes, Zhang Xiang came here to get close to Huahuo Lolita, not just because of the system's tasks.

More importantly, he wanted to know about Hinata.

After all, the last time he secretly went to see Hinata's situation was when he was performing a secret mission to the roots for more than ten days.

At that time, Hinata's sad look lying on the bed made Zhang Xiang feel heartache when he recalled it again.

"Actually, I am here to ask you something." Zhang Xiang cleared up his mood and said to Huahuo Lori.

"Oh? What is it?" Huahuo Lori asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

Her big white eyes flickered, and they were full of curious colors.

But then, a glimmer of light flashed in her mind.

"Do you want to ask about your sister's situation?" Huahuo Lori took a pair of what I guessed, and quickly praised my appearance, and asked Zhang Xiang.

Seeing the cute look of Xiao Huahuo Lori, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth, and he became Hexi for some reason.

"Yes, our little Lolita is smart. But before that, let's sit down first. I am standing here, I am afraid that it will affect the situation of some people watching the game." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pressed it on He touched Xiao Huahuo Lori, on top of her smooth long hair, gently rubbed a few times, squatted down and said to Xiao Huahuo Lori with a smile.

And what Zhang Xiang said was not rough, although the time Zhang Xiang stood in front of Huahuo Lori was only more than a minute.

However, the crowd behind Zhang Xiang's perspective was already full of resentment.

Especially, when the organizers started to announce the postponement of Uchiha's Sasuke's game, those people who came to Konoha all the way to see Uchiha's last descendant had already accumulated a lot of resentment.

Zhang Xiang stood in front of them and aroused their anger even more.

It's just that they were jealous of Zhang Xiang's dark clothes and forcibly suppressed the resentment.

Even so, it is definitely not a good thing to be stared at by several resentful eyes.

At this moment, when she looked up and saw the resentful eyes around her, Xiao Huahuo Lori was shocked.

"Zhang Xiang Oni sauce, it's really rude. It was my fault for letting you stand for so long. Now, please sit down." A panic flashed across the face of Xiao Huahuo Lori, and she quickly said to Zhang Xiang.

She quickly stretched out her right hand and invited Zhang Xiang to sit on her father's seat.

Then, she wanted to turn around and apologize for Zhang Xiang to those guys who had just been blocked by Zhang Xiang.

"Everyone, no..." Little Lori Huahuo wanted to bend down and apologize to those.

However, Zhang Xiang stopped him in time, and pressed him to the original seat of Huahuo Lori.

What are you talking about! How can our little Lolita, the fireworks, apologize to those rude guys?

There is nothing wrong with our fireworks!

As for how Zhang Xiang eliminated those resentment guys, he had been staring at him. (Very curious_)

This is very simple.

Most of these people are bullying and afraid of hardship. (What? What do you want to do?_?)

After Zhang Xiang looked over with a look full of evil spirits, those uncomfortable eyes disappeared in an instant. (_……)

‘Haha, this is efficiency. ’

——Zhang Xiang’s thoughts at that time (ˉ﹃ˉ)

Then Zhang Xiang was not polite, and sat down on Huahuo's father's seat.

Because, Huahuo's father wanted to wait until Hyuga Neji woke up from a coma, and added time to talk to Neji to resolve the hatred between the two, but it would take at least half an hour.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang is not afraid of the embarrassment of encountering Hyuga Nissu.

(Well, Zhang Xiang is a little grateful to Naruto for giving Ning Ci such a heavy punch. Applause, come on!!! ↖(ω)↗)

"So, how is your sister's current situation?" Zhang Xiang asked with some complicated eyes.

Although Hinata broke his heart now, he still liked her as always.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Hua Huo's face also showed a serious look, slowly vomiting out her sister's specific situation.

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