Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: , Break into the meeting room!

"Oh, are you discussing the proposal to remove the chairman? It seems that I'm here at real time." Zhang Xiang showed a mocking smile on his face and walked in step by step.

And seeing a young man coming through the door from the outside, an old man presiding over the meeting couldn't help but frown.

"What about the security? How can people break into our company so easily? Come into our meeting room?" The half-bald old man couldn't help but burst into laughter when he was about fifty years old. With a cry, he looked out of the door dissatisfiedly.

Just look at the other person standing on the opposite side of the conference table to speak.

Zhang Xiang's face was always smiling, and he sat directly on the seat opposite them.

"Don't blame them, although they want to stop me, they are a little weak..." Zhang Xiang smiled and sat on the position, and said with his right hand touching the table.

"Arrogant! Call the police to me and take this neurosis away!" The old man slapped the table sharply, and the veins on his forehead appeared, obviously he was very angry.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang grinned, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"President Tanaka, right?" Zhang Xiang raised his head with a sneer on his face and said.

"Who are you? How do you know my name." Tanaka's face changed, but a hint of anxiety flashed in his heart inexplicably.

Because, when he scanned Zhang Xiang's eyes, what he saw was not panic, but a confident look. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Oh, if I can't even remember the names of my subordinates, how can I be your president?" Zhang Xiang sneered and looked around, as if to write down their appearance.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, there was an uproar in the conference room.

"What? President?"

"Impossible, how could the president be this kind of young man."

"Yes, and, how did the president know that we are meeting here?"

"The question is, if he really is the president, what should we do..."

When it came to this topic, the entire conference room fell silent.

"Then, now that it's quiet, let's start the next topic" Zhang Xiang smiled and said self-consciously.

"Wait, you said you are the president, so what evidence do you have?" Standing on the high platform, the old man who was once the president of the largest mobile phone manufacturing company among the fourteen groups continued on the high platform. He slammed the table and stood up.

"Oh, have you even forgotten my business? I remember, I have been in contact with most of the high-levels present. Especially the original 14 companies. But maybe you will. Forget it. So, don’t you recognize this thing? This is about the fact that I own the real documents of this company. Do you want to verify it?" Zhang Xiang smiled and sat on the chair, and changed the number one from himself He handed over the document behind and put it on the desktop and said.

And indeed, looking at Zhang Xiang's appearance, and then hearing Zhang Xiang's voice, the fourteen presidents sitting in the front were all silent.

Because they all have a fact in their hearts that they don't want to admit.

That is, Zhang Xiang might really be their president.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang's age, they felt more and more angry.

Why is he so young that he can be above the position of the chairman, and the company they have forged through hard work has been stolen by such a person.

However, looking at their resentful eyes, Zhang Xiang understood their psychology at once.

"Oh, are you thinking, why would someone as good as you fall into the hands of me who looks like a rich second-generation guy, isn't it?" Zhang Xiang said slowly.

However, before they could answer, Zhang Xiang answered on his own.

"However, no matter what you think, it has nothing to do with me. Because, for me, the acquisition of your small companies that can be seen everywhere is just to form a production chain that can be formed. Don't think about how many your companies are. Precious, if I want, I can have a lot of other companies to choose from. As for what you only think is excellent, to me, it is really not as good as a puddle of shit!" Zhang Xiang sneered and said with Contemptuously glanced around the fourteen people in front of the room.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, before the old Nakata man standing in the front began to get angry, the youngest of the 14 people in the meeting, only the man about 30 years old stood up.

"Say we are rubbish, haha, what do you, the rich second generation who can only steal our results know? My company, but I have worked hard since I was twenty. You know I am in it. Have you spent much thought? Just like you, a guy who only depends on his parents, he will never understand how deep our feelings for our company are. And you, you never even asked us, He reorganized the company arbitrarily, and changed the company’s name. In your hands, our company will definitely have no way out..." The middle-aged Benmu man in Zhang Xiang’s profile , Shouted angrily.

"Benmu, calm down. It's useless even if you get angry. Why not sit down and continue the meeting. Because after this meeting, this company will no longer be controlled by someone who doesn't understand. It's in our hands. It will become better in our hands." An old man who was about sixty years old, who was deep in the city mansion, said with his eyes half closed.

Zhang Xiang's words, for this kind of scheming guy, can only arouse the opponent's anger for a while.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang laughed.

"Hahaha... It's great, the acting is great, everyone!" Although Zhang Xiang was laughing, but in the next moment, his eyes were slightly narrowed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced over. Everyone present.

Under his gaze with the cold light, all those who looked at him could not help but feel a chill in their hearts.

It was like being stared at by a ferocious wolf.

However, at this time they just thought it was just an illusion.

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