Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1290: , Yinhe

And when Zhang Xiang discovered this shocking fact, the data that was transformed by the silver USB flash drive that invaded the entire network world as a liquid also impacted the virtual space less than two or three spaces away. distance.

"No, you must completely destroy the opponent's body!" A trace of firmness flashed across Zhang Xiang's face.

The dazzling colorful rays of light once again shined on Zhang Xiang's body.

Because of the lack of interference from the huge data link of the black giant beast, Zhang Xiang's connection to his body's computing power this time is faster than anyone knows.

He controlled the huge body of the rainbow angel and stepped back slightly behind him, and stretched out his hands: a huge colorful magic circle immediately appeared in front of the broken body of the black giant beast.

Since the other party's core plan to assimilate the world is the special data information contained in its body.

Then, as long as the opponent's body is destroyed without leaving any dust, the flow of energy data that can trigger the assimilation of the two worlds will also have no catalyst at the same time, will it!

At that time, Zhang Xiang didn't even need to spend time to find out that data stream.

Because, that stream of data does not have the power to swallow data to strengthen itself like the body of the pitch black behemoth.

As long as the time is long enough, that data stream will gradually decompose with the passage of time, completely losing that huge power.

"Rainbow annihilation cannon, launch!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes, and the huge data stream ran away again.

The colorful torrent once again shrouded the fragments of the black giant beast's body, and the powerful colorful data stream continuously bombarded the black fragments. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Although the fragments of the black giant beast's body are extremely hard, dripping water can still penetrate rocks, let alone the violent colorful data stream.

Those pitch-black fragments are like lone boats in the ocean, and the waves, tornadoes and seabed vortexes are constantly impacting.

In the constant bombardment, the incomparably hard pitch-black fragments began to decompose into countless tiny pitch-black data chains, and then crushed into the purest binary fragments by the violent colorful data stream.

At this level, even if the pitch black behemoth has the ability to reach the sky, these purest binary fragments will not pose any threat.

Because, even the other party, it is impossible to carry such a huge amount of information on those binary fragments.

Not to mention, after splitting into binary fragments, those binary fragments are self-destructing in a cycle of three seconds.

Even if it is carried, after several times of disintegration, unless it is time to go back, even if the mechanical **** comes here, it will not be able to restore its original information.

In this way, in the violent colorful data stream, the fragments of the inky behemoth's body are rapidly breaking apart.

Although Zhang Xiang felt it was a pity, he continued to implement it unswervingly.

After all, he can get some super high-tech that does not belong to this world through analyzing some pieces.

However, that is no better than that. After that, the entire earth may be turned into a 2.5-dimensional world.

If the energy torrent that Zhang Xiang analyzed from the fragments of the black giant beast merges with the fragments of the black giant beast.

Then, unless he immediately activates the ability to travel through the world.

Otherwise, even he would not escape death.

Perhaps, Kurorido took the shot himself, and he would easily calm this down.

However, who knows whether he still exists in this world, or whether the other party is still alive now.

Zhang Xiang, but he wouldn't put his life on top of illusory hope.

It only took about a few seconds, and the fragments of the inky behemoth's body had already been cleaned up to the last one with the size of a fist.

‘Is it one second away? Zhang Xiang felt the pitch-black fragments that could be completely destroyed in one second, but his vigilance did not drop even the slightest.

Because he didn't get any information about when and in what form the data energy flow that might strike.

"Are you here?" Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head and looked at the border of the virtual world hundreds of millions of miles away.

At this time, the edge of the virtual space that was supposed to be nothingness suddenly broke through a hole.

A galaxy like mercury was continuously instilled in from that direction, turning into a galaxy rushing towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

"However, it's too late, turn me into indecomposable binary fragments!" Zhang Xiang roared fiercely, and the colorful wings behind him burst out with dazzling light, pushing the colorful magic array in front of him towards him. The front impacted, and the hands of the robotic arm made a hug gesture.

A sound of ‘click’, accompanied by cracks appeared in part of the colorful magic circle.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't care about this at all.

Because, with Zhang Xiang's such a runaway advancing, the colorful light suddenly shrank and turned into a colorful ball of light.

All the energy was compressed into this colorful ball of light in that instant.

According to the law that the denser the energy, the stronger the impact.

At the moment that the ball of light was formed, the black fragment that was the size of a fist was peeled off in an instant, and in the collapse of countless black data chains, it became Only the size of a rice grain.

In just a few moments, this pitch-black fragment, the size of a grain of rice, will completely disappear in this world.

However, it was at this time that an accident happened.

The torrent of energy data like a galaxy appeared in front of the colorful ball of light in that instant, wrapping the colorful ball of light inside.

"What!" Zhang Xiang turned his head in shock.

But it was discovered that, I don't know when, the torrent of silver-white energy data like a galaxy has disappeared in a space tens of millions of miles away.

But the other end appeared not far in front of Zhang Xiang.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered that in the fragmented memory of the pitch black giant beast, there seemed to be a piece of data describing it. The reason why it was able to break free from the torrent of time and space was due to a certain stock. The silver river.

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