Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1397: , The king's army!

As for the other party's words, a hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"Do you know that I am from a foreign land?" Zhang Xiang asked the other person with surprise on his face.

At the same time, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

‘Could it be that the other party is also from another world? ! Zhang Xiang couldn't help flashing such doubts in his heart.

Looking at the suspicion in Zhang Xiang's eyes, the other party seemed to have guessed Zhang Xiang's mind.

"No, there are some things, as long as you live longer, you will naturally know. Not to mention, I haven't been to other worlds." The other party in the dark armor seemed to see through Zhang Xiang's mind was average, and he shook his head slightly and said flatly.

However, the words of the other party caused Zhang Xiang's pupils to shrink slightly.

What is revealed by the words "went to another world" and "live long" is not that simple!

At least, the other side said that he lived a long life, calculated in a thousand years.

This can be seen by Zhang Xiang from the vicissitudes of life in his eyes when the other party said he was living a long time.

And having been to another world represents the strength of the opponent.

Because even the current Zhang Xiang has just begun to control how to get to another world.

Moreover, success may not be guaranteed.

From this, you can see what kind of strength is needed to travel the world.

However, Zhang Xiang was a little puzzled. If only relying on the strength of the opponent that Zhang Xiang now perceives, it might be true that the opponent's life is long. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

After all, the opponent is now dead.

In this state, no one knows how long it can live.

Even if he lived for hundreds of thousands of years, it might not be surprising.

However, if the opponent only has the strength that is now revealed.

Then, Zhang Xiang was certain that the other party could not go to another world.

Of course, the alien world here does not refer to the kingdom of heaven attached to this world, or from Huangquan, but the alien world in the true sense.

It's like the Hokage World that Zhang Xiang once traveled to, or the school city.

These worlds all have their own main world and dependent world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being more cautious.

If the words spoken by the other party did not deceive Zhang Xiang, this represents two possibilities.

The first is that the other party has even more terrifying power, and has not displayed it.

The other one was the other world that the other side said, just like the dependent world like Huangquan World.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang's increasingly cautious look, the other party's face showed a bold smile, without the arrogance and mystery of the opening scene.

"No doubt, I know at a glance that you are wondering if I am telling a lie, or if I am hiding a stronger power? What a funny little guy." The other party seemed to see something It looked funny and laughed happily.

It may even be because I haven't laughed for a long time, and I laughed there for a long time holding my belly.

It wasn't until the other party seemed to laugh enough that he said the next words.

"You don't have to doubt it. My current state is the strongest power I can display. Moreover, the different world in my mouth is also a genuine other world. At least, you look at those in these army The skeletons that are different from ordinary people and monsters can be seen? They are the army that I brought back from the war in another world. The army on this land is all after I brought it to the other world. Staying, and the army brought back from the war in another world, belonging to me...!" The opponent waved his hand suddenly and pointed at the skeleton army on this piece of land.

At the same time, the opponent's body also exuded a majestic aura, and echoed each other with the skeleton army he was pointing at.

All the skeleton armies summoned by him turned their heads in this direction, and the scarlet light in their eyes was shining, as if they were following their king and echoing each other.

An inexplicable sense of shock emerged from Zhang Xiang's heart.

Zhang Xiang seemed to be able to see the scene where the other party was carrying the army of tens of thousands, or even millions, to the other world.

It also seemed to be able to see how the opponent conquered his enemy and turned the enemy into a part of his army during the battle in another world.

That kind of heroic feeling makes people feel like they can't stop.

Even under the momentum that seemed to be able to condense into one body, Zhang Xiang also gave birth to an illusion of thousands of horses running towards him.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang was already sober.

His mental power oscillated slightly outside his body, isolating the aura from the army.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's eyes also flashed a hint of horror.

He turned out to be caught in this kind of inexplicable excitement and hallucination with such a great enemy in front of him, ignoring his surrounding environment.

If there was someone who was similar to his strength, or even worse, attacked.

So, don't even think about standing here at this moment.

At least, it will end with a serious injury.

Thinking of this, the vigilant light in Zhang Xiang's eyes couldn't help being Dasheng, raising the opponent's alert level to the highest level in his heart.

However, Zhang Xiang was a little puzzled, why didn't the other party take this opportunity to attack him?

Even if it was his strength, it was really like what he said, only Zhang Xiang could feel it to the extent of a big monster.

However, under the sneak attack, with "Cong Yunya" the most powerful prison dragon, it was still able to cause some damage to Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang's thoughts seemed to be seen through.

"Are you wondering, why don't I take advantage of the first time you feel the military power and indulge in attacking you? But, I don't need to explain. Maybe, just wait a while and you will know. However, before that, would you like to hear me tell a story..." At this point, a wry smile appeared on the corner of the other's mouth.

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