Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1402: , The dark light!

The pitch-black flames were burning raging, rendering this gray and dark sky a bit colorful.

However, at this moment.


A purple ray of light suddenly shot out from the collapsed city wall, marking a scratch on the ground that was hundreds of meters long.

A road more than one meter wide suddenly appeared in the collapsed rock pile, and even the golden flames on the road were all extinguished.

After all, the golden flames can only swallow the demon power and serve as fuel, not necessarily able to restrain all the demon power.

If it is condensed to a certain degree of demon power, it will take a long time to swallow it.

If the quality and quantity of the demon power were sufficient, the golden flames would have been extinguished before they had time to consume the demon power. That would be a natural thing.

Just like water, it may not be able to extinguish the fire.

But just under the background of the golden flame and the collapsed pile of rubble, a figure gradually appeared in the passage.

At this time, the other side's figure has completely changed.

The inky black armor covering his body had already broken through a smooth incision from the **** at this time, piercing his chest and back.

There is no doubt that it was the wound caused by the blow of the golden young dragon.

However, the biggest change was not this wound, but the other party's body exposed under the armor and helmet. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

To the surprise of Zhang Xiang and others, the opponent's body under the armor and helmet was not as Zhang Xiang imagined. It was the instant bullet that was resurrected by'Cong Yunya' in the original work, using the buried soil. The body formed is not like the hundred thousand skeleton soldiers outside, but is formed of pure skeletons.

The opponent's body was actually constructed from a mass of dark existence.

To describe it specifically, should it be black asphalt or black silt deep in the swamp?

But no matter what, when Zhang Xiang saw the dark existence, he was already sure what it was.

That is what the other party once said in his own story, revealed from the subsidiary world of another world, and belongs to the malicious part of that world.

Perhaps, it should be said that it is that part of the substantive malice, after absorbing the malice of this world, the malice that belongs to this world is born.

As for why the malicious aggregate appears in this way.

Zhang Xiang guessed that this was related to what the other party said, that the other party sacrificed himself and sealed the malice that permeated the small half of the world into his body.

Perhaps, that seal is still working, sealing all the malice firmly in his body.

Otherwise, the other party would not tell the true story before, in order to delay Zhang Xiang's discovery that something was wrong.

For, I'm afraid it is to break free from the first seal that the other party has set up for "self".

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed with solemnity.

"That is to say, if it can break through all the seals and let all the malice sealed in its own body be released..." Zhang Xiang said this, and did not go on.

I'm afraid, if the other party really releases all the malice sealed in the body, this world will probably fall into the same horror once again!

At this time, Zhang Xiang also understood.

Why does the dog clan guard here for generations, just to be afraid of someone entering this forbidden area, and to release the malicious aggregates that once swept the mainland.

However, by chance, this seal was broken this time by the evil spirit attached to Cong Yunya.

Of course, Cong Yunya's ability to break through this seal is also related to the sudden death of General Canine and the ancient evil spirits attached to it.

It is possible that the ancient evil spirit attached to the'Cong Yunya' was one of the backhands laid by this malicious aggregate.

But at this moment, a vision appeared below.

The dark, silt-like existence began to squirm quickly, and the body that almost penetrated the whole person into two halves was repaired again, even the damaged dark armor began to slowly It was patched up.

However, this is not the case with regard to the vision.

I don't know what method the other party used, maybe the other party has already begun to break through a little seal.

A bit of black silt was there, but it slowly dripped from the repaired wound to the ground.

Then, the vision already appeared.

A bit of pitch black started from the place where it was dripping, and at a speed of geometric multiples, it suddenly expanded in all directions, encompassing the entire range of several hundred meters.

A pitch-black swamp whirlpool suddenly appeared on the ground, swallowing all the existence on the ground.

Whether it is stones or those skeleton soldiers that have been neatly arranged in place since they appeared.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel strange is.

The skeleton soldiers who were absorbed into the black swamp whirlpool began to struggle.

But it was of no use and was swallowed in.

"What the **** does he want to do?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the scene below vigilantly.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang already knew.

A bone spear, about ten meters long, with black mud attached, suddenly shot out from the black swamp whirlpool.

Moreover, the speed has reached an astonishing double the speed of sound.

It was like a pitch-black light blasting through the air.

Even with the reaction of the golden young dragon, it was almost impossible to avoid it.

No, it is definitely not avoided!

When the pitch-black bone spear passed by the golden young dragon that dodges quickly, a deep negative emotion already emerged from the golden young dragon's heart.

Moreover, the black energy escaping from around the pitch-black bone spear was also contaminated on the left half of the golden young dragon's wing, and quickly spread to a place about the size of a palm.

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