Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1423: ,Past and Present.

Early the next morning, the sky was filled with bright sunshine.

"Then, goodbye." Zhang Xiang said goodbye to the bellflower and the golden young dragon.

"Well, be careful all the way." Kikyo nodded towards Zhang Xiang, and said goodbye to Zhang Xiang somewhat implicitly.

However, Xiao Feng was more open.

She rushed up directly and hugged Zhang Xiang's arms.

"Big brother, you must come often in the future" Xiao Feng hugged Zhang Xiang's waist, raised his head very reluctantly, and said to Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang also smiled, stretched out his right hand, and rubbed Xiao Feng's smooth long hair.

"Of course, I will come often in the future and cook delicious dishes for our little cat." Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

"Well, I'm not a greedy cat!" Xiao Feng wrinkled her nose, somewhat dissatisfied with what Zhang Xiang said, raising her head and saying to Zhang Xiang.

Above the delicate little face, under the light of the sunlight, it appears so white and full of innocence.

Compared to when Zhang Xiang saw her for the first time, the world-shaking changes had almost taken place.

"Yes, yes, you are not a greedy cat. However, yesterday's dishes, but you eat the most" Zhang Xiang said jokingly, scraping Xiao Feng's smooth nose and winking at her.

"It's not," Xiao Feng said with some lack of confidence.

However, when her eyes rolled, she thought of another excuse.

"By the way, Xiaojin eats more than I do. He is a greedy cat," Xiao Feng said unconvincedly.

And listening to Xiao Feng's words, the young golden dragon who missed the assistant car on the side had to blink his big eyes somewhat innocently.

After all, if it wants to argue, it cannot argue.

Because, in fact, it is indeed the golden young dragon that eats the most.

Although, this is because of body size

"Okay, okay, you're not a greedy cat anymore, okay?" Zhang Xiang touched Xiao Feng's little head a little bit dozingly.

After comforting Xiao Feng and agreeing to bring a lot of food to her, Zhang Xiang was finally able to get out.

"Then, I will really go." Zhang Xiang smiled and waved to the two Yilong.

Then, he jumped towards the bone-eating well.

At the beginning, he was still a little worried.

Because half of the jade of the four souls was completely shattered.

Affected by this, the jade of the Four Souls, which could have made a wish and greatly increased the power of the monster, became a little strange, as if it had become something like a pure energy body, and then turned into something like a pure energy body. An illusory soul scattered towards the sky.

Of course, in this process.

Zhang Xiang vaguely saw a familiar cheek, which seemed to be Cuizi who had been entangled with monsters for a lifetime and trapped in the jade of four souls.

However, because of the struggle for too long, her soul could not even support her to persist in the world for an instant, and she was instantly taken away by the light of heaven.

However, Zhang Xiang had a familiar feeling inexplicably, as if he had met each other before.

Well, the topic is a bit far off, let's go back.

At the beginning, when Zhang Xiang jumped into the bone-eating well, he was indeed afraid that after the jade of the four souls disappeared, he would not be able to return to this world from this bone-eating well.

In that case, if he wants to return to the world, there are only two ways.

One is to wait forever, waiting for time to pass naturally to that period of time.

But in that case, it would take at least hundreds of years.

The other one is full of danger.

That is, using one's own coordinates in this world to forcibly open the channel between the two.

Zhang Xiang believes that under the influence of the world tree that can communicate time, he has a certain chance to return to this world.

However, it is easy to go back, but it will become very difficult to come back.

This is about the relationship between downstream and upstream in the torrent of time.

Of course, Zhang Xiang is more inclined to these two worlds, which are similar to parallel worlds, but are related to each other.

But all in all, this one is still very dangerous.

But fortunately, when Zhang Xiang jumped to the bottom, the familiar light shone again.

In that familiar sense of space transfer and the twisted starry sky resembling the bright, Zhang Xiang once again traveled above the torrent of time.

Then, after a few seconds, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt black before his eyes.

Then, he felt the line of sight again, and also felt that he was floating in the middle of the well.

Fortunately, the distance is not high, it's just a mere one meter away.

Zhang Xiang landed quickly.

After he observed that there was no one around, he jumped out of the well.

It's just that the sky is already under night.

The surrounding environment is still the same as when Zhang Xiang left.

It's just that there is a cordon around the periphery that prevents ordinary people from entering, and no one is guarding it.

After all, with so many weird incidents happening nearby, it is impossible for the government to not know.

Compared with those weird incidents, this fire is relatively unremarkable.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang felt a familiar spirit and spiritual power fluctuation.

He shifted his gaze to that place.

That place is where the owner's family of Higurashi Shrine lives.

Then, Zhang Xiang came with a face of sudden realization.

"It turns out that I feel familiar because I scanned it not long ago? Cuizi's reincarnation..." Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile, and the original doubts and guards in his heart were also let go.

Originally, he was still worried about whether Kikyo would be reincarnated as Kagome because of certain things, like the original.

In that case, how should he change when faced with ‘what has become a reality’.

But now, he already understands.

The world has already supplemented this logical flaw.

Kagome's reincarnation did not come from Kikyo, but from Cuizi.

It's just that, perhaps due to various reasons, the other party has already lost the memory of his previous life.

"Then, I hope you can live an ordinary life..." Zhang Xiang silently prayed for this witch who had suffered so much in her previous life.

But immediately, he flashed away and left here.

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