Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1452: , Foolish people!

It turned out that I didn't know when, clutching his right hand on the ground and rolling, there was almost no fat policeman who almost passed out of pain, but he rolled himself to the place where the young ordinary policeman's pistol dropped.

Then, Xiang Conveni took it up with his left hand without hesitation, aimed at Zhang Xiang in an instant, and was suddenly shot at his back vest.

The orange-yellow bullet blasted out from the muzzle with a bright red spark, and blasted directly towards Zhang Xiang's heart.

But the sound of gunshots that almost made the faces of everyone present changed greatly, but it did not play any role.

Because, it's as if the situation in the meeting scene just reappeared.

It's just that the person who used this trick changed one.

The orange bullet that shot towards Zhang Xiang's back was suddenly blocked by a transparent shield floating in the air.

That orange-yellow bullet was like hitting a highly concentrated transparent water shield.

There was a red, orange, and yellow bullet remaining there, hitting it, splashing a small ripple, like a fallen leaf touching the water surface, causing a ripple.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang turned his body slowly, and loosened the body of the young policeman who had rolled his eyes and had a twisted neck, allowing it to fall freely to the ground.

"It's not bad, I know that I pretend to be rolling in pain, picking up the gun and shooting me when I don't expect it." Zhang Xiang said gently.

There was a plain expression on his face, as if he was talking about ordinary things.

However, just as he was saying these things, the other party was not so calm.

"Weird, monster... So you are also a monster, die for me!!!" The fat policeman used his left hand to pull the trigger one after another, so that the muzzle that was still in the smoke of gunpowder, one after another The remaining bullets were shot out, toward Zhang Xiang's body, and toward the wall behind Zhang Xiang.

But no, all the bullets shot at Zhang Xiang were resisted by a transparent shield.

That is a protective shield constructed by Zhang Xiang using magical power, and its defense is very strong.

If there is no continuous bombardment of high-intensity counter-sniper equipment, don't even want to break through this layer of magical defense.

"Are you finished?" Zhang Xiang seemed to be ignoring his own affairs, watching the other party pouring out all the bullets in the pistol and bombarding him.

It's just that when the other party pulls the trigger and can no longer fire bullets, only when they make a sound of ‘kaka’, it is considered to be a slowly asking.

His voice was very flat, as if he was greeting someone he knew not long ago.

However, the fat policeman who heard Zhang Xiang's voice showed an expression of horror on his face.

"Don't, don't kill me, kill, kill the police, it's illegal... Let me go, let me go, I, I won't tell you what happened today..." The two fat police officers showed panic. The expression came out, and the body was constantly shrinking backwards, kneeling on the ground, begging Zhang Xiang for mercy.

Even because of the wound on his right hand caused by the action, his face turned pale again, and he almost fainted on the spot.

However, he still insisted on begging for mercy.

"You know things, and when you know you can't do anything, you decisively beg for mercy. Compared with the young man just now, your experience and coping skills are a lot more seasoned." Zhang Xiang's face has a trace Smile, said slowly.

However, in the next moment, the expression on Zhang Xiang's face had already changed.

"However, I don't like experienced people." Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a dangerous arc.

But in the next moment, the sounds of ‘swish, swish, swish...’ were rang out continuously.

The several bullets embedded on the magic transparent shield seemed to be back in time, and they flew back from any direction when they were shot.

However, the angle is slightly adjusted.

Then, there was a few **** flowers, and successive screams kept ringing.

It was the sound of several bullets penetrating into each other's limbs.

However, the places where these bullets are shot are not at the critical point, but at places that will not kill people on the spot.

However, Zhang Xiang never paid attention to the other party anymore.

"Huahuo, let's go, let's take her to find a doctor." Zhang Xiang's face returned to his usual expression, he squatted down, hugged the unconscious girl with red hair, and faced him. Said the little Lolita beside him.

"Yeah." Hua Huo nodded.

Then, the two of them ignored the Rentaro who had just emerged from behind the stone pillar and walked out directly.

Seeing Zhang Xiang ignoring him, Rintaro also stood still, his mouth slightly opened, trying to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because he didn't know what position he was going to use to say these words.

From the standpoint of the police?

That was obviously wrong, and what the two policemen did was simply wrong.

Although, he wanted to say that even if the two policemen had committed so many bad behaviors, there were laws that could punish them.

However, he was very clear.

This type of behavior directed at the cursed child can easily be dismissed because of social trends.

More importantly, it was just like when he wanted to stand up and stop the two police officers, but in the end it was because he was afraid that he would be classified as the cursed son instead of going out to stop him.

He was not sure whether Zhang Xiang would even kill him if he did any blocking behavior.

As for the position of the cursed son?

If the person on the scene is his partner, Yeonju, then he might still stand on the position of the cursed son.

However, the person who was shot in front of him now was someone he didn't know.

Moreover, once the relationship is involved, the cursed child will become very complicated.

This made him, who has always been weak, hesitated.

But maybe he didn't know, it was because of his hesitation, standing behind him, Yanzhu, for the first time feeling alienated from his partner...

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