Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1613: , Become a Buddha...

"Have you become a Buddha?" Zhang Xiang's face showed a hint of surprise, looking at the scene in front of him. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because, just as the white light radiated from the little girl's soul, a white light began to come out from the sky, covering the little girl's soul.

A slight pulling force that is gradually increasing is constantly strengthening, pulling the little girl's body to fly into the sky.

However, in the white light, the little girl's soul and body did not continue to drift away.

"What, what's going on?" A sense of substance was suddenly felt in the white light, and the girl who hugged the pink phone and photo frame that she wanted to hug, showed a surprised expression, and looked towards The direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, what she saw was Zhang Xiang's joyful face.

"Don't worry, this is the beam of light that will lead you to Buddhahood. I didn't expect that in this world, there is also such a thing as Buddhahood." Zhang Xiang's face showed a surprised expression.

The so-called becoming a Buddha means that one's wish has been fulfilled, and people without any concern, by some chance coincidence, are referred to as the title in another dimension.

Originally, Zhang Xiang thought there was no such thing in this world.

Because, in this world, he did not feel the presence of ghosts.

The soul of this world, after the death of life, will be directly attracted into the reincarnation, and cannot stay in this world.

The only thing that can stay is that the soul is about to fly away, and there is no way to perceive the soul of reincarnation.

If there is no unwillingness to stay, there is no soul who is willing to die, and naturally there is no such thing as becoming a Buddha.

However, Zhang Xiang saw this in front of his eyes.

"To become a Buddha?" The little girl's face showed a trace of confusion.

However, looking at the puzzled expression on the little girl's face, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

"You don't have to think about it. It's good to keep this mood like this. You are no longer in danger. Next, you will go to a perfect world and continue your next life." Zhang Xiang encouraged the other little girl.

"Well, I understand." The little girl nodded heavily, with a happy expression on her face.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she knew that she was not in danger, and she could still embrace what she wanted.

And as time passed, the traction force finally pulled the little girl's body up.

The little girl felt a call. She knew that it was the last time she stayed in this world.

Zhang Xiang, who became a god, also felt this at the same time.

"Then, goodbye, and live a good life in another world!" Zhang Xiang released his hands that were also hugging the other party's pink phone and photo frame, and waved goodbye to the other party.

"Well, big brother, goodbye. Big brother, you have to live a good life." The little girl hugged two things in one hand, but she showed a bright smile on one side, waving her little hand to say goodbye to Zhang Xiang.

The power to pull the beam of light is getting stronger and stronger, and the body of the little girl accelerates towards the sky, and finally disappears in a circle of light, seeming to have gone to another world far away.

When the white light flashed and disappeared completely, the little girl's soul also disappeared in place.

"It's good to become a Buddha, you don't need to lose your soul. Then, let's live a good life on the side of the heaven..." Zhang Xiang smiled on his face and continued to wave in the direction away. Holding his right hand.

It seems that his wave of his hand can penetrate through the space channel and come to another space.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden flash of white light from the sky.

That seemed to be a reflection of something, and Zhang Xiang also stretched out his right hand to catch that thing at the same time.

That is the photo frame that fell from the sky, and the pink mobile phone is close behind.

Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and caught them all.

He looked down slightly.

In the broken glass frame, in the arms of two adults, a man and a woman, a little girl only three or four years old is showing a bright smile.

And that was already a pink phone with no battery, and it was magically turned on at this time, with two sentences written on it: ‘Big brother, thank you (_)’.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a bright smile.

However, his eyes were unknowingly wet.

"Unexpectedly, I also had the day when sand got into my eyes" Zhang Xiang said insincerely, but the sleeve of his right hand was wiped quietly from the corner of his eye...

An hour later, after finishing the remnant of the sky dragon, buried it under the ground.

Zhang Xiang erected a tombstone of a cross on the ground of his cemetery.

In front of the tombstone, Zhang Xiang put the pink mobile phone and the reinstalled glass photo frame in front of the cross tombstone.

Then, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang stepped out.

It was just in a moment, Zhang Xiang had already crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters and came to the place where he had seen the dragon in the sky.

In this place, the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green waters seemed so peaceful.

And at the moment when he appeared, Zhang Xiang looked at a point in the clouds not far away.

It was a place without anything, as if there was only air.

But in Zhang Xiang's soul perception, that place was full of a sense of soul temptation, as if something connected by flesh and blood was calling.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also took another step. Before reaching that space, he stretched out his right hand as if grabbing something, and then grabbed it to the rear.

In the next moment, a small chaotic ball that was hard to detect or even perceive was already in Zhang Xiang's hands.

It was a small ball about the size of a table tennis ball, in a chaotic state, in a state of illusion.

However, there is indeed a small world inside.

Although, it is just a small world that has just been opened up and is in chaos.

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