Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1621: ,examination!

After Zhang Xiang sent the final manuscript by post, the time quickly came to the next day, which was the day Zhang Xiang took the exam.

After rushing to the kindergarten, Zhang Xiang hurriedly got on the bus and headed in the direction of Hachioji after saying goodbye to Xiaokong, Miyu, and Hua Huo.

As for the car in his house, it was too mad and did not drive out.

The last little sorrow, except for running back for dinner, stayed at Dr. Ali's home, borrowing the experimental conditions of his home to conduct experiments.

Moreover, because Dr. Ali is often busy at the company, there is no reason to go home.

Xiao Ai directly took a few changed clothes and ran to the other side to wait for the results to come out.

Of course, what she said to the school side was that she could not go there because she had a cold.

And after Zhang Xiang took a bus for dozens of minutes and then changed to a regular tram, he finally came to the outside of Tama Bunkyo University.

At this time, the time came exactly to the eight-thirty hour, and there was still fifteen minutes away from the beginning of the test at 8.45.

Although the Tama Faculty of Letters occupies a large area and the distance between departments is quite long, fortunately, the Faculty of Letters is one of the college's signature subjects and is established in the center of the college.

Fifteen minutes is more than enough for Zhang Xiang's feet.

However, on the road, Zhang Xiang met Koichi Nimura who had not been seen for a long time.

"Ah, it's been a long time, Rencun. Where have you been in this period of time?" Zhang Xiang waved his right hand to the other party and shouted loudly.

Because the other party is now tens of meters away, and they are talking happily with two women who are obviously senior sisters.

However, Zhang Xiang glanced at the 8:40 time displayed on his mobile phone, still planning to remind him.

"Ah, is it Segawa?" And when he saw Zhang Xiang, a smile appeared on Rencun's face, and he waved his right hand at Zhang Xiang.

"By the way, the exam is about to begin, aren't you hurrying up?" Zhang Xiang shouted, waving his right hand to the opponent.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Rencun couldn't help but check his watch, then his face changed.

"Damn, I almost missed it!" Rencun exclaimed.

Then, he hurriedly bid farewell to the two senior sisters, by the way, in just one minute, exchanged his mobile phone number and e-mail address before rushing in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"I said, your technique of picking up girls has improved again? Even exchanging mobile phone numbers and email addresses can handle two people in a minute." Zhang Xiang looked at the other person behind him, obviously in a good mood, and waved towards Rencun The two elder sisters on the right hand spoke to Rencun who was smiling a little speechlessly.

The other party's skills in picking up girls are really proficient!

"Haha this one, as long as you practice more, you can practice it." Rencun said with a smile and patted Zhang Xiang on the shoulder.

After talking about this topic, Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Rencun, have you seen Laixiang-senpai recently? She used to go to the little chicks to play, but after the New Year, it seems that she hasn't visited our house anymore." Zhang Xiang was a little curious. Asked.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Rencun's face also showed a trace of contemplation.

"Senior Sister Laixiang? I don't know. I have been to the Road Research Institute several times recently, but it seems that there is no Senior Sister Laixiang. Only Senior Saku is there. He still hugged me and cried to me. His words that we discarded almost completely rolled on the floor." Rencun's face showed a somewhat helpless expression.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang nodded, indicating that he knew.

And it was at this time that the exam bell that represented class finally rang.

Zhang Xiang and Rencun couldn't help but glance at each other.



The two of them couldn't help but display all their answers, rushing towards the fourth floor of the building in front of them.

You know, the school spirit of Tama Bun Academy is very strict, it is definitely the legendary Yan Jin Yan.

Even if you are more than five minutes late for the exam, the result of the subject will be invalidated.

Therefore, there is no room for the two of them not to be nervous anymore.

Fortunately, in five minutes, climbing four floors is definitely more than enough.

It took Zhang Xiang and Rencun about two minutes to search for their respective departments.

Then, the two of them finally rushed into their respective classrooms between the two.

In the teacher's somewhat white eyes, he took the test paper and started to answer.

Fortunately, most of the topics on the test paper were recited by Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang quickly picked up the pen to answer. That speed, it can be said that the pen is sacred, just like without thinking, he wrote directly down.

The teacher who couldn't even use the speed of thinking made the exam invigilate and couldn't help but walk over to check if Zhang Xiang had written silly.

However, when he walked over, he found that Zhang Xiang had already turned the first page.

‘This one speed? Isn't it really random filling? Even if there are many multiple choice and short answer questions on the first page, it can't be so fast, right? At this speed, I'm afraid I don't even have time to look at the topic, right? ! He is already more than sixty years old, but he is a little bald on the top of his head and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He frowned slightly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown, his face showing a serious expression of hatred for iron and steel.

Looking at his expression, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became serious.

Because everyone present knows that the old pedagogy in front of me is very rigid in terms of teaching and life style.

That is, in front of him, even if you do not cheat, but doze off in the examination room, or even play with your pen boringly, you will be severely criticized by the other party.

However, the other party is still the vice dean of the Faculty of Arts, holds the title of senior professor, and is one of the few literary masters in Neon.

In other words, if you are really caught by him, he can really prevent you from graduation.

And there are quite a few seniors who have tried the law with their own bodies, and finally ended up miserably.

Therefore, when the other party frowned, everyone present was praying not to affect themselves.

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