Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1627: , Pick up the young

"Zhang, Zhang Xiangjun, are you, aren't you taking the Hachioji exam?" Xiaoyan's face showed a surprise, and he asked Zhang Xiang with a squat.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also remembered.

Since Zhang Xiang needed an exam all day today, Xiao Kong was also the first to ask the next door neighbor Xiaoyan to pick up the young chicks, so as to prevent Zhang Xiang from being slow when he finished the exam.

Because, as usual, even if Zhang Xiang rushes to finish the exam, time is very tight.

However, Xiao Kong did not expect that shortly after the start of the exam, Zhang Xiang had already completed the test paper at a super fast speed different from the previous scum, and had already handed in the paper ahead of time.

And if you come, you don't take the buses and cars that take at least 45 minutes, but you move over instantly.

"Yes, but I turned in the paper ahead of time because of review reasons. Therefore, I was able to rush over in time." Zhang Xiang also half-truth explained to the other party, and walked towards the kindergarten together.

Seeing Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan coming at the same time, the nursery teacher also showed a smile on his face. After nodding to Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan, he turned his head and shouted behind him.

"Xiao Hina, the person who picked you up is here. Moreover, two people came together today," the nurse teacher said with a smile and beckoned to Xiao Hina not far behind.

"Yes" was accompanied by an immature sound.

The little figure in the blue dress of Xiao Chu also appeared in Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan's vision.

"Ah, it's my uncle and sister Xiaoyu" Xiao Chi's face showed a surprise voice.

"Yeah, today it is my uncle and sister Xiaozhu who came to pick up the little chicks. Little chicks, have everything packed up? Are you ready to go home?" Zhang Xiang squatted down and caught the little jogging. The small figure of the young.

"Well, I'm ready, Xiao Chi will go get it back" Xiao Chi's happy little face showed an excited expression.

And after speaking, the young chick ran back on the ground, ran back to the childlike classroom of the big class, stuffed everything on his desk into a small schoolbag, and brought his yellow little girl. hat. (Students in neon kindergarten and the third grade of elementary school must wear yellow hats when going to and from school to prevent traffic hazards on the road. Yellow is used because yellow is the most conspicuous visually.)

After Mei Yu's mother Sa Xia returned, the person who came to pick her up was usually one of Zhang Xiang, Xiao Kong, Mei Yu, or Xiao Yan, who came alone.

Therefore, she is very happy to have two people come to pick her up today.

After finishing packing, the young chicks trot back on the ground again and stood in the middle of Zhang Xiang and Xiaobian.

"Packed up!" Xiao Chi raised her head, and her small hand automatically took Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan's hands, with a happy expression on their faces.

"I really can't get up, Xiao Chi can now clean up by herself" Zhang Xiang touched Xiao Chi's little head, took Xiao Chi's schoolbag, and carried it on his shoulder.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's praise of herself, Xiao Chi's face also showed a happy expression.

"Hey" Xiao Chi smiled embarrassedly.

"That's good, thank you teacher. By the way, Xiao Chi also said goodbye to the teacher, and then let's go back." Zhang Xiang nodded to the nursery lady and said to Xiao Chi.

"Well, thank you, teacher, goodbye." Xiao Chi waved her little hand and said goodbye to the nursery teacher.

"Well, Xiao Chi, we have to go all the way well, listen to the words of my uncle and Xiao Yan." The nurse teacher also showed a smile on his face, squatted down and touched Xiao Chi's head, and followed Zhang Xiang Waiting for someone to say goodbye.

"Yeah!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily.

After that, Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan took a hand of Xiao Chi and walked towards home.

On the way, the young girl seemed to be very happy, singing and jumping around, making people feel a kind of joy from the heart.

"Nah, my uncle, sister Xiao Yun, today, Xiao Xiao, I have already learned how to count a hundred." Xiao Xiao showed a proud expression on his face, and stretched out his own to Zhang Xiang and Xiao Yan. Come with a little finger.

"Oh, isn't it? Xiao Chi is amazing." Xiao Chuan showed a smile on his face and praised Xiao Chi.

"Yes, Xiaochun is really amazing. When my uncle was like you, he didn't count to a hundred." Zhang Xiang also praised with a smile.

"Ah, my uncle is stupid, but I can teach my uncle," Xiao Chi showed a happy expression on his face, and said to Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, then, my uncle would like to thank Xiao Chi first," Zhang Xiang also smiled and replied, and did not correct the mistakes in Xiao Chi's words.

After all, the most important thing is that Xiao Chi can be so happy.

After Miss Sasha left, Xiao Chi seemed to feel a little lonely.

In addition, Zhang Xiang and others often failed to stay with her because of the course.

Therefore, moments that can be as happy as today are less and less seen.

However, Xiao Chi was very sensible and didn't bother Zhang Xiang and others.

It should be said that children nowadays are really precocious, even three-year-old children have all kinds of troubles.

It should be said that Xiao Hina has grown up

Seeing Xiao Chi's so happy appearance, a thought suddenly emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart.

"By the way, little chick, shall we go to the zoo together tomorrow?" Zhang Xiang suddenly asked the little chick who was humming happily.

Because tomorrow is the weekend, everyone should be free.

"Zoo?" Xiao Chi deflected his little head with some doubts, and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Yes, the zoo. In the zoo, there are a lot of animals, including white foxes, big leopards, thick pandas, and the little white rabbits that young chicks like most. Moreover, they are real little white rabbits." Zhang Xiang leaned down halfway and explained to Xiao Chi.

However, before Zhang Xiang finished speaking, Xiao Chi's face was already extremely excited.

"Little White Rabbit? Can Little Chin see Little White Rabbit?" There was an excited expression on Xiao Chin's face.

"Of course, then, do you want to go together?" Zhang Xiang continued to ask with a smile.

"Yes, I want to, I want to see the white rabbit, and the big black, black and white cat," I said happily, waving his little hand.

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