Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1634: ,aquarium

And just after coming out of the station, Zhang Xiang and the others began to walk toward the depths of the zoo following the flow of people.

On the side of the West Garden, maybe because there are more aquatic animals, there are pools that can be seen everywhere.

However, Zhang Xiang and others did not stay here, but walked directly towards the most famous aquarium in the West Garden.

"Hurry up, it is said that there will be special performances in the aquarium." With a happy smile on his face, Xiao Shi took the lead in walking in the front.

"Special performance? However, I heard that the aquarium on this side has the most complete variety of ornamental fish in Tokyo. Moreover, there is also the only devil fish viewing area in Tokyo." Miwa's face revealed The look of longing comes.

"Devil fish, is that kind of greasy thing? Miyu, how could you like this kind of thing?" Xiaokong showed a scared expression on his face.

She really doesn't like creamy things

"Don't worry, sister. They are all isolated in the glass pool of the aquarium, there is no danger," Miyu comforted Xiaokong.

And listening to the discussion of several sisters, Xiao Chi's eyes sparkled with gleaming light.

"Ah, the aquarium big fish and young chicks are going to see" Xiao Chin's face showed expectation, and the little face was full of excitement.

Seeing the excited look of the young youngster, Zhang Xiang and others all smiled, holding the young youngster's hand and walked towards the aquarium.

After walking through a slightly dark passage, Zhang Xiang and others walked into the aquarium.

At the beginning, there were still dark walls on both sides of the passage.

However, after walking for some distance, a large number of glass cabinets began to appear on both sides of this passage, which contained a large amount of water with slightly different composition.

And among those transparent glass cabinets, a large number of fish of all colors began to appear.

First of all, those tropical fish appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others.

Because tropical marine fish mainly live in tropical colorful coral reefs.

Therefore, the tropical fish that appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others were very bright in color.

The most is the orange-red color like a coral reef.

Of course, there are also marine fish with a light blue color, as well as other colors.

However, in general, there are more fish with more ornamental and bright colors.

They usually wander freely in the bubbling sea in groups, and occasionally when they encounter obstacles, they will split into several groups and swim towards the surrounding empty spaces, and finally gather together. .

Of course, there are also lonely fishes wandering slowly in the water.

"Ah, there are so many fishes." Little Chicks stood on tiptoes and lay on the surface of the glass cabinet, watching the orange-red sea fish swimming past her in clusters.

However, due to the sudden approach of the young chicks, the orange-red sea fishes were frightened, and all of a sudden disappeared.

And this kind of action also caused the little chick to laugh happily.

From time to time, he used his little hand to poke the surface of the glass cabinet, tempting the fish to swim.

After passing the range of tropical marine fish, Zhang Xiang even went deep into the aquarium.

After going through a curve, Zhang Xiang and others finally came to the world belonging to the ocean.

Because what appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others was a transparent glass channel, and outside that transparent glass channel was a large amount of sea water.

Hundreds of fishes roam freely among them.

Because these fish have more space than those trapped in the glass cabinet, they seem to be more lazy.

However, this is also not certain.

Because in this huge aquarium, there are not one or two kinds of fish, but dozens of fish mixed together.

When some relatively large fish, or those fish that are natural enemies, wander by, it will cause a wave of turbulence.

"Ah, so many fishes" Xiao Chi opened her eyes wide, looking at all this in front of her a little dizzyingly.

The gaze of the young bird was constantly moving along with the free swimming of the fish in it.

"Uncle, uncle, what kind of fish is that?" Xiao Chi pointed at a marine fish whose body was bulging like a balloon, and asked Zhang Xiang.

After Zhang Xiang glanced around, he recognized what fish was coming.

"Oh, that's a bubble fish" Zhang Xiang explained to Xiao Chi.

"Ah bubble fish, good image, it really looks like a bubble" Xiao Kong, who gradually let go of restraint, also showed a happy expression on his face.

"Ah, look, sister, which side is it?!" Miyu said while pulling Xiaokong.

"It's a lobster!" Xiaokong looked too far, and suddenly exclaimed.

I saw a lobster with a body length of about fifty centimeters, protruding out of a coral bush, and after looking around for a while, he hid his body in the orange coral bush again. Inside, he hides his figure.

At this moment, Little Lori Huahuo also let out an exclamation.

"Everyone, look." Huahuo stretched out his right hand and pointed at the top of everyone's head.

And hearing her cheers, Zhang Xiang and others also raised their heads and looked up at the glass above their heads.

I saw two turtles, about one meter in size, wandering past the heads of Zhang Xiang and others.

And behind them, there are still more than a dozen smaller and more expensive ones, following them.

"Ah, it's a big sea turtle. And there are so many little turtles." The little chick patted her little hand, stood on tiptoe, and looked over her head with a happy smile.

However, afterwards, she turned her head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Uncle, these are still baby turtles, are they children of big turtles?" Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang's direction with big expectant eyes.

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