Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: , Mutual understanding

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Laixiang-senpai's face also showed a firm expression. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Dad, Mom, I apologize for not being able to make a good explanation. However, I want to be with my most important friends. I will not do anything that violates Dad’s trust. And, no matter it is now In the future, Zhang Xiangjun and the three sisters will be able to teach me many very important things that I could not learn in school. Up to now, I will not smile or communicate with others. However, Xiaokong and the others allow me to be able to I laughed naturally, they are my most important friends than anyone else. So..."

Laixiang-senpai lowered her head deeply.

"Please let me stay here in Ikebukuro, please!"

Seeing Laixiang-senpai who begged so much, Laixiang-senpai's parents also showed complicated expressions.

"Laixiang..." Senior Sister Laixiang's mother looked in Laixiang's direction.

"...This is the first time we have been resisted so hard by Laixiang." Senior Sister Laixiang's father looked in the direction of Senior Sister Laixiang, and then towards Zhang Xiang, Xiaokong and the others.

However, at this moment, there was a wry smile on his face.

"But... I can feel it, Lai Xiang really likes you..." Senior Sister Lai Xiang's father said with a wry smile.

"No, in fact, her favorite is you..." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly and said.

From the attitude of Laixiang-senpai's parents, he had already seen some of their next plans.

Therefore, he couldn't help but become a little relaxed.

"Really?...Thank you." Laixiang-senpai's father nodded.

Then he turned his head to look at his wife.

"What do you think?" Laixiang-senpai's father asked.

"You have already decided." Senior Sister Lai Xiang's mother smiled.

"Yes, a decision has been made..." Laixiang-senpai's father said with a sigh.

Then, he turned his head to look in the direction of Senior Sister Laixiang.

And listening to his words, except for Zhang Xiang, who already knew the result, the hearts of everyone else were raised.

" are still our proud, just do what you want." Senior sister Laixiang's father showed a serious expression on her face and nodded towards her. .

However, when talking about the back, his face couldn't help showing a smile.

"But oh, sometimes I have to come home too. When you want to come home, just call back. The two of us will spare some time to come home. We...have not been together for a long time. I've had a meal..." Senior Sister Laixiang's mother also showed a kind smile on her face.

And listening to the words of the two of them, everyone's heart of mentioning was put down, and they all smiled.

"Well, thank you Mom and Dad." Senior Sister Laixiang showed a relieved smile on her face.

At the same time, Xiao Chi also secretly pulled Lalaixiang-senpai's sleeve.

"Na Na Lai Xiangjiang will still be able to come home in the future?" Xiao Chi asked Lai Xiang-senpai's sleeve secretly.

And looking at Xiao Chi's secretive nervous look, everyone couldn't help showing a kind smile on their faces.

"Of course, as long as Xiao Hina is willing!" Senior Sister Laixiang squatted down and said.

"Yes, that's great, Xiaochun, Xiaochun likes Sister Laixiang the most" Xiaochun plunged into Sister Laixiang's arms.

However, in the embrace of Laixiang-senpai, Xiao Hina raised her head immediately.

"Ah, but, but, in the future, Xiaochun will do her own things, dressing, bathing, and if you don't have to trouble Laixiang, you must work hard to finish it yourself! Because Xiaochun is already a sister!" The ten guards squatting on the ground next to him showed a happy smile.

"In that case, it's a bit lonely" Senior Sister Laixiang said with a pouting mouth.

And listening to Laixiang-senpai's slightly willful words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Even though she was as expressionless as Laixiang-senpai, Laixiang-senpai's mother smiled covering her mouth.

Then, she squatted down.

"That, is it a young chick? Can auntie hug it?" Laixiang-senpai's mother showed a gentle expression.

"Yeah, yes." Xiao Chi glanced at Senior Sister Laixiang's mother and nodded heavily.

Because she didn't feel any malice from the other party.

After getting the permission of the young youngster, Laixiang-senpai's mother picked up the young youngster and hugged her in her arms.

"It's really cute, it looks like Laixiang when she was a child." Laixiang-senpai's mother became very gentle.

Perhaps that is motherhood.

"Ah, is Xiao Chi similar to Lai Xiang's sister when she was a child?" Xiao Chi sitting in the arms of Lai Xiang's mother heard the words and couldn't help raising her head, with an expression of doubt and interest on her face.

"Yes, Lai Xiang was like Xiao Chi when she was young, with long black hair that is very long and slippery. And oh, like Xiao Chi, she often sits in my arms and watch cartoons. There was one time when Lai Xiang looked too serious, and when she recovered, she almost couldn't hold back because of urgency." Lai Xiang-senpai’s mother showed Lai Xiang to the young girl with a smile. The embarrassment of the school sister when she was young.

"Ah mother!" Laixiang-senpai's face showed a rare blush, and she shouted to her mother.

However, it was too late, and everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of Senior Sister Laixiang.

Moreover, everyone's faces were filled with surprise and surprise.

Because, it's hard to imagine that Laixiang-senpai, who has always been expressionless and sensible, can only appear to be very emotional when she sees Xiaokong and others. She would have such a lovely childhood.

But at this moment, Xiao Hina made up for it in time.

"Ah, Sister Laixiang is the same as Xiao Chin, do you like watching Bunny cartoons? But, my uncle said, holding back urine is bad for your health, Xiao Chin, I have never held back." The face said seriously.

"Little Chick" Laixiang-senpai said with a long voice, pouting.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words and Laixiang-senpai's actions, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Because ah, whether it is Hina or Laixiang-senpai, they are so cute

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