Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: , Disadvantages become advantages...

After listening to the introduction of the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou, both the old stubborn master of Chinese learning and the parents of Sister Laixiang were shocked.

Afterwards, they looked at Zhang Xiang with admiration.

Even the impression that Senior Sister Laixiang’s parents disrespect knowledge about Zhang Xiang’s frequent skipping of classes and Wei Wei felt angry was completely reversed.

Now, in the eyes of Senior Sister Laixiang's parents, Zhang Xiang has become a versatile guy.

Especially they know that a company worth tens of billions owned by Zhang Xiang.

The reason why they have a value of tens of billions in less than a year of establishment, relying on one of the programs in the smart phone invented by Zhang Xiang, they looked at Zhang Xiang even more. .

Because in the eyes of some intellectuals like them, knowledge is power.

And software technology is undoubtedly a part of knowledge.

(That company is a small company deliberately set up after the establishment of Zhang Xiang’s group with diversified equity and cross-shareholding. The profit point is a necessary procedure for smartphones, as well as the production of some accessories. In order to circumvent the previous lie, Zhang Xiang had to throw it out as his own'company'. In fact, it is really a company controlled by Zhang Xiang's full equity. In addition, the so-called diversification of equity is to allow It’s just a way for companies to pay less tax. Just like Jack Ma’s Alibaba, on the surface, Alibaba’s 60 shares belong to the Neon consortium. In fact, most of the 60 shares are still in his Under control.)

As for skipping classes, in their eyes, they disrespect knowledge. They also interpreted it as Zhang Xiang who felt that he had a higher level of knowledge. In order not to waste study time, he skipped class to learn other knowledge. .

In short, Zhang Xiang’s previous shortcomings have already turned into advantages in their eyes.

Originally, they wanted to let Senior Sister Laixiang return to the apartment in Ikebukuro and not allowed to stay overnight at Zhang Xiang's house, but they overturned it.

In the face of it, everyone's unity and the big eyes of expectations.

In the end, Zhang Xiang had to agree to become that old stubborn student.

When Zhang Xiang agreed, Zhang Xiang didn't know how intense the atmosphere was.

But he still remembered that he was frustrated.

However, after this matter became a foregone conclusion, Zhang Xiang also won enough freedom for himself.

For example, he can let his teacher (old stubborn) teach himself, but the time needs to be free for him to choose, as long as the time of his visit reaches a certain time limit.

In addition, Zhang Xiang also asked the other party to agree:

If Zhang Xiang had already finished learning what the other party taught before the prescribed time limit, then he could freely control the subsequent time.

And listening to this condition, the other party agreed to it all at once.

Because Zhang Xiang's teacher always stubbornly felt that this condition was obviously beneficial to him.

Even if Zhang Xiang's talent is beyond his expectation, Zhang Xiang can only be lazy in the first week.

According to Zhang Xiang's progress, he can increase the things he teaches next week.

You can also say in good name: ‘I came according to your talent’.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang's teacher was stubborn and immediately agreed.

However, he would certainly not know.

For him, even if the course is increased dozens of times, there will be no pressure on him.

The so-called knowledge of Chinese culture, most of the difficulty lies in memorizing and understanding.

Moreover, at the beginning, the other party would definitely just let Zhang Xiang recite most of the correct Chinese learning knowledge. (I think the reason why it is difficult for everyone to learn Chinese is that most of them are unable to read the correct books and fail to distinguish the real classics.)

For Zhang Xiang, who can scan the knowledge of books with mental power, and can directly connect to the Internet to conveniently store the knowledge into his brain, the recitation of the previous item can be said to be completely stress-free.

Even if it was, he was not under pressure to recite all the books in a certain library of Neon.

At most, when a large amount of knowledge is input, the brain will feel a little confused.

As for the subsequent understanding, it is also very simple.

Not to mention that after Zhang Xiang’s spiritual power evolved, he understood everything very quickly. Even some taboos and angel magic that have tens of thousands of nodes that are basically not understandable by humans are already understood, how can they still understand? There is no such thing as a mere piece of literature.

In other words, he doesn't have this ability, he can rely on his strong memory to cheat.

As long as all the answers, as well as the understanding of all the previous generations, the important thing is to remember all the understandings explained by his teacher, he can change his tricks.

Isn't the so-called knowledge of Chinese learning based on the understanding of previous generations?

Not to mention, the old saying goes: ‘I’m familiar with 300 Tang poems, and I can chant if I can’t write poems. ’

With Zhang Xiang's computing power, he has acquired a lot of knowledge, as long as he summarizes and summarizes the laws of knowledge contained in literature.

He wanted to write an article about a master of Chinese learning, wouldn't it be a matter of play.

Of course, to achieve this, the data that needs to be memorized is not the amount of a library.

However, remembering this kind of thing is the most difficult thing for Zhang Xiang.

In short, in the end, it's the right thing for the host and the guest to have fun.

After staying for dinner, first Zhang Xiang's teacher on the surface left first, and then the parents of Senior Sister Laixiang left.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel speechless is that.

When Senior Sister Laixiang's parents left, her father actually called him aside, implying that he must not mess around with Senior Sister Laixiang.

Only after they are officially recognized and engaged can they proceed to the next step.

However, his words were also revealed in secret, as long as he went to their house once, the next step would be passed immediately.

This really makes Zhang Xiang feel very speechless.

——You were very vigilant before and accused me of disrespect for knowledge. I don’t agree with your move of living together...

However, the only windfall is.

I don't know if it was because of the misunderstanding of my parents or because of Zhang Xiang's early days.

Laixiang-senpai’s behavior when facing him was a lot of affection.

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