Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: , Ling Xian contractor? !

"That's good, I'll take you to see Yonglin." Hui Ye smiled and nodded towards Zhang Xiang.

"Then, I would like to thank you first." Zhang Xiang said to the other party.

At the same time, the two also stood up and walked towards the corridor under the leadership of Huiye.

"However, let me talk about it first. I can't guarantee whether Yonglin has any medicine that can prolong the life of animals. So, please don't have too much hope." Kaguya said as if pouring cold water in advance. .

However, Zhang Xiang had anticipated that this might happen.

As soon as the other party's voice fell, he nodded.

"I understand." Zhang Xiang said in a flat voice.

Then, the two of them didn't say anything again.

After all, the two are actually not familiar with each other, and can only be regarded as the relationship between the subject and the object.

After walking through a long corridor, the pharmacy that Zhang Xiang had imagined was not the pharmacy where Bayi Yonglin was.

Instead, it is a field, a field where vegetables are grown.

At this moment, Hui Ye also spoke again.

"Because the eternal pavilion is relatively closed, the vegetables on our side are grown by ourselves. In order to prevent monsters and beasts from destroying the vegetables in the fields, and the sunlight is more concentrated in this location, Only this place was specially selected." Huiye explained to Zhang Xiang.

This explains why there is such a large vegetable field in the middle of the eternal pavilion.

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Xiang showed a clear expression on his face.

However, at this moment.

Two sounds came from not far away. Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in that direction, only to find that in the center of this yard where a lot of vegetables are planted, whether it is Lingxian or Inabadi is located. .

However, the scene now looks a little weird.

Because, Ling Xian, who was originally a weak face, was holding a pointer.

The Emperor Inaba, who is accustomed to pranks, is standing in the carrot field honestly, helping this field to sprinkle water.

That scene seemed to be upside down.

However, when Zhang Xiang watched this seemingly reversed scene, an unexpected situation happened.

Emperor Inaba, who was sprinkling water with a hose in his hand, suddenly rolled his eyes, as if he had come up with a bad idea.

Then, under the guise of sprinkling water, she quietly approached Ling Xian's side.

Suzusen was obviously still not used to supervising this job. He didn't respond when he watched Emperor Inaba approaching him. Instead, he squatted on the ground and looked at the bright carrots as if thinking about something.

When Zhang Xiang got closer and looked at the gleaming drool at the corner of her mouth, he already understood what the other party was thinking.

Well, the temptation of carrots for Ling Xian is too great.

And it was at this time that Emperor Inaba finally sneaked up behind Lingxian.

Then, she rushed in the direction of Ling Xian.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help shouting.

"Ling Xian, be careful..." Zhang Xiang shouted in that direction.

However, when Zhang Xiang’s shouting awakened him, he was addicted to the spring and planted a small bag of carrot seeds, and in summer, he could harvest a lot of carrots, and when he could still roll in the bell fairy, time was It's already too late.

"Eh? Is it Zhang Xiangjun?" It was Lingxian who had clearly just woke up, and quickly wiped the Jingying around his mouth, and stretched out his right hand to say hello to Zhang Xiang and Huiye.

However, the moment she stretched out her right hand, the attack had already arrived.

"Haha...Ling Xian, you are fooled!" With the sound of the familiar naughty voice, a small hand suddenly went around her neck.

Then, he slid down below her, plunged directly into the canyon in the middle of the waves, and grabbed something.

Then, when Ling Xian realized what was going on and put his hands to his chest, when he screamed by the way, it was a little late.

Because, Emperor Inaba's right hand already grabbed something and pulled it out.


A touch of whiteness was thrown into the air from Inabadi's right hand.

At the same time, the water pipe in the right hand of Emperor Inaba also scattered in the direction of Lingxian.

Along with the sky full of crystal clear water droplets spreading around, a puff of crystal water instantly wet Ling Xian's body.

"Haha... I'll run away first. You stay here, by the way, if you go out, I will yell and attract everyone to see you." Inabata smiled with a successful prank , Fleeing towards the outside of the bamboo forest.

And the crystal water droplets that filled the sky like heavy rain are still splashing down, but Emperor Infan quietly maximized the water flow of the water pipe, causing the water pipe that is spewing a large amount of crystal water to rush above the ground. s reason.

And staying in such a place like a pouring rain, Ling Xian quickly became wet all over.

However, at this moment.

The water droplets splashing all over the sky disappeared, but Zhang Xiang's figure appeared in the vegetable field without knowing when, stepped on the scurrying water pipe and turned off the faucet.

This stopped the flood of water.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Xiang asked, looking in the direction of Ling Xian.

However, in the next moment, he was already stunned.

Because, in front of him, Ling Xian's clothes were already wet.

If this were the case, Zhang Xiang would not be allowed to do this.

The key point is that the other party has some thin pink and white tops and dark blue upper knee skirts.

Moreover, at this time.

A touch of whiteness also fell, and it happened to fall on the ground not far in front of Zhang Xiang.

Then, it was the oppa on the opponent.

So, you can imagine what scene Zhang Xiang saw!

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