Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1722: , Suzusen and Inabadi

At this time, in the eternal pavilion, because of the fighting like the sky and the earth, he hugged with Ling Xian and shivered. Emperor Inaba, who was hiding in the other end of the eternal pavilion, raised his head at this time .

However, at this time, her face was shocked, with an incredible look all over her face.

"Dragon...Dragon God?!" Emperor Inaba's mouth grew with an incredible expression on his face, looking at the sky on the other side, where the thunder is gleaming, heavy rain is pouring, and the other side is covered with clouds. I couldn't help but tremble to say those two words.

Seeing that kind of purple-blue thunder flashing, the huge and incomparable body that was faintly revealed, measured in kilometers, Emperor Inaba felt his mouth dry and felt a trace of unconcealed fear.

You know, she usually doesn't know the existence of Dragon God.

Had it not been for more than a thousand years ago, when Gensokyo was founded, he awakened the opponent and was lucky enough to see him.

Then, she still can't recognize each other.

However, she would rather not have such good luck to meet each other again.

Because, when Gensokyo was established last time, when the Dragon God appeared in Gensokyo for the first time, she could still clearly remember the aura that seemed to destroy the world.

"It's miserable... I will die... I will die... I am a healthy and long-lived rabbit... How can I die so easily..." Inaba Emperor Inaba showed a look of horror on his face, squatting. On the ground, pressing his hands on his head, he looked terrified.

However, at this moment, Ling Xian spoke weakly.

"Then, that, what exactly is Dragon God?" Ling Xian asked with some doubts.

Although she knew that there were dragons in Gensokyo, she didn't know what the dragon **** was.

However, Emperor Inaba was already in a panic at this time, but he did not hear Suzusen's words.

Knowing that she stretched out her hands, slightly pinched Inaba's two ears, and made Emperor Inaba so sensitive that he almost didn't jump up, she was slightly awake.

At this time, Ling Xian also asked this question again.

"What the **** is Dragon God?" Ling Xian asked with some doubts.

And listening to Lingxian's words, Emperor Inaba reluctantly returned to God.

However, listening to the words Dragon God, Emperor Inaba couldn't help showing a trace of horror on his face.

"The Dragon God is not from, it is from, in short, you only need to know that it is a terrible, terrifying monster, or a god." Inaba Emperor kept his head guard. In a squatting posture, the words were a little confused and explained to Ling Xian.

"But, since it is so powerful, why doesn't it have much reputation in Gensokyo? Oh, I remember, there seems to be a statue of the dragon **** in the world? But it looks like Isn't it that scary?" Ling Xian showed a puzzled expression on her face, thinking of the Dragon God statue in her memory.

And listening to Lingxian's words, Emperor Inaba's originally tense atmosphere was also calmed down by her.

But listening to the sound of lightning and thunder from the other side of God's Domain, Emperor Inaba still couldn't help showing a trace of tension.

"It's not that scary? You just need to run to the other side to find out. On which side, it's a doomsday scene. Thunder and lightning bombarded the earth recklessly, and heavy rain blurred the boundaries of the horizon. Even if it was directly killed by thunder and lightning, it was not breathless. Ah!" Emperor Inaba said with some irritation.

Then, a look of memories appeared in her eyes.

"Remember that it was more than a thousand years ago. At that time, although I had become a monster for many years. However, on such a sudden day, a barrier suddenly appeared in Gensokyo. The lost bamboo forest where I was was also enveloped in. However, just when I wanted to go out and ask what was going on... the sky, just like just now, directly turned black, covering the whole place. The entire area of ​​Gensokyo has been shrouded in a dark world..." Emperor Inaba was narrating in detail, with a hint of terror flashing in his eyes from time to time.

"However, at this moment. A terrifying coercion suddenly swept the entire Gensokyo. Although I had tried my best to support it, at that time I was still scared to sit on the ground. Then, between the thunder and thunder, I saw...I saw the figure of the Dragon God...I don't know how long it is, but it covers the entire sky, forcing the construction of Gensokyo's barrier. The man who built Gensokyo and the big monsters in it all came out...In the end, after all the big monsters in Gensokyo made the vow not to destroy Gensokyo, It disappeared suddenly..."

"And shortly after it disappeared, the entire sky returned to azure blue, the sun came out again, and the heavy rain disappeared... However, even so, I still can't forget the horror scene at that time... Under pressure, I can only tremble the scene..." Emperor Inaba grabbed his hands and began to tremble with fear in his eyes.

However, at this moment, her hands suddenly landed on her shoulders.

Then, she hugged into a warm embrace.

"Don't worry... there must be nothing... we will definitely pass by..." Ling Xian hugged Emperor Inaba with a gentle color on his face, and his right hand gently patted Emperor Inaba’s queen. Back, comforting her.

From a distance, because the two of them looked sixteen or seven years old and the other eight or nine years old, they really looked like their sister was comforting her sister.

"You, how did you know that we can pass safely... The Dragon God is so terrible, he must not be able to beat it. And we who entertained him will definitely be angry..." Emperor Inaba looked at Ling Xian At a glance, it seemed that she was going to retort as usual, but in the end she still said in a low voice with a hint of fear.

While talking, she also looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang in the sky.

The "he" in her mouth naturally refers to Zhang Xiang.

However, at this moment, Ling Xian's face showed a reassuring gentle smile.

"Because, aren't we all right now? Since he can protect us now, he will definitely be able to protect us in the future." Ling Xian said firmly, with a warm smile on his face.

And listening to Lingxian's somewhat unreasonable words, Emperor Inaba also rarely refuted it.

Even because of Ling Xian's words, a ray of hope emerged in his heart.

‘Is that so? Maybe, he can really protect us...’ Emperor Inaba looked extravagantly in his heart.

As for why she didn't think that Zhang Xiang could defeat the Dragon God, it was because she felt that it was almost impossible to imagine Zhang Xiang could protect them.

But defeating the Dragon God is completely impossible in her heart.

But sometimes, the truth of the matter is really beyond people's expectations...

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