Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1725: , The greedy dragon god!

At the same time, at the moment when Dragon God's eyes lit up. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The other half of Gensokyo, which seemed to be in another world, began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Every drop of rain changed its direction in an instant, rushing towards the front of the huge wave.

At that speed, it was like countless droplets of bullets piercing through the entire sky, and that scene was truly shocking.

Let people personally feel how magnificent the power of nature is!

However, at the next moment, something that made Zhang Xiang and others angry happened.

"No, those creatures in the huge waves and that piece of the world!" Reimeng suddenly exclaimed.

At the same time, everyone also observed the existence of some creatures that hadn't lost their lives in the giant wave, and there were also many monsters or humans with special abilities floating in the air above the giant wave.

However, the lives of these creatures were all taken away in the next moment.

Because, I said it before.

The raindrops that spread all over the whole world dashed across the sky at the speed of a bullet, submerged in the huge waves.

Therefore, the surviving guys along the road, whether they are monsters or humans, burst into blood and formed a piece of mud.

And those stronger existences, after holding on for a while, their power was exhausted and raindrops penetrated their bodies, and fell instantly.

Suddenly, in the world on the other side of Gensokyo, only the protective power formed by the five major forces was left, and the bases where the light of the dozen or so protective shields were gradually weakening were insisting stubbornly. That's it.

"It's really unreasonable!" Zhang Xiang roared, increasing his power output.

In an instant, the distance of five kilometers was fleeting, and the golden sword light that pierced the sky, several kilometers long and tens of meters wide, slammed into the blue wave that was about to hit the boundary.

Yes, cyan waves.

While those raindrops containing the power of the Dragon God fell into the huge waves, the countless small Dragon God powers also reunited together, forming a huge inertial energy shock wave.

As a dragon **** who has lived for at least a thousand years, how could his power merely raise a huge wave? !

Then, after a stalemate for a while.

The golden yellow sword light that prevented the opponent from moving forward, and the huge wave that exuded the color like a deep pool, burst out suddenly.

Under the interaction of the golden and cyan rays of light, the huge wave enough to submerge a huge city from above the earth disappeared into this world in a sudden explosion.

Of course, the power of the explosion is also great.

The explosive power even caused the rain to scatter in all directions at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Even the aftermath of the huge waves that had converged was shaken out of a huge inwardly dented pit.

And the remaining rainwater was still unable to flow from high to low, filling up the huge pothole that was shaken out.

This is the terrifying power of the Xeon's random strike.

However, if I really want to say, Zhang Xiang was at a disadvantage in this blow.

Because, nearly one-fifth of the shock wave formed by the countless water droplets hit Zhang Xiang's God Realm, knocking back his golden God Realm by a distance of about hundreds of meters.

In an instant, the distance of hundreds of meters was completely submerged by the flood, and the sky became pitch black.

"Hand over your divine position, as well as your way of building a moving divine domain, get out of Gensokyo immediately, I will spare you not to die! I will spare you not to die! Immortal!" The dragon god's voice filled with majesty, instantly spread. A whole world.

The aftermath of the sound wave is still constantly impacting towards this side.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang had already fully understood the other party's plan.

The opponent's move wasn't because of this change, or because Zhang Xiang's God Realm covered part of Gensokyo.

It's because the other party coveted Zhang Xiang's **** position.

As mentioned earlier, if it were the gods of this world, they would not have a god's domain at all.

Or in other words, God's Domain is just an illusion built by them that can only affect the real world.

Of course, this is not to say that this is not great.

If it were in ancient times, such as the time when the terrifying half-demon existed, this kind of God Realm could eventually turn the illusion into a real God Realm.

However, the disadvantage is that it cannot be moved.

However, after the migration of this unknown number of years.

This method of transforming the illusory realm (pseudo-God's realm) into a real God's realm has disappeared.

Even in the Warring States Period, this method could not help but disappeared, leaving only a few places where the remains of God's Domain still exist.

Even the method of how the pseudo-god domain was constructed has been lost, leaving only the method of absorbing faith and becoming a god.

And there is no doubt that Dragon God is such an existence.

Or, the other party knows how the pseudo-god domain is constructed, but disdains it!

After all, the innate ability it possesses is already a pseudo-God realm that cannot be moved.

However, after seeing that the God Realm displayed by Zhang Xiang is not the kind of pseudo God Realm that falsely influences reality with fantasy realms, I became greedy for convenience and wanted to seize this method.

By the way, it's time to seize the position of Zhang Xiang.

Because of this, he can instantly own this moving God's Domain.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Zhang Xiang couldn't help laughing, even tears came out.

" turns out to be like this, it turns out that Dragon God is just like this!!!" Zhang Xiang laughed and pointed at the other party.

"No one can stop me, I have been stuck in this place for too long, so long that I had to fall asleep, in order to prevent me from hitting this level of the realm and being beaten to death! Now there is This opportunity is placed in front of my eyes, and I will not give up." The green light of Dragon God's eyes gradually brightened, and the powerful pressure gathered.

"Give you one last chance, call it out, or die! And not only you are going to die, even everyone you implicated, whether in Gensokyo or outside of Gensokyo, will die!" When the Dragon God came to the end, he was already full of murderous aura.

And in that instant, the other half of Gensokyo, opposite, was instantly swept into the atmosphere of killing.

Even the dozens of flickering strongholds that were barely persevering, a few suddenly shattered, and all of them were wiped out by the pressure of killing.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's laughter stopped.

"If you want to kill me, go to hell! The kingdom of God is coming!" Zhang Xiang roared frantically.

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