Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1736: , Vampires also want to bask in the sun

And let us turn our eyes back to ten seconds ago, in one of the dozen small strongholds.

It was mixed with humans, and there were many monsters in it.

However, at this time, both humans and monsters were trembling, and there was no sign of life and death when they saw each other in the past.

Because the lightning in the sky is still bombarding.

Whether it is a monster or a human being, as long as it is hit by a shot, it must be a dead end.

If it's just thunder and lightning, it's okay, as long as it's not hiding under a taller tree, nothing will happen.

But in addition to the dense thunder and lightning in the sky, there is also the flood that constantly impacts their stronghold. The gust of wind is like countless sharp blades, constantly slashing to the extremely dim shield.

This shield is the only big monster that exists in this stronghold, and is maintained by a witch.

However, after the ravages of floods, hurricanes, and thunder and lightning, this shield is already dimmed to the extreme.

Accompanied by a giant wood swimming with the waves, with a ‘bang’, it suddenly hit the dim shield with a powerful force.

The sound of ‘click’ already rang.

An extremely small crack appeared on the protective cover.

Although it was only a small crack, the sound of "click" and that small crack seemed to appear in the hearts of everyone, so that the people and monsters in the stronghold were both Can not help but pale.

Because they all know that even if the shield is dim, as long as it is maintained, there will be a chance of life.

But if there were any cracks in that shield, no matter how small the cracks were, it meant that death was about to strike.

Under this kind of situation, any small crack that is healed will gradually expand with the passage of time, and there is no possibility of shrinking.

After all, if it can be maintained, there will be no cracks.

But the facts are just as they expected.

Along with the appearance of this tiny crack, that crack began to gradually expand in the small "click" sound.

The sound of ‘click’, like broken glass, pierced people’s hearts piece by piece, making them extremely frightened.

Death is not terrible, the terrible thing is to wait for death gradually in the slow process.

Under this situation, some people and the monsters passed out, and some people and the monsters yelled frantically, and they also arbitrarily aroused the surrounding people or the monsters.

The entire stronghold seemed to be in the final craziness before it was shattered.

But at this moment, accompanied by a huge ‘crack’ sound, the sound of ‘cackling’ water rang.

At that moment, all the existences in the entire stronghold, whether they are normal humans and monsters, crazy humans and monsters, or frightened humans and monsters, they all looked in that direction, and that one seemed to be Like a fountain, a stream of water is constantly emerging.

Then, they all knelt weakly, or collapsed directly.

Desperate emotions gradually filled their hearts.

But what is unbelievable is that in the hearts of many humans and monsters, there is the last glimmer of hope.

They all cried together in their hearts: ‘Save me, whether it is a **** or a devil! ’

This is the last instinct of living creatures.

Not because of believing, but because there is only one way to believe.

However, perhaps God heard their words and a miracle happened.

The dark clouds in the sky began to recede, the thunder dissipated, the wind dissipated, the flood retreated, and the turbulent water column no longer emerged from the crack.

Even...the sun appeared!

"This, this is..." A certain human being limp on the ground with confused eyes stretched out his right hand, catching the first ray of sunlight that came through the dim enchantment.

Then, the pupils of his eyes suddenly condensed and began to tremble.

"Sunshine, sunshine!" He jumped up suddenly, jumping higher than before, even higher than some monsters.

There is no language that can describe the excitement in his heart.

At the same time, the cries of surprise one after another also rang from this stronghold.

Moreover, it is not just this one stronghold.

Even the dozens of other strongholds came out with excitement and surprise cheers.

At the same time, the other five positions.

The protective shields of the Red Devil Hall, the Monster Mountain, the Human World... and so on, gradually dissipated.

Because they all know that the catastrophe of Gensokyo is over!

Moreover, Remilia and Fran in the Red Devil Hall also rose into the air hand in hand.

"I never felt that the sun, which was originally annoying, would look so cute." Remilia stretched out her right hand and touched the early morning sun scattered from the sky.

"Yeah, sister, it was too scary just now" Fran said, seemingly a little afraid.

At the same time, from below, Sixteen Nights was trotting out of the Red Devil Hall.

"Miss eldest, second lady, parasol, don't get sunburned by the sun," Sixteen Nights shouted anxiously to Remilia and Fran in the sky above with a trace of it on his face.

Remilia and Fran looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile.

As for the place on the edge of God's Domain, Zhang Xiang also dispersed the entire God's Domain.

Along with the sudden disintegration of the golden light, a large number of golden light spots converged into Zhang Xiang's body like a chick returning home.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also put away the Dragon Ball in his hand.

However, he did not stop.

"Next, let's take the last step!" Zhang Xiang sighed while looking at Gensokyo, where the environment was not too damaged, but was the other half of the deadly wounded.

(Environmental damage is not significant. It means that, on the whole, it is just that many trees under a hundred years old have been uprooted, and some mountains have shown signs of collapse. In fact, the most severe damage is only near the border. Other places are less damaged, especially the places farthest from the edge, which are washed away by floods only a few meters high at best. The places close to the border are affected by the waves that gradually accumulate. The damage is so serious. However, for the monsters like Yuka and Yakumozi, it is actually a very simple thing to recover from these damages. Even if you don’t use monster power to recover, it only takes a few years. It can be restored.)

Monthly ticket, come in my pocket faster


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