Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1845: , The swallowed base!

There was silence in the entire underground base.

However, at this moment, a slightly trembling voice rang.

"What, what is that?" a younger researcher asked the middle-aged researcher next to him.

And that middle-aged researcher also swallowed, and said his answer somewhat uncertainly.

"You, ghost..." The middle-aged researcher swallowed, and looked at his companion with panic in his eyes.

"No, it's not, how could there be such a large number..." The panic in the eyes of the young researcher was even worse.

"I, I don't know." The middle-aged researcher looked at each other in a panic.

The atmosphere seemed to be temporarily plunged into another silence.

However, after a minute, looking at all the cameras installed on the ground, they were all unavailable, and after displaying snowflakes on the screen, the young researcher plucked up the courage to ask again.

"You say, you say..." The young researcher swallowed, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"What?" The middle-aged researcher who just felt that he had calmed down, he was almost not startled by the other party's sudden opening, and answered the other party in a panic.

"You said... those, what I said, are the ones above... they, will they rush in?" The young researcher summoned all his courage and said.

And this one of his guesses also shocked the middle-aged researcher and almost didn't jump up. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, his eyes still couldn't help looking towards the ceiling of the base.

"Yes, maybe not? Our base is buried five hundred meters below. Even if it is a ground penetrating bomb, it is impossible to penetrate that deep place, right?! Moreover, our outer layer is still attached With a special metal, it can isolate most of the energy from penetrating..." The middle-aged man became more confident as he spoke, and even his voice became louder.

However, at this moment.

The lights of the entire underground base flashed suddenly.

But the young researcher who raised his head in front of him turned pale suddenly.

"That, that..." He pointed to the position above the base.

And the middle-aged man who was also startled by the sudden flashing of the lights, although he was still a little surprised, he still patted the other person on the shoulder with some pride for the sake of face.

After all, he can't lose face under his hands.

"Hey, it's just that the voltage is a little unstable because of the launch of the positron cannon. It's okay. You won't even be afraid of the light flashing?" The middle-aged researcher patted the young researcher's shoulder pretentiously.

However, the young researcher who was originally very stubborn and didn't like others to say he was timid, was still trembling.

"You, behind you..." The young researcher's face turned pale, and his right hand tremblingly pointed to the upper back of the middle-aged researcher.

And the middle-aged researcher's expression suddenly stagnated, his face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes slowly raised his head to look behind him with infinite panic.

In which direction, an uncountable number of translucent ghosts are burrowing out of the ceiling a few meters high.

Then, after a scream that only the soul could perceive, the sea that turned into a ghost swept across this underground base.

The screams, screams, and screams spread throughout the entire underground base.

At the same time, the light from the electric light and the screen disappeared suddenly.

Because even electricity is the target of ghosts.

After ten seconds, the entire underground base fell into silence, and even the flash of electric sparks did not flicker.

——All things that contain energy and heat have been swallowed.

What is left of the entire base is infinite silence...


Outside of the base, nearly hundreds of millions of ghosts are overlapping and further piercing through the space crack with a diameter of about hundreds of meters.

Although the summoning power has disappeared, the cracks in the space have not been closed because of this.

The ghost ocean rushing over over and over became the force that continued to tear the space crack apart, and even further expanded.

This is the taboo trick, why it has only been used three times in history, but it has caused endless catastrophe.

As long as this space crack is not closed, the ghosts of the ghost world will continue to impact, causing unlimited impact on the real world.

Moreover, as long as the space crack is torn big enough, it may form a semi-permanent space crack, sweeping this world into a world with only ghosts, and dragging this world into the ghost world to become a part of it.

That's how the ghost world, with an area close to infinity, formed.

As for the positron gun that almost killed Zhang Xiang, and its launcher and backup energy?

When the ghost world opened long ago, it was swallowed by the almost endless ghost.

Thousands of ghosts, when they touched the positron cannon, were shaken away by its energy.

But, when the number reaches the tens of millions level?

It was just a moment, and the orange-red light was swallowed clean.

Even the rays escaping in this basin were swallowed completely.

Then, the ghost group, like a tide, rushed into the earth like a waterfall, and swallowed the energy of the human beings hiding in the base that they felt.

And the ghost like tidewater, after devouring the life in the underground and the basin, it continued to spread out.

The ground began to crack, the river began to stop flowing, the vegetation began to wither, and the animals began to die.

The gloomy area, accompanied by the washing of hundreds of millions of ghosts, is gradually expanding.

All existences with life and heat have been looted.

But the only thing that still maintains a weak life, no, life has completely passed away, but still ‘surviving’ is Zhang Xiang’s ‘corpse’ lying peacefully on the ground...

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