Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1882: , You're not a beauty, go away

However, Zhang Xiang did not pay attention to the other party at this time.

Because, he had completely ignored that, for him, it was just a little uncomfortable, and his eyes were locked, not even a threat.

His focus is on other things.

Zhang Xiang put his sight on the money on the gaming table.

By the way, I also looked at the screen that marked the end of the game and the odds, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Because, this is related to how good things he and "Baby" Doudou can eat for dinner!

Then, with a smile on his face, he turned his head to look in the direction of the undecided counter lady.

"Well, I have already won the bet, and the result of the game is already out. So, should the money I win in the bet be sent to me?" Zhang Xiang looked in the direction of the counter lady , Stretched out the action of counting money, and said flatteringly to her.

But it was a pity that the fright of the counter lady was a bit too big.

In a state of shock and trance, she didn't even hear Zhang Xiang's words completely, let alone hear clearly.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to say it again.

"That? Can you hear what I said? I said..." Zhang Xiang's right hand swayed in front of the lady at the counter, intending to say something that I had just said.

But this time, the lady at the counter finally recovered a bit.

"Oh, then, that..." the counter lady said, somewhat like a dream.

However, the expression is still a little awkward. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But fortunately, the service staff of the Sky Arena were quite successful.

In the trance, the other party still intends to work out the relevant numbers professionally.

But unfortunately, just as Zhang Xiang was looking forward to it, someone came in with a horizontal plunge.

The man with a pair of eagle-eyed eyes and a sky blue coat on his body walked over.

"You go and rest first. This gaming table is temporarily closed today." The man with eagle-eyed eyes said to the counter lady.

Listening to the other party's words, even though the counter girl was in a daze for a while, she still reacted immediately, thanked the other party, and ran outside.

Today's things are still a bit exciting for her, and she really needs to take a break.

Had it not been for the strict rules of the Sky Arena, she would have cried like an ordinary girl who encountered this kind of thing.

However, looking at the other party's departure, Zhang Xiang's face showed a reluctant expression.

But reluctance is not the kind of reluctance that likes the other party, but the reluctance of not being able to get money so quickly.

"Hey, don't... Your money hasn't been given to me... Otherwise, you will calculate the money to me before you leave..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and said to the other party'reluctantly'.

But at this time.

The man in the sky blue coat inserted his body between Zhang Xiang and the other party.

"Next, let's talk about our problems!" The man in the sky blue coat said to Zhang Xiang with a serious expression.

At the same time, the feeling of being locked in has increased thousands of times.

Even the force in the opponent's body called'Nian' started to surging when the opponent locked Zhang Xiang, like a dormant poisonous snake.

However, Zhang Xiang is not a bird.

"What do we have to say? You are not the beauty, nor the counter lady, and you can't pay me the bet... Ignore you, brother first go and collect the bet money for this gambling game first... …" Zhang Xiang curled his lips, as if he didn't feel the lock of the other party. He walked to one side, and he was about to take away the pile of 20 million jinni on the tabletop.

However, at this moment.

A ‘bang’ sound rang.

A ‘bullet’ that was difficult to observe with the naked eye suddenly shot past Zhang Xiang, pierced the leg of the table, causing it to fall over.

The pile of money that had been piled up was dumped on the ground all at once and spread into a pile.

"What the **** do you mean?" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around, and looked at the guy standing behind him with the special revolver in his hand.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to ask a question." The man in the sky blue coat holding the revolver raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang, and said in a voiceless voice, those things that looked like eagle eyes. , Staring at Zhang Xiang's body.

"Oh, what if I say no?" Zhang Xiang's voice also gradually became cold.

Anyone who is shot so unreasonably by the other party will not be in a good mood.

Even though, the place where the opponent shot is the table in front of him.

"Then, I can arrest you forcibly on charges of creating chaos, arresting, and possibly causing harm to the Sky Arena!" The eagle-eyed man said with cold words.

At the same time, the opponent also aimed the revolver in Zhang Xiang's direction.

An extremely sharp'mind' burst out of the opponent's body instantly, locking in Zhang Xiang's direction.

A deep malice was passed from the other party's body, accompanied by the passing of something called ‘Nian’.

If the ordinary person is in front of this thing called ‘Nian’.

Then, he may have suffered severe physical and mental injuries and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Because the thing called ‘mind’ seems to be able to easily merge with other people’s bodies and cause harm.

However, this is also normal.

After all, in Zhang Xiang’s perception, ‘mind’ is something unique to the human body.

More precisely, it is a kind of thing evolved from the power of life essence transformed by vitality.

This is similar to the magic transformed by vitality.

And the vitality is possessed by all creatures.

Therefore, using the ‘mind’ evolved from this essence of life to attack a creature can be said to be like a panacea.

However, these are of no use to Zhang Xiang!

Yes, it's useless at all!

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