Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2042: , An uncle level character

However, Zhang Xiang sneered a few times. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, his sneer cannot be changed in the slightest, the effect of the performance of the other side's performance that has been carefully studied by many psychologists and behaviorists.

The ‘sincere’ apologies of those high-level officials on television are also under various sensational offensives from the Internet and radio.

Most people chose to forgive the government after they were angry or vented loudly.

It is conceivable that more people will gradually forgive the government's behavior in the following deliberately created, but silent offensives.

Even being a dead fan of this kind of behavior, thinking that the earth would really be destroyed otherwise.

However, in fact, it is if there is no sword of Zhang Xiang.

No matter how hard these countries on earth work hard, they cannot escape the destiny of destruction.

However, Zhang Xiang just sneered a few times, and did nothing else.

After all, although this kind of propaganda at the moment is not good for him, it is not bad either.

Zhang Xiang also hopes to maintain an seemingly peaceful environment.

And time is like flowing water, and it flows by quickly.

Soon, it came to the day of March 2nd.

Tomorrow is the four-year-old birthday of Hina Shi.

On this day, Zhang Xiang went to the kindergarten to pick up the chicks as usual.

As the jingle bells rang in the kindergarten, many children who were playing in the house started to organize their own things under the leadership of the nurse with a little freckles on their faces. coming.

Under the leadership of the nursery teacher, everyone put the toys they were playing in the boxes and kept them.

Also tidy up the contents of my small schoolbag. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Of course, some children are more naughty or younger, but they organize their things under the careful guidance of the nursery teacher.

Finally, it was the routine action of the childcare teacher to make the children wear yellow hats.

This is the rule.

In the country of Neon, the law stipulates that students in kindergartens and lower grades of elementary school must wear yellow hats.

In this case, because yellow is more eye-catching in color perception, it helps drivers on the road to see relatively short kindergarten and elementary school students far away.

So as to achieve the purpose of protecting children.

And every driver who sees kindergarten and lower grades of elementary school students needs to reduce the speed to a certain level to avoid hitting the children.

In some places, even when kindergartens and elementary schools are over, some sections of roads that children pass by are semi-closed.

It is precisely because of these protective measures that the neon children are relatively safe on the way home.

At least, traffic accidents are rare.

Then, under the leadership of the childcare teacher, the children walked outside in a line.

At this time, outside the kindergarten, there are already many parents waiting outside.

At this time, the door to the kindergarten will open for parents to come in.

Then, under the double confirmation of the child and the childcare teacher, the childcare teacher will hand the child to the parents to take away.

And soon, Zhang Xiang was already in the crowd not far away where Xiao Chi and others were.

Seeing Zhang Xiang's figure, Xiao Chi couldn't help but tiptoed and waved her little hand.

"Uncle, uncle, here, here!" Xiao Chun, dressed in blue kindergarten clothes, stood on tiptoe with the little pink shoes under her feet, with a bright smile on her face, and waved towards Zhang Xiang Holding a small hand.

Hearing Xiao Chi's voice, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile, and he also stretched out his hand and waved in the direction of Xiao Chi.

"Well, Xiao Chi, my uncle is here." Zhang Xiang responded to Xiao Chi with a warm smile on his face.

Then, quickly walked in front of her.

"How about, Xiaochun, are you behaved today?" Zhang Xiang walked up to Xiaochun, and as usual, he touched Xiaochun's smooth black hair.

"Well, very good!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily, and there was a happy expression in those **** and bright eyes.

However, just after Xiao Chi answered Zhang Xiang's question.

She didn't jump into Zhang Xiang's arms like she used to, or let Zhang Xiang take her little hand and walk together.

Instead, with a slightly excited expression, she turned around and introduced Zhang Xiang to the children behind her.

"Everyone, this is the little uncle of Xiaochun, who is the most painful and dearest of Xiaochun in the world." With an expression of excitement on Xiaochi's face, he leaped towards the dozen or so children behind him. Introduced.

At this time, Zhang Xiang finally turned his realization in the direction of those children pointed out by Xiao Chi.

There were about a dozen children standing at the place pointed by the young girl.

Among them, there are the children in the same class that Zhang Xiang has seen playing with the young children, and there are also children who have newly joined the kindergarten.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing Xiao Chi had so many friends.

After all, no matter which parent it is, they are afraid that their children will be excluded by other children in the kindergarten.

Even though, in Zhang Xiang's mind, Xiao Chi is the most kind and lovely child in the world, but he still feels a little worried unconsciously.

Up to this moment, he was relieved.

"Well, hello everyone" Zhang Xiang squatted down and said hello to the group of young children in front of him.

I don't know whether the children nowadays are not afraid of childbirth, or Zhang Xiang is still a little handsome, with natural advantages.

In short, these children all met Zhang Xiang very well.

"Good uncle." n

A dozen children shouted to Zhang Xiang together, which still surprised Zhang Xiang.

After all, he hadn't experienced these things before.

"Well, you too." Zhang Xiang smiled and responded to them.

At this time, Xiao Chi also interrupted.

"Uncle, Uncle, these are Xiao Chi's good friends. They have promised to come to Xiao Chi's birthday party tomorrow." Xiao Chi's face showed an expression of excitement, and her little cheek showed two things. A little smile came and introduced them to Zhang Xiang.

At this time, Zhang Xiang understood why Xiao Chi was standing here with these little carrot heads.

So, maybe it was to introduce his friends to Zhang Xiang.

"Well, everyone is very welcome." Zhang Xiang also smiled and welcomed them twice.

After introducing each other, the parents of these children also came one after another.

And Zhang Xiang also took the opportunity to propose to their parents to invite their children to their own homes to attend the birthday party of the young chicks.

Most of the parents agreed after thinking about it.

However, there are still a small number of parents who declined Zhang Xiang's request because of the journey or other arrangements.

In this regard, Zhang Xiang had to express a little regret.

Of course, those children were lying on the ground and crying because they were rejected by their parents. The scene of wanting their parents to just take them with them will not be described one by one.

Because most of these tricks are of no use to those parents who have fought hard.

The result is self-evident!

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