Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2130: ,Monthly stone!

"Xiao Lu, you, how did you become the way you are now?"

"Yeah, aren't you, aren't you in that big box?"

"Xiaolu, where did you go yesterday?"

It can be seen as a turbulent dialogue. It rang out in Class E of the third year. Everyone appeared in front of the classroom, and surrounded Xiao Lü.

And looking at the turbulent scene, since the body that can move freely, he hasn't experienced such a small law of the formation, I can't help but get a little rushed.

"That, that..." Xiao Lu stretched out his hands, with a cramped expression on his face, not knowing whose question to answer first.

Until Mao Yefeng stood out from the crowd and pushed the most excited boys away, he shouted: "You guys don't get too close! Also, ask questions one by one, or what about Xiaoli? After answering you", the scene calmed down.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Zhang Xiang and Teacher Killing couldn't help but smile.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly turned his head and headed in one direction.

Then, his brows frowned slightly.

Then, he quietly took a step behind with his right foot, and the whole figure gradually disappeared in place.

In the entire classroom, only Teacher Killing, who seemed to have been without any vigilance, but who was always vigilant, turned his head and took a look at the next moment after Zhang Xiang left. Just froze for a while.

As for the others, none of them has discovered Zhang Xiang's disappearance.

And Zhang Xiang, who disappeared, appeared in the sky above Junqiu Middle School in the next moment.

"What can I do when you come to me?" Zhang Xiang's voice rang into the void.

And at the moment his voice fell, in the void that was supposed to have no dust, suddenly there appeared a ray of light that was much softer than the sun, but it was not covered by the sun's rays. Come, a fuzzy figure gradually formed.

"I will give you what I promised according to the agreement." I don't know that it was the neutral voice of men and women, speaking from the mouth of this figure hidden in the moonlight.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang only remembered the gambling agreement he had made with the other party before.

If he can recast the moon, the other party will give him something that hasn't been figured out after 100 million years of research, but is obviously very precious.

After recalling this, Zhang Xiang naturally stretched out his hand without hesitation.

"Bring it!" Zhang Xiang asked the other party unceremoniously.

He wouldn't be like some idiot, pushing out what he clearly deserves.

What's more, he is curious about things that can exist for 100 million years, have not been thoroughly studied, and have not disappeared.

"Well, this kind of thing was originally hidden in the heart of the moon. It was something we accidentally got from the heart of the moon when we opened the moon capital, but we are all unable to penetrate the mystery. Originally, we are all I thought it was just an ordinary stone. But Yong Lin and I both got unspeakable benefits from the brilliance that originally permeated it. She got an archery technique that can shoot through the moon, but I am I got the position of the Lord of the Moon. Therefore, we all feel that it is not a simple thing..." The voice of Yue Ye Jian slowly sounded.

And as his and her voice fell, in front of him and her, a cavity filled with moonlight was opened up, and an unpretentious smooth pebble floated out of the cavity filled with moonlight.

Under the push of Yue Ye Jian, that piece of smooth pebble had already fallen in front of Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang did not hesitate to stretch out his hand and grasped the very smooth pebble, not afraid that it might be a trap.

When Zhang Xiang did this, in addition to the boldness of the Yigao, the more important thing was that when he appeared, he had already scanned the surrounding area, and even the small stones handed out by the other party had also scanned one side.

Therefore, he had already determined that this was not a trap.

But at the next moment, that little stone fell into Zhang Xiang's hands.

A feeling of not knowing how to describe it came from the little stones.

How to say it!

He could not feel any temperature on the pebble at all.

You must know that no matter what it is, it has temperature, even energy has temperature in a certain sense.

However, he couldn't feel this from this stone.

And, more importantly, when he fell into his hands, he suddenly couldn't feel its existence.

Yes, it can be seen with the naked eye, but there is no such stone in his mental power and perception.

"Interesting!" Zhang Xiang's face showed an emotional expression, and a thousand words turned into such a sentence.

On the opposite side, the figure seen by Moonlight slowly turned into Yuehua and disappeared.

"Since the things are already for you. Then, let's see bye bye..." Yue Ye Jian's voice gradually became misty, and the figure quickly disappeared.

Then, the string of moonflowers suddenly flashed, flashing upstream in the direction of the moon.

The other party seemed to have adopted some unknown method to make the moonlight that he had transformed to flow toward the moon, at a speed that was infinitely close to the speed of light.

And this method also made Zhang Xiang's eyes bright.

"Sure enough, it is a existence that has lived for more than 100 million years. There are always one or two magical spells. And, does Hachii Eirin have the move to shoot through the moon? It seems that no one in Gensokyo knows it. But it is true. It's hidden deep inside! If it looks like this, maybe a existence like Yakumo Zi also has one or two such hole cards." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself.

"But, what exactly is this thing?" Zhang Xiang threw the thing in his hand up and down, but he didn't have the slightest clue.

Long before he got things in his hands, his mental power had already turned into a big net to wrap up this little stone, and his mental power was turned into an existence that was tens of millions of times smaller than hair. Drilled into the stone.

However, when the little stone was in Zhang Xiang's hand, his mental power penetrated directly as if he hadn't touched anything.

It was like the ‘fact’ he perceives that Pebble does not exist at all.

However, when he threw the pebbles up, although his mental power was aware of it, his mental power was not able to get in at all.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it.

This is the strangest part of this little stone.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang made a sound.

"Fuck, you are so anxious! However, you are eating well at this one loss. Who told you to be so anxious?!"

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