Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2132: , The escaped ‘one’!

What Zhang Xiang said was the case, and it didn't mean anything else, but that he knew the origin of this little stone. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The origin of this small stone is not simple.

Although he didn't know how this small stone was formed, Zhang Xiang, the raw material from which it was formed, knew perfectly well.

That is when a world is formed, when it transforms from chaos into a world, a strand of chaos that has been accidentally thrown into another world without turning.

Due to various coincidences, this strand of chaos, which is not chaos, finally transformed into the existence of such a small stone.

As for why it appeared in the center of the moon, it is possible that when it crossed into this world, the aura of chaos has not dissipated. The chaos that escaped attracted the surrounding meteorites to merge together, and finally It formed the moon.

As for the archery technique acquired by Bayi Yonglin, and the thing that eventually made Moonlight Kan become the Lord of the Moon, it is very likely that it was transformed by the chaotic aura that escaped.

After all, chaos is the raw material to form a world, even if it generates something.

Even creatures are not surprising.

However, it is not the chaotic texture that is more important.

"Is the one who escaped? It's really a coincidence!" Zhang Xiang looked at the little stone in his palm, but suddenly remembered the famous theory in his previous life.

And that theory is the saying, ‘The Great Way is Fifty, Tianyan’s Forty-Nine, Escape is One’.

For that formed world, the strand of chaos that should have been part of the world thrown out by the accident in the process of evolving from chaos to the world is equivalent to the one that escaped.

Because of the lack of the one, the world has ever-changed. Look. Woolen thread, Chinese website (if it is fifty, it will be finished, but it will not move. Because it is perfect, there is only one change.)

But at the same time, it is because of the lack of the ‘one’. In the ever-changing, there will be an unchanging law in it. (It’s like forty-nine numbers. No matter how you get them, it’s impossible to arrange countless kinds of results. But if it’s forty-nine kinds of fixed numbers, plus a "one" that can be changed at will , That's different.)

Just like the root number five, it is an infinite non-recurring decimal, which represents ever-changing. (Note that the five mentioned here means not fifty, but forty-nine plus one. That is to say, everything is balanced. We assume that the data for maintaining the balance of everything is fifty, but it really works. Only forty-nine, so that all things grow and change. And which number that doesn't work is the one that escapes. But this one can play a decisive role in the change of all things.)

But if one is missing, it becomes the number four.

Then, it is no longer an infinite non-recurring decimal, but an integer.

And the change in the world that has thrown out this'chaos' is exactly the same. Losing the only'one', although it has many changes, these changes in it are all doomed. Of it.

But if this ‘one’ is refilled, the world’s changes will become truly unpredictable.

However, for Zhang Xiang, this one is not important.

It's what the escaped "one" does to him.

And the escaped'One' represented by this small stone is indeed very powerful.

That is, if you have this little stone, you can go to the world where you have lost this one arbitrarily, and change the changes inside without fear of backlash.

Because, you who have the lost one, represent the countless changes that the one originally possessed.

No matter how you interfere with that world, the consciousness of the world will not suppress you.

Even more, because you have that ‘one’, you can add luck.

Finally, if you have enough abilities, it is not impossible to use one of the fifty that formed the world to move this world.

Of course, the force needed to move 49 with "one" is inestimable.

Although Zhang Xiang had such a famous saying in his previous life—give me a lever and I can move the earth.

But the premise of this sentence is that you have the fulcrum that can support the lever, and the force on the side of the lever.

And the escaped'one' naturally represents that lever.

As for the fulcrum and the force of the lever, they each represent something else.

"Then, let me take a look. In the end, the'One' that represents the escape came from which world, right?" Zhang Xiang said while waving casually.

A huge roulette covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared behind him.

Of course, because he deliberately concealed it, the huge roulette behind him was just a phantom, invisible to the naked eye, only Zhang Xiang could feel it.

As for why he summoned the ‘Shutian Roulette’, he naturally had plans.

In his previous life, as half-step immortal, he was almost truly immortal, and his spiritual thoughts swept across countless worlds.

Of course, it is said to be countless, but in fact there is water in these countless.

Because, among the countless worlds, most of the worlds are those unstable worlds that have been born and disappeared several times in a single thought.

Because of this instability, your consciousness swept the past and you no longer know how many times it was born and disappeared.

Zhang Xiang was able to use the phrase swept across countless worlds.

As for those worlds that are unstable and will collapse at any time, Zhang Xiang's half-step immortal life will naturally not pay much attention to them.

However, for those stable worlds, Zhang Xiang's half-step immortal life swept his divine mind and recorded all his breath and coordinates.

And the place of record is that he was able to cross the heavens and ten thousand realms in his heyday behind him, and obliterate the ‘day grinding wheel’ of a dimensional universe.

And after he recovered some memories of that mighty life, he followed his half-step immortal life and recorded the breath and spatial coordinates of the world he had experienced.

Although, for now.

He recorded less than ten auras and spatial coordinates. Compared with the densely packed "wheel of the sky", because it has begun to be repaired gradually, and the world that does not know how many appear, it is indeed a little less. Up.

"Then, let's compare it!" Zhang Xiang grabbed his right hand, and caught a faint breath from it.

No way, although he now knows what it is.

But with his current strength, it is still a bit reluctant to extract a full breath from it.

Not to mention, just to identify which world it is, this faint breath that will dissipate at any time is enough.

However, at the next moment.

He didn't know if it was a surprise or a slightly shocked expression on his face.

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