Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2163: , The ‘weapon’ of lightning and thunder!

"In order to avoid that you don't have cold weapons to use, let me lend you some of the cold weapons I use. You're welcome, just use them." Takaoka threw the bag around him and went from there. A few sharp military daggers were exposed inside the bag that had already opened the chain strap.

However, facing Eagle Oka's ‘good intentions’, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, on our side, I have prepared something for them." Zhang Xiang said as he stretched out his right hand.

"It's this'Shadow Demon Blade'!" Zhang Xiang said as he said, but his right hand seemed to grab something and tore it out of the void.

But in the next instant, with a dark long sword being drawn from the void, the entire blue sky that should have been extremely clear, suddenly began to flash and thunder.

A large number of dark clouds suddenly gathered from all directions, forming a thick layer of dark clouds.

The muffled thunder began to spread continuously throughout the sky and the earth.

From time to time, there were flashes of dazzling thunder from the sky, either in the thick dark clouds, or flashed to the top of the extremely distant mountain, tearing the sky apart.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang also completely pulled out the "Shadow Demon Blade" he said.

The pitch-black sword body is about one meter two long, and the whole body is constructed from unknown and mysterious pitch-black metal, as if to pull all human eyes into the sword body.

More importantly, there is still an extremely dark aura permeating it, as if it is contaminated by any point, it will fall into a situation where it will not be restored.

Seeing this mysterious scene with dark clouds covering the top and lightning and thunder, everyone in the room couldn't help but swallowed and was shocked by the mysterious scene that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Some classmates who were closer, couldn't help but step back and back.

Obviously, the appearance of the "Shadow Demon Blade" scared them.

However, this is also normal.

If Zhang Xiang hadn't covered a part of the aura on the'Shadow Demon Blade', then this is because of its fierce might, I am afraid that the moment when it is taken out, the fierce aura that has spread has already Is it possible to take the lives of everyone present?

In a sense, even though the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in front of you is of the level of a divine weapon, it is far more powerful than Demon Sword Village Masaru when it comes to the ability to kill ordinary humans.

If you lose the suppression of Zhang Xiang's master, and get it by someone with wrong intentions, it is not impossible to transform this space into a yellow spring.

You know, it swallowed part of Cong Yunya's existence.

As for scenes like lightning and thunder, this is the warning and suppression of the "Shadow Demon Blade" that exceeds a certain limit.

"Okay, this is the weapon I'm going to give to my students. The name is "Shadow Demon Blade". It has killed gods, drank the blood of angels, and killed the messengers of the underworld, and even killed thousands. Ten thousand humans! One strike through the sky, one strike into the netherworld!" Zhang Xiang explained with a smile, but at the same time let go of the'Shadow Demon Blade' and let his sword directly fall on the ground.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone present was shocked.

However, they had a dubious feeling about Zhang Xiang's words.

It's just that when the sword body touched the ground, it was as if it hadn't touched anything directly, and entered the ground without a handle, leaving only one hilt outside.

A bit of pitch black with a scarlet light, suddenly skyrocketed, swallowing this piece of land and this piece of sky into it, turning all the green mountains and green waters in front of you into a barren land, with countless skeletons and corpses lying down. Above the cracked ground.

When the boundless blood turned into a rushing river flowing through the sky, directly submerging the thunderous sky and turning it into a gloomy sky with scarlet redness, everyone present didn’t even want to believe it. , It must be believed.

"This, how is this possible."

"The big, the earth, and the sky have all changed."

"We, why are we here."

"Wh, why is this horrible here, help..."

The three-year E class students all began to panic and shout, with a face of fear on their faces.

As for killing the teacher and Wujian Weichen and others, they were already stunned.

Especially killing the teacher, his figure broke out at a speed of Mach 20 in that instant, did not know where he rushed, and then returned in an instant.

However, the expression on his face is more serious.

"All this is true..." He said softly to Uma Weichen.

As for the Eagle Gang, who stood in front of Zhang Xiang and faced this sudden scene more accurately, she had already stepped back in fear, and was accidentally tripped and collapsed onto the ground.

There was a horrified expression on his face, but he was shouting in his mouth.

"No, impossible. This is false, it must be just an illusion."

But at this time, Zhang Xiang seemed to have realized it.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I forgot that you are all normal people. Wait a minute, I will immediately restrain its power." Zhang Xiang said as he took a step forward, gently Step on the ground.

But at the next moment, the enchantment that had spread to an unknown distance suddenly shrank back, turned into a dark existence, and sank into the sword again.

And this time, perhaps Zhang Xiang said the reason for the restraint.

Even wisps of breath did not penetrate.

It is now like a long sword made of special pitch black metal, which looks very cool.

However, no one dared to look down on it now, even looking at it with his eyes was just a corner of his gaze.

As for the scene of infinite horror, it had already converged first, and restored the green mountains and waters again, and the dark clouds in the sky also slowly dispersed.

Only the students of the other Dunqiu Middle School at the foot of the mountain, and the residents nearby, were amazed at the regained blue sky.

"It's strange, thunderstorms that come fast and go fast. No, even the rain hasn't had time to fall."

It's just that, at the edge of the woods outside of Class E on the mountain at this time, the atmosphere is not so good.

"Well, who wants to use the teacher's "Shadow Demon Blade"? Don't worry, the teacher has already restrained it. Those who use it don't have to worry about any harm. Only your opponents, Will be hurt." Zhang Xiang smiled and asked the students behind him.

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