Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2170: , Don’t give me a bite of food...

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the interest in killing the teacher was aroused again. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Does this look like you? Doesn't it look like it?" Teacher Sha looked at the rice cakes on Zhang Xiang's chopsticks, and said with a glance.

However, Zhang Xiang glanced at Killing Teacher with the look of an idiot.

"Do you think I will appear in this class in the original form? In that case, I will not have a lot of trouble. Moreover, my niece is only four years old, she is only four years old! It is very good that she can do it like this Now, how good do you want?" Zhang Xiang gave the teacher a blank look.

Then, finally made up his mind, in a way of "sacrificing one's body to become a benevolence", put the rice cake like Zhang Xiang that Xiaochun personally pinched into his mouth.

Well, it's soft and sticky.

But I don’t know why, but it’s just a strange feeling.

Well, after all, it’s not easy to eat "self" in person!

After eating this piece of rice cake, Zhang Xiang directly turned on the eating ban, and even the teacher killed him asking for a portion to be eaten, and he ate it straight away.

"I'm full, thank you for the hospitality!" After Zhang Xiang said this, he put the chopsticks back into the bento, and then packed the bento.

As for killing the teacher, he started to curse Zhang Xiang by drawing circles next to him.

"Don't give me a mouthful of food... Don't give me a mouthful of food..." Teacher Killing drew a circle with resentment, but at the same time he was reciting this sentence that resembled'don't give me a hundred yuan'. .

It made Zhang Xiang's goose bumps a little bit.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiang reluctantly pulled out a large plate of hot dishes from the space bag, and he didn't stop. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Well, it tastes really good." Teacher Killing didn't know how many times the speed was used. In an instant, he never knew where to get a napkin, tied it around his neck, put the plate on the ground, and then I opened the meal with a knife and fork. (The body is buried under the ground)

As a result, a burst of delicious fragrance began to diffuse on the baseball field, and everyone in the afternoon could not help but feel a burst of hunger from their abdomen.

All the onlookers, especially the students who are playing baseball, were all attracted to the spirit.

"Where does this fragrance come from?"

"Yes, it smells so good!"

"Who brought food to the baseball stadium to eat?!"

Continuous doubts rang from all directions, and even the pitchers of Class A for three years, under the influence of this fragrance, threw three bad **** one after another and appeared on the field.

No one could have imagined that the first point of Class E in three years was actually obtained in this way.

Especially Zhang Xiang's use of illusion is special. It is even more impulsive to see the members of the three-year E class who killed the teacher.

After two minutes, Teacher Killing finally hiccuped and cleaned all the dishes.

Looking at this scene, a three-year E class student finally couldn't help running over.

"Kill the teacher, don't eat anymore. If you don't direct, we will lose. And Teacher Dayu, the special throwing method you taught us is not very useful!" A certain teenager inside, ran over and said to Teacher Killing and Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang gave him a blank look.

"Of course, why are you able to learn the skills in one day? It took noon to teach you how to use your strengths. I have tried my best. It made us even just eat lunch! , You are not Superman, and without long time accumulation, how can you make some difficult pitches?! However, don’t worry, since Teacher Killing and I have agreed, we will definitely help you. Yes." Zhang Xiang said directly to the other party.

As for killing the teacher, he scratched his head with his tentacles a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, the teacher just lost his mind. Then I will start to command. You must win, come on!" Teacher Sha said seriously to the other party.

And listening to the words of Teacher Killing, the student who had run the trick finally ran back.

And seeing the other party running back, Zhang Xiang also slightly changed the illusion.

"Okay, I'm going to start working hard. Kill the teacher and leave the command to you." Zhang Xiang stood up, turned his body, and walked towards the middle of the baseball field.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's behavior, Teacher Killing couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you going to do?" Teacher Sha used his tentacles to quickly dig up the land, and then fill it back, coming to Zhang Xiang's side like a soil escape.

"Of course it is troublesome. You are in charge of directing. I am responsible for changing the trajectory of some **** that should have been shot or hit." Zhang Xiang said somewhat naturally.

"But, in this case, isn't it the equivalent of cheating?" Teacher Killing showed a serious expression on his face, and his brows frowned slightly.

While Zhang Xiang was walking, he responded to the question of killing the teacher.

"Of course it was cheating. You think that with your command and the gap between Class A and Class E, if we don't do anything, Class E can win Class A?" Zhang Xiang turned his head. Asked the teacher to kill.

As he talked, he stretched out his right hand and adjusted the trajectory of a good ball projected by Class A of the third year. It was hard to see with the naked eye and turned into a bad ball.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, a slight hesitation flashed on Teacher Killing's face, and then his expression became firm.

"Yes, I believe it is possible. Even if it is not possible, it is good to have worked hard." Teacher Sha said to Zhang Xiang.

Only at this time.

Seeing another bad ball appeared in Class A, a burst of cheers could not help being passed in the direction of Class E in the third year.

I just don't know whether this is a firm support for Teacher Killing, or a powerful refutation.

However, depending on the situation, there should be more than one.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice rang again.

"Although it is like this for you. But it is not like this for the third-year E class. Do you think Sugino can afford another failure? Do you think it was originally under your encouragement to pick up What will happen to the three-year E class who has gained some confidence after this failure?" Zhang Xiang showed a flat expression on his face.

"No, Sugino will lose confidence and it will be difficult to continue playing baseball. Moreover, the third year E class will start to fall into this school, and even the swamp created by the whole society. For the third year E class and Sugino Say, what they need most now is the recognition of the outside world, not their own identity. Failure is a very strong blow to them. I think that this failure will even make you want to make the three-year E class All of the students are good with this plan and postponed it for a long, long time." Zhang Xiang's mouth showed an inexplicable smile and said to Teacher Killing.

At the same time, there was another violent cheering in the corner of the field.

That is from the direction of Class E in the third year.

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