Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2174: , About ‘reliable’!

However, fortunately, there was a calmer Xiaodong beside him to add. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Today, Xiao Chi told us that she had a dream last night. In the dream she went to the moon with her little uncle, and found three beautiful Yuetu big sisters who made rice cakes together and made delicious food together. The rice cake. However, after waking up, Xiao Chi found that it was just a dream.

But oh, at lunch today. When Xiao Chi was eating, she found that the lunch box her uncle gave her contained the rice cake she made when she was dreaming last night. Therefore, Xiao Chi is very happy and wants to go home quickly to find her uncle. "Xiao Dong, who is more likes and quiet by nature, raised his hand and used quiet words to tell the childcare teacher the whole thing.

And listening to Xiao Dong's words, the face of the nursery lady showed a suddenly realized expression.

It’s just that the childcare worker has used her imagination to make the whole thing more ‘complete’.

‘Xiao Chi’s uncle shouldn’t want to disappoint Xiao Chi. Therefore, before setting off, I specially made the rice cakes in Xiao Xiao's dream last night. I want to give Xiao Xiao a surprise, and don't want to destroy Xiao Xiao's pure wishes. What a reliable little uncle.

In this case, I can rest assured of the family life of the young chicks. Although I looked at them working hard before, I was still a little worried. However, with such a reliable move now, I can rest assured. The lady nurse showed a soft smile on her face, and she stretched out her right hand and touched Xiao Chi's head.

"Xiao Chi, you really have a good and reliable uncle," the nursery lady touched Xiao Chi's head and said softly.

And listening to the young lady childcare worker complimenting her little uncle, Xiao Hina's face also showed pride and joy.

It's just that the words Xiao Hina uttered clearly misunderstood the words of the childcare worker.

"Yes, my uncle is very reliable, he can lift the young chick high. You can also let the young chick ride a shoulder bike." There was a happy expression on the young chick's face, towards the nurse and herself 'S companions are happily sharing and want to share their feelings with them. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Eh, Xiaochun's uncle rides a shoulder bike for Xiaochun, so envious."

"You can hold it high."

"I want my brother to hold me like this when I go home"

The three little loli nearby made envy voices one after another.

And listening to the voices of Xiao Hina and the other three little loli, the nursery teacher also understood that they had misunderstood the meaning of the word ‘reliable’.

However, she did not feel angry.

Because this is a normal thing.

After all, Xiao Chi and the others are only four years old. It is quite good to be able to speak completely and take care of themselves.

After waiting for Xiao Xing and the others to say what they admired, the nursery teacher could be regarded as speaking again.

"Little young bird, the teacher is not referring to this kind of reliability." The childcare teacher gently shook his head and said.

"Huh? Isn't it?" Xiao Chi tilted her head in some doubt, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Well, the teacher meant that Xiao Chi's uncle took good care of Xiao Chi. It didn't make Xiao Chi sad." The nurse teacher explained to Xiao Chi carefully.

For her, patiently teach the children some common sense, which is something she finds very necessary.

And listening to the childcare teacher's words, Xiao Hina's face showed a happy expression.

"Yeah, my uncle is kind to Little Chin. Little Chicks will eat everything delicious. He will also play games with Little Chicks. Last time, Little Chicks..." Little Chicks were very happy. To say.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, the nurse teacher knew that Xiao Chi had misunderstood again.

However, she didn't interrupt Xiao Chi's words, but asked her to continue speaking, smiling while listening to her finishing the words.

Listening to the voices of the children and sharing happiness with each other is what she feels is a responsibility that the childcare teacher must have.

Then, after Xiao Chi finished speaking, she continued to explain to Xiao Chi what ‘reliability’ was.

And after listening to the nursery teacher's explanation again, this time Xiao Hina finally nodded somewhat understanding but not understanding.

And looking at Xiao Chi's seemingly understanding, the nursery teacher did not continue to explain.

Because she knew that there were some things that she couldn't touch the real side just by explaining.

‘I believe that Xiaoxiao will be able to experience how to be a reliable person in such an environment. This is a good wish from the nursery teacher to the young chicks.

At this time, all the kindergarten students who were washing their hands were all lined up.

Therefore, the childcare teacher stood up.

"Everyone, let's go. Be well, don't run around. You have to wait until your father and mother, or your guardians come, before you can go out one by one." The childcare teacher carefully ordered again.

Although, this is already a big class student.

However, children’s mobile nature sometimes makes things happen.

Facing the words of the childcare teacher, the Loli and the regulars who lined up naturally shouted in unison: "Yes, teacher".

Afterwards, under the leadership of the nursery teacher, Loli and Zhengtai walked out in two lines and walked to the center of the kindergarten.

Not far away, the door to the kindergarten was already open.

The picking-up parent or guardian also walked in through the gate.

After that, it was a natural thing, successive ‘father’, ‘mother’, and even ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ voices continued to ring.

Loli and Zhengtai who were present uttered joyful voices, and after being confirmed by the kindergarten teacher, they ran towards their guardians. (Neon is very good for the protection of kindergarten students.)

And Zhang Xiang, who walked in with the crowd, naturally heard the familiar cry of the young youngster.

"Uncle, this side" Xiao Chi happily raised her little hand and shouted.

Seeing such a vigorous young chick, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a burst of relaxation and joy.

"Ah, young chick, come." Zhang Xiang squatted down and opened his hands.

In the next moment, a small body filled with a touch of milky fragrance was already thrown into Zhang Xiang's arms.

Naturally, Zhang Xiang hugged the young chick and took her around, making her laugh like a silver bell.

"Well, Xiao Chi is a little heavier" Zhang Xiang adjusted his holding posture a little, and said to Xiao Chi.

It's just that, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi immediately refuted it a little nervously.

"Bad Uncle, Xiao Chi is not heavy," Xiao Chi wrinkled her nose slightly and said with a pair of small hands on Zhang Xiang's cheeks.

Seeing Xiao Chi's reaction so fast, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little bit amused.

‘It seems that regardless of the size, as long as it is a girl, are they sensitive to weight? Zhang Xiang was a little helpless and thought of this a little funny.

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