Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2183: ,You know too much……

The key point is that Zhang Xiang, at the beginning, let the little birds Yuliuhua and Fukugashi go too far in the dangerous underground mall. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But in fact, they did not go far, but ran to a building not far away.

Moreover, when Zhang Xiang was fighting with those guys from another world, he used the electronic telescope above to successfully observe the process of Zhang Xiang's battle.

In addition, the large-scale illusion of erasing memories did not involve the height of the two of them.

Therefore, the two of them still remember everything that happened that day.

And today, by chance.

Originally they were only planning to set up a secret base in this area, but they were helpless to get lost in this university, but they discovered Zhang Xiang's figure by accident.

Therefore, after discussing with each other, the two of them unexpectedly followed up boldly.

However, they did not expect it.

When they were outside, because many people looked at the red mark on Zhang Xiang's collar, their actions could not be regarded as attracting Zhang Xiang's attention.

However, when Zhang Xiang walked into this relatively secluded forest, their figures were clearly exposed in Zhang Xiang's feelings.

After all, who would keep staring at a guy in this kind of secluded place? !

Needless to say the next thing.

Before Zhang Xiang could ask them to come out, a spider fell from the tree on the insect-fearing bird Yuliuhua, causing her to jump out of the grass directly, and then on Zhang Xiang yelled in front of Xiang.

Well, although she would definitely not admit that she was afraid of a little spider, but she was right to say that a terrible creature of the devil was planning to attack her.

And under her drag, Tomiyuki Yuta reluctantly had to jump out of the grass. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The above is the whole process of this incident.

After listening to the two of them, Zhang Xiang was really dumbfounded.

"You know how powerful I am, and if you follow me so blatantly, you are not afraid that I am a bad person and will handle both of you secretly?!" Zhang Xiang reluctantly said to the two middle school boys and girls in front of him.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, whether it was Tomiyuki Yuta or Toriyou Liuhua, they all shuddered involuntarily.

"You, didn't you promise us that as long as we tell the truth, we will not destroy our mouth?"

"Yes, yes, you, didn't you promise to guarantee our safety..."

Tomiyoshi and Yuliuhua hugged each other tightly, looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang with some trembling, and said to him.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel an impulse to tease them.

Of course, it can also be said to be a small punishment.

After all, this action of the two of them can be described as bold!

If you really follow those real demon kings, or the real murderers, then they won't be standing here at this time.

"Do you think that what a demon king said is true? Originally, I wanted to let you go. But ah, you know too much now. So..." Zhang Xiang's face pretended to be exposed. A few cold smiles came and walked slowly in the direction of both of them.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, he finally became truly scared.

"No, don't come here... I, my'Black Shield' can defend against any attack. So, so, you, you give up..." Little Bird You Liuhua subconsciously wanted to get from his thigh, Take out the tied umbrella.

But unfortunately, she had forgotten that the so-called "Black Shield" in her mouth was confiscated by Zhang Xiang when she used the "Eternal Spear" to attack.

Thinking of this, the little bird swimming Liuhua really made his legs feel weak, and there was no tears in his eyes.

"Don't come here..."

And at this moment, Tomigashi Yuta beside her finally showed the courage of a man.

He actually stood in front of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua.

"Don't, don't come over, no, otherwise, I won't let you go..." Tomiyuki Yuta stood in his hand with his simulated pitch-black sword that was accidentally broken by Zhang Xiang. In front of him.

Although his legs were soft and trembling, he did not show any signs of flinching.

Looking at the two of them, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

After all, it is very rare for a child who is now spoiled to be able to act as if the two of them did not abandon each other, but still support each other.

However, Zhang Xiang still didn't plan to let them go so easily.

Otherwise, if something similar happens again in the future, I am afraid that the two of them will not end up like they are now, but they will be over after being scared.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang kept a constant speed, walked over, and stretched out his right hand.

At this time, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua finally couldn't help it.

"Help! Who will help us! Anyone!" Xiaoniaouyou Liuhua shouted.

And listening to Yu Liuhua's yelling, Tomigashi Yuta also yelled.


But unfortunately, they didn't know that Zhang Xiang had already placed the enchantment around here.

Even if they broke their throats, there was no effect at all.

Ahem... It feels like a wretched feeling between the lines.

Okay, let's get back to the topic.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's right hand was already in front of them.

A little dark light and golden light gleamed at his fingertips.

Seeing this unscientific scene, Tomigashi and Yuliuhua's eyes were full of fear, and they closed their eyes with fear.

When people are in fear, they usually make two actions. One is to stimulate the rapid release of adrenal hormones, allowing them to explode with great potential and courage.

The other one is too scared to move.

Tomigashi Yuta was originally the latter one, but when he thought of the little bird swimming Liuhua behind him, he suddenly suppressed his fear.

"Liuhua, run!"

While yelling, he rushed directly towards Zhang Xiang, raising the simulated pitch-black sword that had been interrupted by his hand, and was about to chop it down, trying to give Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua a chance to escape.

But it's a pity that Zhang Xiang was just a sideways and already dodged the opponent with his eyes closed and tried his best.

The opponent fell directly to the ground with excessive force and let out a scream.

And listening to the screams of Tomigashi, Yu Liuhua thought that something was wrong with Tomigashi.

Therefore, she also rushed up.

"Ah...I want to avenge Yongta!" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua also rushed directly with his eyes closed.

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