Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2186: , A former talented child actor!

"Ah, Teacher Dayu, didn't you ask for leave today? Why did you show up here? Moreover, if you casually pat the girl's shoulder silently behind the girl, it's a gangster behavior. Look at 1 woolen thread 3. It's normal for to be misunderstood by girls." Mao Yefeng said with a sweet smile on Zhang Xiang's face.

And listening to Mao Yefeng's words, Zhang Xiang shook his head helplessly.

"That said, the teacher is still wrong."

It's just that, pretending to say helplessly.

In the face of Zhang Xiang's irony, Mao Yefeng's reaction was somewhat unexpected.

She turned out to not only smile, but also nodded directly.

"Of course, this is the teacher's fault. But, it doesn't matter, I will forgive the teacher." Mao Yefeng nodded if anything happened, and continued to speak with a sweet smile.

It's like, Zhang Xiang really did something wrong, and she really forgave Zhang Xiang.

And looking at that 100-point acting, Mao Yefeng, who was really innocent like a lamb, Zhang Xiang muttered helplessly.

"Really an uncute girl."

However, he just murmured and cast his gaze in the direction of the scene.

"You just wanted to kill the teacher, right?" Zhang Xiang looked at the fierce battle on the battlefield and said to Mao Yefeng next to him.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Mao Yefeng's body couldn't help stiffening.

It's just that there was a surprised smile on her face. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Oh, where is it? Although it is said that the 10 billion bounty is very attractive. However, people are not going to make a move in this situation. There is a feeling of invincibility, not to mention it, it is possible It will hurt the students." Mao Yefeng smiled and waved in the direction of Zhang Xiang, as if the truth was what she said.

However, the two tentacles that spread from the back of her neck and were grasped by Zhang Xiang did not act as she said.

The two strong tentacles bound by Zhang Xiang's three fingers have been bursting out with great strength, trying to escape from Zhang Xiang's three fingers.

But it is a pity that Zhang Xiang's three fingers are like those made by King Kong, keeping the opponent's two tentacles unable to move.

"But, it seems that Classmate Mao Yefeng’s two tentacles are not doing this. If I hadn’t appeared, I’m afraid your two tentacles would have already shot out, right?" Zhang Xiang raised his right hand. There are two strong tentacles sandwiched between them.

However, looking at Zhang Xiang's right hand raised, Mao Yefeng showed a fake expression.

"Ah, teacher, this is my decoration. It's not a tentacle. Teacher Dayu, are you wrong? And oh, teacher Dayu, even if you are a teacher, you can't just Just touch the girl's things" Mao Yefeng showed a slightly surprised expression on his face, like two tentacles clamped by Zhang Xiang, not hers.

Looking at the stubborn Mao Yefeng, Zhang Xiang shook his head helplessly.

"Well, since you said that. Then I'll let go. However, before you shoot, you should think more clearly. Xuecun Yajiali classmate..." Zhang Xiang released his right hand. Fingers caused the opponent's tentacles to quickly return to the back of the neck and hide them, slowly speaking.

But this time, Mao Yefeng's face finally showed a shocked expression.

"You, what are you..." Mao Yefeng almost yelled out in a panic at first.

But then, she quickly calmed down and forcibly pulled the topic away.

"Teacher, how do you call me this name? It's Mao Yefeng, a student in Class E for three years."

Seeing the other party's rapid reaction, Zhang Xiang also showed an expression of appreciation.

"Yes, I really deserve to be a genius child actor. The stage name seems to be'Mase Haruna', right? A stage name with a rather complicated number of characters." Zhang Xiang was pretending to be inadvertent again, bursting out an unexpected surprise. Come.

But this time, after Mao Yefeng had some psychological preparation, he was still shocked.

But she just paused for a while, and the smile on her face stiffened slightly, which was already covered.

"Ah, is the teacher talking about the former genius child actor'Mase Haruna'? I also like her drama very much. But unfortunately, she seems to have taken a break and went abroad for further studies. So, Teacher Dayu Did you recognize the wrong person?" Mao Yefeng said with a casual smile on his face with his hands behind him.

And looking at the other person's face that he didn't admit to death, Zhang Xiang didn't go on talking.

"Well, since you don't want to admit it. Then, I won't persecute you anymore. Although I haven't thoroughly investigated the reason, you must kill the teacher. However, seeing you have such a big hatred, There must be a deep reason in it.

Speaking of which, I shouldn't stop you. However, don't you think that if you shoot now, the success rate is not high? Although the situation that the teacher showed was very embarrassing. But in fact, is it really like that..." Zhang Xiang showed a mysterious expression on his face.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Mao Yefeng subconsciously wanted to refute.

Fortunately, she still remembered her current identity and pretended to be surprised.

"Ah, isn’t it? Now killing the teacher is in a very dangerous state. Oh, yes, I’m just talking about it. Although I really want to kill the teacher and get that one by myself A bounty of tens of billions. However, I will not take it when I kill the teacher to protect the three-year E classmates." Mao Yefeng said with a smile on his face.

It's just that she hasn't waited for her words to fall.

Outside, with the help of three-year class E students, Killing Teacher has successfully defeated Camp Horibe.

The sudden turnaround caused the pupils of Mao Yefeng's eyes to shrink slightly.

"You see, right? Killing the teacher hasn't been driven into desperation at all. Moreover, he still has a lot of tricks that he hasn't used. At least, the few that I used in the previous battle with him were not The tricks you revealed have not yet been revealed.

So, if you want to succeed in the assassination, you still need to be patient. Just like what you did before, you have been hiding behind all the classmates, carefully observing the weakness of the teacher, and waiting for the real time to come..." Zhang Xiang kept a smile on his face and looked at the victim. The classmates gathered around, grabbed the teacher who was celebrating, and said to Mao Yefeng.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Mao Yefeng showed expressions other than a sweet smile and an innocent face for the first time.

"Continue to wait...find the real opportunity?...Thank you, Teacher Dayu." Mao Yefeng clenched his hands and released it again, his eyes full of murderous intent and confusion.

But in the end, the killing intent in her eyes was gradually hidden, she smiled again, and bowed to Zhang Xiang.

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