Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2190: , Rich and powerful, capricious!

And just like the original work, shortly after the summer vacation, Class E for the third year collectively came to play on a sightseeing island in Neon. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

During the period, after experiencing the tram, high-speed rail and ferry.

It is not necessary for the students in Class E for three years to do it. They have the weakness of seasickness, and they are already half-dead to kill the teacher, before they come to this sightseeing island.

Then, the three-year class E classmates began to implement their plan, and dragged the half-dead teacher to wander around, distracting him.

The other three-year E class people began to arrange the various settings in the plan.

And after spending half a day, when night came, the must-kill setting for killing the teacher was finally completed.

Whether it was the choice of the assassination location, the layout of the traps, and the move of Xiao Lu outside the assassination location, all were completed within half a day.

In this process, Zhang Xiang didn't participate in the whole process.

However, it was not that he did not want to participate, but that he was rejected by the students as an excuse that Teacher Dayou was suspicious and might reveal clues to kill the teacher.

After listening to their words, Zhang Xiang was almost not frustrated and bent forward.

However, fortunately, it was a cute girl who said some words, and it was just right to comfort Zhang Xiang's injured little mind.

As for why Zhang Xiang knows all their arrangements, this is very simple.

His mental power can detect things on other planets, how could he not even cover such a small island?

Everything is within Zhang Xiang's observation range.

The difference is that he wants to see it or not.

Keke... First of all, Zhang Xiang never took a peek at the girls changing swimsuits.


Well, let's get back to business.

After being excluded by the three-year E classmates, Zhang Xiang began to wander around the island. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

The facts have proved that this island is also very suitable for play.

"Well, yes, there are waterfalls, birds and animals, and all kinds of plants, and the key is the zoo with little bears. Yes, I really like this island more and more. Why not buy it. Wait For a while, when Xiao Kong was on vacation, he took them to visit." Zhang Xiang made a decision in an instant.

As for the fact that this island is under the name of the Neon Government, there has never been a precedent for island trading before, and this is completely out of consideration for Zhang Xiang.

After all, many people have bought and sold islands abroad, whether it is the neon of past lives, the United States, or even the Celestial Kingdom.

Since other countries already have precedents, isn’t it impossible for Neon to set the first precedent?


To sum up, it is power and money, and willfulness!

So, at the next moment.

He began to take out a phone call and directly ordered a company that he had reorganized to cover up his identity, ‘School City’, and let them start to act.

This company is mainly engaged in military-related businesses such as ordnance. Although it has been established for a short time, it can be said to be in a good state with the government.

Even the relationship with the world's top five rogue nations is still pretty good.

After all, most of the military equipment produced by this company, as well as various new weapons, are manufactured using technology that is decades ahead of this world academy city.

Of course, it's not that no one is spying.

However, under Zhang Xiang's sign, the deterrence of certain weapons of mass destruction revealed, and the various relationships and interests that were originally established by various countries were driven.

This company is still developing smoothly.

Just six months after its establishment, it already has billions of dollars in transactions.

And this is just that the transaction has been completed, and the intention is as high as tens of billions of dollars.

After all, more than one country is familiar with these weapons and technologies that are one level higher than their national scientific research level and are already mature.

Even if you can’t buy the technology, it’s good to buy the weapon and disassemble it for research, right? !

In addition, Zhang Xiang indicated that the one who was basically left behind by him, but was already secretly helped by the company that has grown into the Neon First Consortium. I believe it will not take long for this island to complete the land privatization, and then Direct auction, and finally won.

After all, not to mention that Zhang Xiang had almost controlled the entire neon high-ranking official in private.

That is to say, the complex and intricate possessed by a super consortium can extend to the entire neon officialdom, as well as about 30% of the entire neon’s manufacturing and service-related forces. It's not a trivial thing to get up.

It’s just that other consortiums, due to various intricate internal power constraints, interlocking shares, and various constraints, have not been able to buy and sell islands like Zhang Xiang. It seems that it's a ridiculous thing.

Therefore, it did not show the corresponding power.

However, for Zhang Xiang, whose shares are basically in his own hands, or a new consortium, who does not have too many intricate relationships in the group, it is quite easy to get the group to ban it.

Don't forget, every important place in the whole group has been ‘tested’ by his illusion, and they are all loyal guys.

Oh, pull it far here, continue to pull it back.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's request, the executive chairman of the "School City" from the United States who claims to have a lot of connections all over the world felt embarrassed.

But in the end, he said he would try his best.

Who is? He is just a part-time worker...

So, just under his order.

It's not just this "School City" military group company that has attracted the attention of many countries. It is like a gear that has begun to turn. It has begun to involve all aspects of the world, causing the undercurrent in the whole world. They all began to surging rapidly.

All the councillors involved in the "School City", as well as all high-ranking officials, were driven into action by a series of inexplicable orders or potential profit transactions.

Even the first consortium of the neon newborn, this behemoth also expressed news about the formation of alliances with the military company of "School City", and more personnel will be involved in this whirlpool afterwards. .

After all, sometimes a statement can already mean a lot.

Suddenly, the whole neon officialdom can be said to be turbulent.

However, these are nothing to do with Zhang Xiang.

For him, whether it is the current Neon First Consortium Company or the newly formed "School City" company for his new vest, it is all about serving him and his family more conveniently and better.

As for what kind of consequences will be caused, this is not within his consideration.

And, after the battle that was triggered by the last digital world.

Zhang Xiang already knows that sometimes to properly expose his muscles is the best protection for himself and his family, and the best way to avoid trouble!

Of course, what he showed was only the muscles of his current vest.

Regarding his true identity and all the information about Xiaoniaoyoujia, he naturally would not disclose it.

Because, his true identity is now shown as a highly productive and influential cartoonist, and the current owner of a large company under the first consortium, is enough to protect his current identity.

After all, it is not a good thing for an ordinary person to have too high a status.

At least, travel will be afraid of being recognized.

As for why he is now an ordinary person.

It was because he had wiped out all traces of his identity from this world in order to avoid trouble.

In every key position, there are people who put themselves free.

It is impossible for things like last time to happen again.

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