Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2200: , Buy the island!

However, Zhang Xiang smiled at him. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Do you think that if you ask me to ask, will something unfavorable to you pop out of his mouth?" Zhang Xiang said to him with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Wujian Weichen frowned slightly.

"Do you think that the defense of the Ministry of Defense is so poor that it can allow Takaoka to enter and exit at will? And, where did the money for hiring three killers come from when he was involved in this matter? Don't tell me, your Ministry of Defense Is the salary that high? In that case, I have the urge to quit." Zhang Xiang used slightly funny words to tell some hidden truths.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Didn't I say that before? Some of the secret funds of the Ministry of Defense were stolen. It seems that Takaoka did this thing. So, he used the money from three killers to use that. Hired by a secret fund. Is there any problem with this?" Wujian Weichen continued to frown.

"Don't pretend. I believe that with your IQ, you must have seen what is hidden inside. Ministry of Defense? What does the Ministry of Defense do?! Believe, you know better than me. And, don't tell. I, the secret funds used by the Ministry of Defense for the use of secret channels, would a special soldier in Takaoka know? And even if he did, he could get the key? Can he know the location and password of the safe? He still needs to get it. After the money, did you escape from the Ministry of Defense? Don’t tell me, if you guys from the Ministry of Defense, would you take the three-year E class to search for the place where the teacher went to make sure that there is no threat or arrangement to anger the teacher. After going down to the pit to kill the teacher, do you feel relieved? Is this enough?..." Zhang Xiang said with a hehe smile.

But the more Zhang Xiang said this, the uglier the expression on Wujian Weichen's face.

Although he had already felt something wrong, he just didn't want to think about it.

And now that these things he didn't want to know, Zhang Xiang said one by one, how could his face be good.

This ugly expression is not only dissatisfied with the little tricks in the secret area of ​​the Ministry of Defense, but also dissatisfied with Zhang Xiang's direct disclosure of this matter. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because everything Zhang Xiang revealed is expressing.

The Ministry of Defense was already a little impatient to start, and even ignored the life and death of the three-year E class students.

The reason why Eagle Oka came to start was that Eagle Oka did have a grudge with Teacher Killing and the third year E class. It was suitable to do this and there was an excuse to get out.

More importantly, the Ministry of Defense is a semi-secret department under the government.

If once the teacher is not killed, let them participate in the murder of middle school students and pass it on.

Then, the anger from the people is enough to tear the Ministry of Defense to pieces, and it is even possible that the ruling party will step down.

That's why they are so happy to see it happen, and they provide Takaoka with all kinds of powerful conditions so that his plan can be executed.

Otherwise, as a special soldier, how could it be possible for Takaoka to defend the hiding place of the provincial secret funds and obtain the key and password smoothly.

He is not a senior official of the Ministry of Defense.

Not to mention, the hiring of killers, Takaoka has done so uprightly, how can the Ministry of Defense not receive wind?

"You don't have any evidence for this..." Wu Jian Weichen could only say such a languishing excuse in the end.

Then he fell silent.

Because, he felt that this excuse, even he himself could not convince.

"What kind of evidence do you need for these things? A discerning person can see it at a glance. Believe it or not, many students in Class E of three years will immediately understand what is going on. Moreover, Even if you want evidence, believe it or not, I can go and bring the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense directly and bring them here, so that you can ask whether their thinking and approach are different from what I said?" Zhang Xiang spread out Said with both hands.

"However, if you do this, you will still be in trouble. Even if you slightly hurt Takaoka, the Ministry of Defense will have an excuse to investigate you." Uma said.

And until he said this, Zhang Xiang acquiesced in what Zhang Xiang said.

But when Wu Jian Weichen said this, Zhang Xiang showed a smile instead.

However, it is at this time.

A sweet bell rang.

"Hey, who is it?" Zhang Xiang asked directly and cleanly.

"Boss, it's me. I finally got things done on your island..." A series of slightly squatting neon words rang from the opposite side of the phone.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

After speaking a few words with the other party, he hung up the phone.

"Okay, the trouble is gone. Half an hour ago, this small island had been separated from Neon and became the private domain of my subordinate company. And, by the way, even the law is OK. It’s up to our side. Therefore, everything that happens on this side, as long as I want, let alone serious injury to Takaoka, even if this small island is blown down, it is my freedom." Zhang Xiang shook his mobile phone in front of Wujian Weichen.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Wu Jian Weichen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"What?! You said, this small island was taken down by you. Moreover, which one has even the sovereignty changed?!" Uma Weichen's face was full of weirdness, and he almost shouted .

Naturally, even the people in Class E of the third year heard his words clearly.

"What? Bought the island?"

"Who bought it?"

"Is it Teacher Dayu?!"

"Can our country's islands be bought and sold?!"

The shocked voice rang from the side of Class E in the third year.

Listening to the exclamation of the students, Zhang Xiang also shook his mobile phone to answer.

"Yes, just now. My company has already bought this small island. So, to celebrate this. Your boarding and lodging on the island, even if it is out of the few designated by the school Restaurants and lodgings are free of charge for everything else." Zhang Xiang announced the good news to them.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the three-year E class students couldn't help exclaiming.

"Teacher, long live!"

"If you buy an island, at least it needs... tens of billions of dollars?!"

"Moreover, it's still this kind of human island, there should be more than it!"

"It turns out that Teacher Dayou in our class is the richest!"

"I knew, we went to hold Teacher Dayou's thigh..."

And when the three-year E class students were cheering, Uma Yuchen, who always kept a plain expression beside him, still kept that shocked look.

Because he is not as ignorant as the three-year E class students.

There is a precedent for buying and selling islands!

However, Neon is a precedent that has never sold an island, only the precedent of forcibly ‘buying’ an island!

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