Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2257: , Weapons of mass destruction!

Fifteen minutes later, they finally took the cable car to a position close to the mountainside. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Yeah, start skiing" came to the snow and looked a little excited to kill the teacher. He raised the pole in his hand and shouted.

And the class E classmates of three years also cheered.

However, Zhang Xiang, who was sitting on the cable car, smiled slightly while looking at the distant scene.

"Good show, it's about to start. Well, the first wave"

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice just fell, Teacher Killing in the distance had already encountered the first wave of traps arranged by the students.

At the moment when Teacher Killing slipped out, because he was not used to skiing with this body, he fell down.

Teacher Wujian, who was the commander-in-chief of this operation, issued the first order on the radio.


As his voice fell, his right hand pressed a button.

In an instant, the skateboard underneath Teacher's feet, as well as the poles above his hands, suddenly exploded, forming a big net directly towards Teacher's entire silhouette.

At the same time, other classmates who were close to each other in Class E for three years directly took out a handgun that was easy to hide from their clothes.

"Block all the possible escape locations for Teacher Killing!" Akabaye suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, the dense barrage shot suddenly towards all directions where Teacher Killing could escape.


The power of the explosion and the blasting of the bullets caused the snow on the ground to start to splash, blocking everyone's sight.

They didn't stop until two minutes later, when Class E of the third year had all the magazines in their hands lit up.

With the sound of the bullet diminishing, the place where the snowflakes splashed reappeared in everyone's sight. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Did you kill it?!"

"do not know."

"Just look at it!"

Repeated assassination failures have already made Class E for three years dare not make any conclusions.

As a result, naturally, in the place that gradually became clear, there was no figure to kill the teacher at all.

"He escaped, was it in the air?"

Nagisa Chaotian judged it and looked up in the direction of the sky.

However, the sky was as blue as a wash now, and there was no figure that killed the teacher at all.

"Since there is no sky, it is..."

Everyone projected their sights in the direction of the ground.

And it did not live up to everyone's expectations. The snow layer on the ground not far away shook for a while, but the round head of the teacher came out.

"Kill the teacher!"

"You really are not dead!"

Everyone can't help but exclaim.

"Hey, of course, it is impossible to make me die so easily. Not to mention your traps, I have already seen through from the beginning." Teacher Sha showed a proud smile on his face. , Gave out a queen-like three-stage laugh, so that the three-year E class students could not help showing helpless expressions.

It's just that the three-year E class students did not show any frustration.

Because their killing action this time was far more than just one time.

Just after Akabane looked at the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"it has started."

As his voice fell, dark clouds gradually drifted over from the distance, covering the entire sky.

"Here, with the help of the first assassination of the students, to secretly prepare the second operation involving the Ministry of Defense, the second operation jointly participated by the third year E Class and the Ministry of Defense." Zhang Xiang I looked at the sky in the distance, and then I looked at the personnel of the Ministry of Defense who were lying in the snow in the forest and covered with white cloth.

And at this moment, the first strand of snowflakes fell in the sky.

It's just that these snowflakes were carried out from a distance in the direction of the middle three E class surrounded and killed the teacher.

If Teacher Killing can find out in time, then he will find that the color of the snowflakes seems to be a little wrong, it is no longer snow white or gray, but mixed with a hint of green snowflakes.

That's right, these snowflakes are mixed with special substances that kill the teacher.

At this time, the Ministry of Defense finally started to use a wide range of attacks to limit the ability of killing the teacher at the sky-defying level.

And at this moment, those snow mixed with green finally fell on Teacher Killing.

In the sound of ‘Zila’, a big hole was corroded in Teacher Kill’s body.

"Is this one? Turn the door to deal with my material?!" Teacher Killing suddenly exclaimed.

"Kill the teacher, you already think it's too late."

"This is our second kill trap, start!"

Following the order, many people in Class E of the third year suddenly squatted onto the snow.

On the mountain peaks in the distance, and in the snow not far away, the Ministry of Defense personnel who were already ambushing around suddenly lifted the cover on their bodies and directed them in the direction of killing the teacher. A strafe was launched.

And there is more to it!

Under this kind of crisis, many students in Class E of the third year also dig out a handful of firearms from the snow, and also joined the attack against the teacher.

Suddenly, there were countless attacks in the sky or all around.

The only choice to kill the teacher is to choose the option like just now.

However, when he dug under the snow, he suddenly discovered that the ground below, and even a part of the snow was all set up to deal with the teacher.

To death, Teacher Killing has fallen into death.

However, at this moment, killing the teacher made a move that surprised everyone.

He actually took off his clothes and directly used the cotton coat in his hand as a protective shield to resist all attacks.

"Wow, haha, although there is no image...Haqiu...well, it's still a bit cold. But you still can't kill me." Teacher Sha showed a wicked smile on his face.

Looking at the smug look of Teacher Killing, Zhang Xiang, who was not far away, couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

"I really wanted to beat him up when I watched it. Really, I knew I had turned into a person from the Ministry of Defense, and I gave him two blows." Zhang Xiang said uncomfortably.

"No, don't know it long ago, just give him two shots now!" Zhang Xiang directly changed a firearm, aimed at the direction of killing the teacher and sent a shot.


The real bullet that suddenly struck, even if Teacher Killing reacted and wanted to use a cotton coat to resist it, it had no effect.

A hole appeared directly on the cotton coat.

Although the bullet hit and killed the teacher, it did not cause him any impact.

However, this move by Zhang Xiang has given everyone a lot of enlightenment.

"Yes, shoot the cotton coat in his hand with a real gun, isn't it enough?"

Accompanied by this sober voice, Teacher Killing who also heard the voice twitched.

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