Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 28: , Darius!

Because the existence that appeared in his sight was really beyond his expectation. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The two confronting existences, one is tall, about 1.8 meters tall, but the whole body is wrapped with a white bandage, but through these wrapped bandages, you can see that the other party's whole body is tight. An unknown cosmic person with scarlet red eyes.

And the other one was about twelve or three years old, with a brutal smile on his face, and the most important thing was the Saiyan with a tail!

Yes, Saiyan!

But it was not this that shocked Zhang Xiang, but that the other party's face turned out to be so similar to the original Wukong in his memory, which was eight or nine points similar.

For a moment, he almost regarded the other party as Monkey King.

However, in the next moment, he already calmed down.

‘Dalles...! This name flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

Although he can't remember the plot of the original Dragon Ball, he still remembers the people involved in the Spirit Tree quite clearly.

In his memory, it was this Darius who led a lot of hands to descend on the earth, planting the seeds of the spiritual tree on the earth, and almost did not destroy the earth.

In the beginning, Wukong was so angry that he almost killed the opponent and the group.

However, when the other party ate the fruit of the spirit tree while Wukong was not paying attention, everything changed.

Darius, whose combat power soared to 500,000, directly slammed Wukong who had used ten times the Realm King Fist.

In the end, Wukong relied on the vitality energy contributed by the spiritual tree to make the vitality bomb, and then killed the opponent.

After watching these two people, Zhang Xiang turned his attention to the audience.

Around the two of them, there are a large number of cosmic people of various shapes lying down. Their breath is gone, and most of the cosmic people's bodies are already torn apart.

Obviously, it was done by one of the two people present.

However, Zhang Xiang had already made a conclusion in his heart.

'The two unripe fruits of the World Tree that disappeared... There were only twelve or three-year-old Saiyans... The battle suddenly soared from 300 to 23,000... And the scene that was cleared... definitely That's right, Darius made it! Zhang Xiang connected all the clues in his mind and made a judgment.

At this time, the off-court situation changed again.

"How can you, your combat power be possible!" The bandaged cosmic guy glanced across the surrounding scenes, and shouted in shock in the direction of Darius.

"How impossible! You know, I have eaten the fruits of two mental trees! However, it is really amazing! Even if it is not yet mature, it has already made my combat effectiveness soar. It really is. That’s great! Next, as long as you kill you, all the fruits of the spiritual tree are mine!" Darius, who was on the court, did not conceal the tyranny and killing intent in his heart, and hid himself The two spirit trees behind each took a bite, showing a half-green to purple spirit tree fruit, and squeezed it exploded with a single effort!

At this time, the truth is already clear.

Although Darius was in a group with this group of cosmic people, he had long wanted to occupy the fruit of the spiritual tree.

Therefore, he didn't know what opportunity he took advantage of, but he secretly picked the fruits of two immature mental trees.

Then, just after finding the opportunity to eat the two immature spiritual tree fruits, relying on the skyrocketing combat power, he wanted to kill all competing companions at once.

However, although he carried out a sneak attack.

However, it was still escaped by the cosmic man who possessed 15,000 combat power.

After all, even though his combat power has skyrocketed to a little over 20,000, his control is a little uncomfortable because he has never controlled such a powerful force.

Therefore, let the other party escape.

But at this time, the situation of the scene has changed again.

I saw him behind Nadalius, but I didn't know when, the strong cosmic man who was originally shocked and wrapped in a white bandage had already appeared behind Nadalius.

"Give me to die!" The bandaged cosmoman who suddenly appeared behind Darius kicked on Darius' waist and kicked his body directly into the trunk of the spirit tree. Above, a big pit came out.

At the same time, the bandaged cosmic man who was originally confronted in front of Darius with shock on his face also slowly flew forward and stopped next to the other bandaged cosmic man who had just appeared.

Then, the two of them spoke at the same time.

"Haha... even if you ate two spiritual tree fruits! I am a Kaia star with the clone ability and 15,000! With you, a wild monkey, even if your combat power has increased again How is it?! It’s just a wild monkey! But, thanks to you! I don’t have to work hard to get my clone in the dark to take action, and solve these fools who want to share the fruits of the spiritual tree with me! Thanks too! You! I just confirmed that the legend is true! Next, please go to death!" The two Kaiya star people who laughed out at the same time, no, it was the one who became two Kaia clones. However, the Yaxing people stretched out their left and right hands at the same time, and in an instant they shot dozens of qigong cannons, directly bombarding the trunk of the spiritual tree that Nadalius hit, causing a violent burst. explosion.

Fortunately, the spirit tree is a special tree species, which is very resistant to attacks from qigong guns,

Otherwise, under the offensive of the Nakai star person's body and clone, it would not be surprising if it was directly broken.

Looking at the big explosion and strong energy fluctuations caused by the qigong cannon, the Kaiya star couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face.

"Follow me, this is the end! Haha... so many spiritual tree fruits are mine! As long as I eat it, even if it is Frieza, I can step on the soles of my feet! For a time, the overlord of the universe was..." The Kaiya star looked at the spiritual tree fruits hanging on the canopy, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

It's just that he hadn't waited until he laughed wildly and finished the words.

A fierce qigong cannon shot out from the direction of the smoky spiritual tree trunk, and then bombarded the body of the Kaiya star, directly giving the Kaiya star standing on the spot. Killed.

"Haha... is it the overlord of the universe?! Is it a wild monkey?! I really don't know what to say!" Darius's voice sounded, while his body with only damaged clothes appeared in Nakai. In front of the Yaxing people.

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