Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 33: , The seed of the spiritual tree is gone!

However, facing this scene, Zhang Xiang seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

His figure was tens of kilometers high at the foot of the spiritual tree, and before it collapsed, he had already used the air dance technique to quickly leave the area covered by the world tree.

Of course, at the same time he left, he also grabbed the seed of the spiritual tree with a pale green light mingled in the collapsed ashes.

And the sudden collapse of the spiritual tree also gave this world that became deadly silent, a little different change.

At least, the sudden collapse of a ton of spiritual tree that I don't know has caused the trajectory of the planet that had changed its orbit due to the growth of the spiritual tree to be pushed further in the direction of the star of this galaxy.

Although it is hard to detect with the naked eye, in fact this planet is shifting towards the next orbit at a speed of tens of kilometers per second.

It can be imagined what will happen when the trajectory of this planet is fixed again after a few years.

At that time, the climate of this planet will probably become even warmer, at least the normal temperature will reach about 30 degrees.

And because of the rise in temperature, this planet with not originally lush vegetation will probably be covered with a lot of tropical rainforest.

Of course, this is something thousands of years later.

And what can be seen with the naked eye is happening now.

The remaining branches and debris of the spirit tree that collapsed were decayed rapidly at a speed that seemed to be slow but still detectable with the naked eye.

The vitality that was invisible to ordinary people's eyes floated out of the rotten spiritual branches and debris, and merged into the ground below, giving this land that seemed completely devoid of vitality a glimmer of hope.

And under the ground, the roots that almost took root in the heart of the earth, spreading freely under the ground, and the roots that had penetrated most of the planet to the ground, began to rot.

Strands of liquid began to seep out from these rotting tree roots, returning to the earth again...

"It seems that it is really like in the legend. It only takes hundreds of years to see wool, line, Chinese, and the Internet, and it will slowly recover some vitality." Zhang Xiang felt this. The changes that have taken place on this planet can not help but sigh with emotion.

However, this sigh of emotion is not saying that the speed of recovery of this planet is very slow, but on the contrary.

Before seeing the sea that was almost completely dry, and the earth that had completely lost its vitality, Zhang Xiang thought that this planet would never recover.

However, based on the current situation.

In just a few hundred years, the situation on this planet will recover slightly.

Of course, it was only slightly recovered.

If you want to fully recover, it will take at least thousands of years.

And after thousands of years, because of the changes in the trajectory of the planet, it has moved from a relatively cold zone to a relatively warm zone. This planet should be more vigorous than it is now.

"However, all this is a matter of thousands of years later. Now, let's leave first. According to calculations, Frieza and his team should have found something wrong and sent another person to investigate. Although the trajectory of my departure, It was almost completely wiped out by the planet explosion. But I used a combat power detection table before, and I still need to be wary of being photographed by the other side..." Zhang Xiang analyzed, while carrying hundreds of people around him. The fruit of the spiritual tree began to surround the scope of the collapse of the spiritual tree and began to look for the spacecraft that Darius and his gang came to this planet.

As for his original spaceship, it was completely unusable.

Moreover, even if he was flying, he wouldn't dare to sit anymore.

Who would dare to sit on the ruins of the spaceship that leaked the wind, nearly half of the body was missing, and the spaceship was still burning before...

With the dual help of sight and spiritual power, Zhang Xiang quickly found the spaceship.

"Found it!" Zhang Xiang felt a huge ellipsoidal object of special material scanned by the mental power. He couldn't help but was shocked, and quickly flew in that direction using dance art.

In a short while, he was already at the place scanned by his mental power.

This place is dozens of kilometers away from the foot of the Spirit Tree, but the surrounding area is covered by the ashes of the World Tree that collapsed.

And the spaceship that was originally docked in a basin was also covered up.

"Go ahead!" Zhang Xiang came to a flat ground, with his right hand facing the ground.

And at the next moment, along with the powerful breath erupting from his body, the covered ashes under his feet began to be blown away quickly, exposing the covered spaceship.

And just after Zhang Xiang used air to blow away all the ashes, in the basin with a gap of only ten meters, a spaceship with a diameter of more than 100 meters lay quietly in it.

Moreover, this spacecraft is not like the last research spacecraft, but a spacecraft that is clearly inclined to fight.

In this case, it can be seen from the two hideous barrels on the spacecraft that are more than ten meters long, most of which are still hidden in the hull.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang feel bright.

Soon, he flew to the door of the spaceship.

He didn't know if it was the opponent and the group who were confident in their own strength, or thought that the time it took to plant the spirit tree was not long, and the opponent's spaceship door was not closed.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang feel pleasantly surprised.

After all, it is good to not have to bother to crack the password of the gate.

And then, after Zhang Xiang inspected the interior of the spacecraft and confirmed that there were no enemies, he flew in with the fruits of the hundreds of spiritual trees.

After putting the fruit of the spirit tree in half, Zhang Xiang flew towards the front half of the spacecraft, and sat on the apparent command seat.

Then, through the excuse of the command system, he began to invade the entire spacecraft.

After invading once, Zhang Xiang, who had made perfect practice, only took more than a minute to crack the main authority problem.

Moreover, this time because of time, he also carried out a self-inspection inspection of the entire ship.

"It's really good! On this spacecraft, there are two'ValientMk8' (Barriante)-class 110mm linear railguns, eight anti-missile missile launch tubes (HellDart), twelve The large-scale missile launching tube at the stern of the door ship can already annihilate a large-scale base-level firepower equipment. It is really unexpected that the technology has already developed to this level in a world where vitality is so high." Zhang Xiang sighed with emotion.

Because, as far as he knows, although the science and technology tree in Dragon Ball is lit to a high degree, it is already possible to create humanoids that can destroy the earth and solar system at will, and there is also an infinite energy furnace. The unscientific things come.

But there is no doubt that the science and technology tree of Dragon Ball World is indeed a bit crooked.

In some respects it is strong enough to explode, but in terms of infrastructure, as well as conventional and unconventional human weapons, it seems that there is nothing outstanding.

However, Zhang Xiang now knows he was wrong.

Because just the missiles with eight anti-missile launch tubes equipped on this spacecraft can destroy an 800-meter high mountain.

If two Barriant-class 110mm linear rail cannons were used for power, it would be a breeze to cause destruction like a mountain range destroyed by Zhang Xiang, who just had a combat power of one million.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang suddenly had an idea.

"Well, let's not go to the earth for now! With the fruits and seeds of the spiritual tree, most of the combat power problems have been solved. The dragon ball of the earth may not achieve my current wish. Then, go first. Let's take a look at the planet recorded on this spaceship! Maybe there will be something interesting!" Zhang Xiang made a decision.

At the same time, the door of this spacecraft began to slowly close.

The powerful propulsion device started to activate, propelling the spacecraft to start flying towards the stars again...

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